Tuesday, March 30, 2010

When Is A Loan Not A Loan?

When the government chose to do the bailouts, Obama referred to it as "the American people were loaning this money" to those entities. The term "loan" infers that the people doing the loaning will get their investment back.

Well, the government "loaned" $45 billion taxpayer dollars to Citibank. The government now plans to sell much of those shares for $32.5 billion.

However, we, the "loaning" taxpayers will never see a dime of that money back. If, indeed, that money were used to pay down the deficit, then yes, we would be getting the money back. But it can pretty much be guaranteed that the government will use that money for other government programs.

What this means: the government STOLE $45 billion dollars from us with no intention of ever paying it back. It simply gets added to the debt that WE will have to pay off in the form of higher taxes. So, if you think you have not been "taxed", think again!

That money was taken from our children - it needs to be given back. But it will not be. Mark my word - that money will NEVER be used to pay back the taxpayers.


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