Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh, What A Tangled Web They Weave...

I am going to go on record with another dire prediction. As many of my regular readers know, my predictions tend to be painfully accurate.

Throughout the health care debate, the progressive liberals who pushed the bill kept refuting that illegal aliens would be covered - that American taxpayers would not be required to provide free or subsidized care to people who came here illegally, broke our laws and took our jobs.

But here is the clincher, folks - while they may have been technically accurate, they were very deceptive.

The next major legislation to go before Congress will be "immigration reform" (by the way, whatever happened to their promise to take care of Americans by addressing JOBS???). And here is my prediction: The "comprehensive immigration reform bill" will include simple methods for illegals to become legal. 12,000,000 or more illegals will suddenly become legal, and as such will have access to the taxpayer-funded health care. So, this bill will not stop at adding "only" 32 million people into the waiting rooms. That figure will quickly rise to 50 million or more, as the new "legals" begin bringing in their families. After all, bleeding heart liberals will tell you that we must let the families in because it would be cruel to separate families. They will liken it to the Berlin Wall of the 50's. So the immigration reform will, at some point, also allow illegals to bring in their families, adding much greater strain to the shrinking jobs market and overburdened schools and hospitals.

Don't get me wrong - I'm not saying they will pass such a bill. Only that they will certainly try, and will use every dirty trick (again) at their disposal.

o, here is what the dishonest liberals are doing - first, they pass a health care bill with assurances that illegals will not burden the system. And they keep those promises by making the illegals "legal".

This is the kind of deceit that we have come to expect from liberal progressives - they will tell any lie, use any trick to push their socialism on America. And they are winning because the voters are being taken in by the grand promises without bothering to look to the end game - the real purpose the liberals are pushing.

When Obama promised "change", too many voters never bothered to ask WHAT change. And when liberals promise no illegals will be entitled to coverage, people never bothered to ask if illegals would be made legal.

As voters, if you care at all about the kind of America you will be leaving for your children and grandchildren, you need to start asking the right questions, and demand straight answers. Do not let them answer a question with another question. And do not let them redirect and answer a different question so as to confuse the issue.

I realize that many of you may not like Fox News, believing it to be too conservative. But one thing is absolutely certain and easily documented - the only news programs asking the right questions are the Fox people. O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Hume, Van Susteren - these are the only ones who ask the right questions that pointed out the truth about the liberal agenda.

It was FOX watchers who knew about the ACORN scandal nearly a month before non-watchers. It was FOX viewers who knew about the John Edwards issues nearly 2 months before non-viewers. And it is Fox fans that knew about Jeremiah Wright nearly 6 months ahead of everyone else.

Look, folks, you do not need to agree with the political views of FOX in order to watch it to learn both sides of an issue, and be better informed. Ignorance does not serve anyone well. If you want to be the "hear no evil, see no evil..." sort, that's fine. But then you can expect to get taken advantage of, like when the progresssive Marxists told you that the 12-15 million illegals would not get treated on your dime.

Regardless of your political affiliation, it is wise to be well-informed, even when that means you have to hear things you would rather not hear.

And while I am in the mood for predictions, I'll make another - within the next 24 months, our government will attempt to institute a consumption tax - a national sales tax. Or even more dastardly and devastating, a VAT (Vakue Added Tax). This will be IN ADDITION TO the income tax, which, if passed, will result in double taxation - taxed when you earn it, and taxed again when you spend it.

Make no mistake - progressive liberals want to control all the money. To get that control they must create a socialist government. And that is why they push nationalized health care, nationalized education, immigration "reform", cap and trade and the global warming crap, nationalizing everything. By nationalizing, government is forced to grow, and the cost of government grows with it. The ONLY way to cover those rapidly rising costs is to tax the people more and more. And that, my friends, is how they will win - and we will lose.

Whenever you allow government to grow, you make it cost more. Whenever it costs more, they MUST tax you more until everyone but the government is in poverty, and the people enslaved.

Take Cleveland, where the liberals in control for decades made the local government grow beyond the people's capacity to pay for it. The city is bankrupt and in decline, rated as the worst city in America. Houston, on the other hand, has very little government, resulting in lower taxes and more personal freedoms. And it is rated one of America's top cities, experiencing growth and prosperity. Look at the states facing bankruptcy and moral decline - every one has been under the control of liberal progressives for at least two decades. Now look at the most successful, prosperous states - they have the least government and lowest taxes, and have been run by conservatives for at least two decades. Do you not see a pattern, folks?

Don't let the liberal lies of "redistributing the wealth to benefit everyone" fool you into thinking the La-La Land mindset actually works in the real world. It does not. Just look at California - a wonderful state that had it all, driven into bankruptcy and decline because the people allowed the state government to give them everything they wanted. Like children who want to have all the candy and ice cream they can eat, and the parents giving it to them.


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