Saturday, March 13, 2010

Moronic Ramblings

No, not necessarily mine. But here is a quote written by Rodney Quinn, who lives in Gorham, and is a former Maine secretary of state, which he published in the Lakeside Weekly:

"How about a version of the Bible justifying the Tea Bagger belief that the earth is only 6,000 years old? Or one explaining why Republican senators should have another six years in the U.S. senate to vote no against everything but their own pay raises?"

Mr. Quinn is anything but an objective individual, and includes phrases in his diatribe that reflect a good deal of "jackass" ideology.

First, only far-left liberal loons refer to the Tea Partiers as "Tea Baggers". And only far-left loons would so denegrate more than 70% of his fellow Americans in such a way. And his obvious distaste for the Bible (seen in the rest of his article) insults the 84% of Americans who believe in God.

But the worst part of his tripe is his claim that conservatives (the "Tea Baggers") believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old. That is a made-up attack created by atheists who, in THEIR own ignorance and arrogance thought to add up the "years" mentioned in the Bible to see when Adam was born and the Earth created. But conservative Christians do not really believe that atheist tripe - we know better. We know, for example (and Mr. Quinn is undoubtedly ignorant in such matters) that the Bible as ATHEISTS read it is only the loose English Translation. In the original Hebrew text, "years" are seldom mentioned. For example, the Creation, according to King James, took place in 6 days. But in the Hebrew text, it is written as "six TIMES." And a "time" can be a day, year, or even an eon.

Mr. Quinn, I hope you are reading this, if only to provide yourself with an actual education in matters of which you obviously have no knowledge (in which case you should not be boring us with your ignorance).

And as for your completely moronic statement "why Republican senators should have another six years in the U.S. senate to vote no against everything but their own pay raises?", all I can say is that you certainly have as little knowledge of politics as you do religion or Tea Partiers. Because sane, reasonable and knowledgeable people know that Republicans only say "no" when "no" is the right answer from a conservative viewpoint. Of course, being a loon from the left, you probably think that Republicans should agree with Democrats, but if that were the case, there would only be ONE party. NEWSFLASH: Republicans and Democrats, by nature, must disagree on most political issues.

Yes, Republicans say no to a government take-over of health care, but say "yes" to real health care reform. Republicans say "no" to cap and trade, but "yes" to a sound energy policy.

So, Quinn, in case you do not understand, sometimes "NO" is the right answer. Oh, and in case you missed it, it was the Democrat majority that has voted all Senate raises over the last few years....


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