Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Don't Feed The Bears

If you go to any of the National Parks you will see signs everywhere warning you not to feed the bears. In fact, it is illegal. And the reasons are sound.

If you feed the bears, they will come to expect it. They will learn to depend upon it. And when you run out of food to give, they will demand more and get mean, angry, and will attack you when there is no more. Bears WILL bite the hand that feeds them if it stops feeding them.

Throughout Europe today - Spain, France, Greece etc. - the people have taken to the streets, rioting, burning cars, looting, hurting people. All trains and other common carriers, as well as most other services have shut down. The reason? Same thing - the governments that gave their people all those handouts (entitlements) can no longer afford to do so, and have cut back severely in order to get their finances in order. And the people who have come to expect, depend upon and even demand those handouts are furious - they don't want the free ride to end. They feel cheated because they can no longer mooch off those that do the work.

America is heading in the same direction. All our entitlements are bankrupting us, but the people who get those entitlements just don't care, as long as they get "theirs". And the day is coming when our government will also have to get its financial house in order, and the only way that can be done is to cut entitlements. And the rioting will begin. The bears will be angry, and will get mean.

The strange thing is, our Constitution does not allow for entitlements, and no one is "entitled" to anything that they, themselves have not earned. Yet they are precisely the ones who will riot in the streets.

We, The People need to come to our senses and stop providing "entitlements" that people simply are not entitled to. If we keep on the current course, the bears will attack!


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Reduce Risk of Alzheimer's

Wait a minute - what was this blog supposed to be about? Oh yeah - Alzheimer's.

Seriously, there are ways to greatly reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, though it would be much more effective the younger you start.

Do you know what shows up, alarmingly in high quantities, in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? ALUMINUM. Researchers are relatively certain that the accumulation of aluminum in the brain foster's Alzheimers.

Until the 1980's, Alzheimer's was relatively rare. Since the '80's it has been steadily increasing. Now think about this - before 1950 there was almost no aluminum being consumed in our diets. Then, suddenly, frozen foods (i.e. T.V. dinners etc) and soft drinks were packaged in aluminum. Aluminum pots and pans replaced tin and steel.

Suddenly, people were inadvertently consuming aluminum. Lots of it. And a generation later the effects started to make their preence known.

To make matters much worse, communities across the country began fluoridating their water. Fluoride, a by-product of making aluminum, was rat poison. It was banned for being too toxic. So now they put it in the water (all other modern, industrial nations have banned it from water supplies). But here's the kicker - fluoride causes the body to ABSORB more of the aluminum you consume. And guess where it goes? That's right - straight to the brain.

To reduce the risk of Alzheimer's, simply eliminate the consumption of aluminum. Cook with steel, not aluminum. Avoid aluminum and aluminum foil contacting food. Stay away from fluoridated water. And the younger you start, the better, since aluminum accumulates and does not flush out of the body.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Vegetarian Myths

It seems everywhere you go these days there are fanatics trying to convince people that it is healthier to be a vegetarian, and so many "celebrities" that have been duped into going out stumping for vegetarianism and PETA.

They can do as they wish, but they should stop conning others into their drivel. And drivel it is, as the evidence shows.

FACT: Vegetarians die younger, according to census data

FACT: Vegetarian kids are sicklier, according to the Archives of Pediactric Adolescent Medicine that tracks such things

FACT: Vegtarian diets do NOT make you more "regular". Even teen vegetarians are 8 times more likely to need and use laxatives

FACT: Researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School have linked meatless, low protein diets to slumping sex function and muscle loss and bone damage.

FACT: Nature dictates what any creature is supposed to eat, and each animal (Man is an animal) has the teeth necessary for the diet best suited to them and their survival. Herbivores (i.e. cows, sheep, rabbits etc.) have incisors and molars, suited to eating plants. Carnivores (i.e. wolves, cats etc.) have canine teeth for ripping flesh. Man has the teeth of an omnivore - an animal that eats both plant and flesh. We have incisors and molars, but also bicuspids and canine (eye) teeth. Ergo, nature says we need meat in order to maintain our health.

And here is more news - the deadliest factor in heart disease is not cholesterol, as many believe. Cholesterol is harmless until it "catches" on a rough spot in your arteries, and then builds up from that. And the thing that causes those "rough spots" is a little thing called homocysteine, which corrodes arteries like a rusty pipe.

And can you guess what the best way to reduce homocysteine is? You guessed it - eating red meat.

For those who believe in the Old Testament, it is written in Genesis that God tells us what our sources of food shall be. It includes meat.

And for those of you who may still doubt the veracity of this, perhaps you should spend time sitting outside a vegetarian store and watch the customers. You will find that the majority of them are more sickly looking than the average person who walks into a butcher shop. I'm not kidding. Check it out for yourself.

Vegetarianism has other problems as well, including some serious problems for the ecology and the economy. If Man were to become vegetarian, there would be no raising of livestock (reducing jobs and eliminating many businesses). No livestock means no fertilizer for all the plants we would have to grow. This would result in a reduction of food sources, driving prices up and increasing hunger throughout the world. If you doubt that, it is a fact that the simple act of mandating 10% ethanol in our gas resulted in food shortages and higher prices worldwide.

Anyone who wants to be a vegetarian has every right to eat what they want. But don't BS the rest of us with your bogus excuses and disproved myths of better health. It ain't so.


Friday, September 24, 2010

When Is A Fence Not A Fence?

If you want to start a real dust up with liberals, suggest building a fence on the border. The result will be they will call you a bigoted racist, among other things.

The President of Mexico, Phillippe Calderone has called Americans racist for wanting to secure our borders. He has even considered suing Arizona. And when he visited Obama, Calderone blasted those who want a fence.

Which brings us to the news item of the day - president Calderone has decided to build his own fence, on his southern border. The reason is to keep out the illegal immigrants coming up from Central and South America who are putting a strain on Mexico's resources.

Can anyone say HYPOCRITE?

And where are all those American liberals who blast us for wanting a fence? Why are we hearing nothing from them about Calderone's fence?

Again, it seems that HYPOCRITE is the word of the day.


So, You Don't Believe There Will Be Death Panels...

There is a drug currently on the market and approved by the FDA that successfully treats some otherwise untreatable cancers. But it costs $7700 per month. And most insurance policies cover it. It extends lives.

Yesterday the FDA said it will remove its approval of the drug "because it is too expensive." Not because it is risky. Just because of its cost.

So here it is, for the disbelievers - ObamaCare does not want to pay that kind of money to keep you alive, so they will disapprove a drug that can keep you alive, simply because of its cost. By disapproving it, insurance companies no longer will cover it. And people who depend upon that drug for their very lives will die.

But still the liberals tell us there will be no "death panels". But I contend they have already convened...


Where Is The Outrage?

Today, the Democrats in Congress have brought in a far-left liberal comic, Stephen Colbert, to "testify" on immigration. The Democrats asked him to do so in his TV role as a phony conservative - Colbert makes his living playing the part of a dumb, racist conservative. And that is how the Democrats want him to "testify".

I don't know about you, but EVERY American, regardless of party should be outraged that our Congressional Hall has been turned into a soundstage for Saturday Night Live. Of course, since Democrats have already elected a Saturday Night Live clown as a Senator, this comes as no surprise.

The only thing missing is having Tina Fey do her stand-up on Sarah Palin.

Every Democrat who had any part in this childish, ignorant attempt to demean Congress and insult the American people and waste this kind of time and taxpayer money should be immediately tossed out on their ear. In a more patriotic time, they would have been tarred, feathered and run out on a rail.

By the way, folks - this little farce cost you $125,000....


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Why America Is Slipping

For 200 years, Americans, as a group, had one goal - to BUILD something better. Most people were wrapped up in being citizens of a free nation where their creativity could be unleashed, some on a large scale (think Henry Ford or Thomas Edison), and others on a smaller scale (think farmers and settlers).

For 200 years, we were growing a nation, building things better. But over the last 50 years, we have stopped being citizens and have become consumers. Instead of building something better, a large number of Americans can think of nothing else but how much they can consume. How many toys can I have? How many "super-sized" meals can I eat? How much can I TAKE?

And therein lies the difference. America used to be a nation of people willing to give their all to contribute to the growth and prosperity of the nation. And now we are far down the road to seeing how many freebies we can get from the government, paid for by those few who still want America to grow. We do not place the nation as a top priority. Instead, it's all about "me, me, me".

With 49% of all working Americans not paying ANY taxes, and with nearly half of all Americans living off government entitlements or salaries, we have reached a crossroads. It is like a see-saw - too much weight on one side will push things irrevocably in that direction. If government grows any further, America will be on a downward spiral from which we will not recover. After all, when more people are consuming than growing, the pot empties quickly.

Think of it this way - what do you think will happen if you withdraw more money from the bank than you put in?

America needs to re-evaluate its addiction to consumerism. Certainly, it is nice to have all the goodies, and that is not a problem. The problem arises when we take out more than we are willing to put in. We all want it all, but we are not all willing to do our share to PROVIDE it.

How much do YOU put back, for all that you use up? How self-sufficient are you? How would you fare if, suddenly, the government was gone? If you keep harvesting crops year after year, but never replenish the soil by adding fertilizer, the crops will stop coming and a dust-bowl will replace the crops, which happened in the 1930's. If everyone is eating at the table, but they never get up from the table to go out and grow more, the table will soon be devoid of food.

Wake up, America. Go ahead and consume - but each and every man, woman and child has an obligation to put as much back in as they take out. If we do not, our account will soon be overdrawn and we will all suffer.
