Sunday, February 28, 2010


For those of you who often wonder how it is that certain politicians in Congress get to keep their seats no matter what they do, it is often because of something called "gerrymandering".

To insure a Congressional seat for a specific party or candidate, districts are sometimes divided up in such a way as to strongly favor just one party. Usually, it is Democratic districts that are gerrymandered in a most unconventional and corrupt manner.

Originally, states and communities were supposed to be divided into "wards" of equal numbers of people - in blocks. But as corruption overtook Congress, some politicians began moving the boundaries of their districts to incorporate only those areas that were primarily among his party. In other words, the new boundaries would incorporate primarily Democrats while keeping out Republicans, thereby insuring the seat for Democrats.

To help you see exactly what they do, here are the 9 of the top gerrymandered districts in the country. As you can see, they go to great lengths in some cases to "cut out" republican areas. In only one case is the gerrymandered district a Republican district.

As Americans, we should be demanding that our Congress stop messing with districts, and remove all existing gerrymandering, which only breeds corruption. And there is already far too much of that in Wshington. All districts should, as best as it can be done, put back into "block" form. Only in that way can we insure fair elections that are not unfairly tilted in favor of any one party.


Pelosi vs The Real World

In a recent interview, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) stated that the Democrats will not lose control of the House in the upcoming midterm elections. That, in and of itself is humorous, but does not even come close to the ridiculous statements she made as to why she believes that.

According to Pelosi, "the people" will vote Democrat if the Democrats can get out the message of all they have done. My earnest question is, "WHAT have they done?" In 2008 they wrote and passed the first TARP bill. In 2009 they added another $800 billion to bailouts that did not work. Unemployment is much higher than it was when Obama got elected. Their cap & tax bill never passed. They wasted a year on a bogus health care bill when they should have been focused on jobs. And they are coddling terrorists, offering them Miranda Rights and civilian court trials designed to waste billions of taxpayer dollars.

Not to mention that since they took power in 2006, a total of 57 Democrats have been caught in corrupt or immoral acts that run the gamut of wrongdoing. Even you, Ms. Pelosi, going on camera saying the CIA never told you about waterboarding, and now reports have come out that prove you either lied about that, or you suffer from senility - in either case, it makes you unqualified to serve.

I have a suggestion for Ms. Pelosi - the Democrats may fare better in the elections if they try to HIDE what they have done.

But not to leave us without a good laugh, Pelosi then went even further, making the absolute absurd claim that the "Tea Partiers" will likely vote Democrat because they have so much in common with Democrats. The example she gave was a "shared dislike of special interests."Oh, you mean like the Unions, whose head, Andy Stearn has visited the White House more often than any other person? Or like all the special interests that became apparent as the Democrats tried to float their health care bill - interests like Big Pharma?

According to recent studies, the lion's share of special interest money is funneled to Democrats, and there are far more lobbyists who were formerly Democrat politicians (like Tom Daschle) than any other group.

Ms. Pelosi, anyone who stays current on the news already knows you cannot tell the truth to save your soul. So when you say the Democrats will keep the House, that almost guarantees that they will lose the House. Thank you.


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Will They Ever Get It?

Now we know the consequences of trying terrorists in civilian courts, as this fool-hardy administration likes to do.

A terror suspect, accused of plotting to blow up a New York subway and kill hundreds of people was given a 1.5 million dollar bond - which his wealthy Imam father posted. So now this (alleged) terrorist is walking the streets of New York, free as a bird.

This sort of thing could never happen with military tribunals. Get it, Holder? Obama?

And who should be held accountable if this person ends up succeeding, and killing many Americans?

By the way - Holder brought 9 far-left liberal lawyers into the DOJ who had defended some of the detainees at Gitmo. The DOJ, entrusted to protect the American people, seems more apt to protect those who would kill us.


Monday, February 22, 2010

Just Wonderin'

On Thursday the President plans to meet with certain Senators and Representatives to discuss the health care bill. But something has me wondering...

There are 19 doctors in the House of Representatives, but for some unknown reason, not one of these people with greatest inside knowledge of health care has been invited to that summit.

Hm-m-m... Stacked deck?


Piecing it Together

During the Medieval period, temperatures were as much as 7 degrees warmer than temperatures today, and the people thrived like at no other time in recorded history. This was the period of the Renaissance when the great cathedrals were built in Europe, and the finest wines came from vineyards in England. Yes, England

Bear in mind, according to Al Gore and the Global Warming crowd, an increase of even 2 degrees would result in devastation. They seem to ignore the warm period of Medieval times which was much warmer. Note, too, that it is still too cold to grow grapes in England, though it was warm enough in through the 12th century. An interesting note: we have beer and hard liquor today only because of the Little Ice Age. Since the vineyards died, Europeans had to turn to making other alcoholic beverages.

In fact, the famed Piri Reis map used by Columbus and drawn centuries before showed something remarkable - Antarctica, free of ice and accurately showing the land mass beneath. It would seem that during the warm period, there was no ice at the poles. Yet, mankind thrived like never before.

Then in the 13th century, the Little Ice Age hit, and cooled the Earth by as much as 4 degrees colder than it is even today. During this period, we now know that an average of 5 large volcanic eruptions occured each century, spewing massive amounts of ash into the atmosphere, reducing the amount of radiation the Earth collected from the sun.

(As an aside, just one such volcano - Krakatoa in 1815 - gave rise to "The Year Without A Summer". Making Mount St Helen look like a firecracker, Krakatoa put forth so much as that nearly the entire Earth was subject to cold temperatures for an entire year. In New England we had 5 days of snow in June. Especially in Europe, people starved because no crops could be grown. And that was just one volcano...)

During the coldest period, from 1645-1750, the temperature dropped another 4 degrees. This was caused by an event termed the "Maunder Minimum", affecting our sun periodically. It will happen again. (As a side note, it is thought the famous Stradivarius violins are of such fine tonal quality only because the trees harvested at that time had grown during the coldest period of the Maunder Minimum, creating a denser wood that produces finer depth of tone.)

The resulting cold spell resulted in death and devastation, as over 2 million people died of famine related diseases as crops failed. Soon after, this scenario made the "black death" possible, resulting in over 1/3 of the world's population dying from bubonic plague. Over 50,000 hapless people were burned at the stake as communities would blame witchcraft for the change in climate.

Meanwhile, the Vikings suffered the most, with winters so cold that even livestock could not survive. This forced them to raid countries to the south - England and Ireland. Others, like Leif Erikson, sailed west in search of new resources. History tells us he likely made it to Newfoundland, but most certainly to Greenland.

In the 1500's, Spaniards returning from Peru brought back a new plant - the potato - which survives well in colder climes. It became the noted crop of Ireland, and many people still believe the potato originated there. For decades, Europeans refused to eat potatoes, as they thought it to be the Devil's plant. But as starvation plagued the world, the people eventually accepted the potato, and the tide of famine began to turn.

The Little Ice Age persisted until roughly 1850. At that point, the Earth's temperature once again started to rise, struggling to get back to normal. It takes centuries to recover fully from a mini ice age, and we are still coming out of it, which accounts for rising temperatures. But the average mean temperature of the Earth is still 3-4 degrees colder than it was during the renaissance of the Medieval period.

In nature, nothing ever stagnates. Everything is always in a state a flux. What this means is that the Earth will either get warmer, or it will get colder. But it will not remain as it is. We have seen through history that cooling periods are destructive and devastating to humans, while the warmest periods were the most conducive to survival and growth. Given a choice, I would prefer to see the Earth getting warmer.

What our government should be doing is making preparations for the time when the Earth once again cools, as it surely will one day.

One thing that all scientists understand and agree on, regardless of where they stand on global warming, is that the Earth will experience both warming and cooling periods, over and over again. A warm period will cause events (such as the oceanic "conveyor" shutting down from melting glaciers) that will eventually result in a cool period, which will in turn create new glaciers. This is nature. We cannot stop it. But we can and should learn to deal with it, and do more to prepare.


House Of Cards

It seems that the Global Warming data is falling like dominoes. Every week we get more information about the defects in the "data". And today, perhaps the "death knell"...

First, Thomas Karl, the "scientist" who has been put in charge of the Commerce Department's new climate change office is coming under attack from both sides of the global warming debate over his handling of what they say is contradictory scientific data related to the subject, and has been accused of such by none other than Roger Pielke Sr., a climatologist affiliated with the University of Colorado who resigned from the U.N.'s International Panel on Climate Change because his data had been suppressed.

But this next blow is a doozie: Scientists have been forced to retract a paper that claimed sea level were rising thanks to the effects of global warming, after mistakes were discovered that undermined the results.

The study was published in Nature Geoscience and predicted that sea levels would rise by as much as 2.7 feet by the end of the twenty-first century and was used by the U.N. to bolster their own claims which warned of the dangerous of "man-made climate change".

As reported by Fox News, " mistakes in time intervals and inaccurately applied statistics have forced the authors to retract their paper -- the first official retraction ever for the three-year-old journal, notes the Guardian. In an officially published retraction of their paper, the authors acknowledged these mistakes as factors that compromised the results."

The authors of the report, Mark Siddall, Thomas Stocker and Peter Clark now state, "We no longer have confidence in our projections for the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, and for this reason the authors retract the results pertaining to sea-level rise after 1900," wrote authors .

Can any of these "scientists" be believed?


Free WHAT?

Yesterday, published in "Daily Finance":

"You don't have to look hard to discern what many, if not most, Tea Partiers think of globalization: Their first plank is free market/limited government. So it's go, globalization, go!Further, Tea Partiers would no doubt be thrilled to see a simultaneous dismantling of the federal social safety net."

They went on to say that the globalization, which they claim is free markets, is responsible for our job losses.

Apparently the Daily Finance has no clue whatever as to what the Tea Partiers are saying. What's worse, they seemingly have no clue as to what a "free market" is. They are confusing "free market" with "free trade."

Yes, globalization is a major cause of job loss in America. But the fallacy of their claim is that globalization is somehow synonymous with free markets.

When tea partiers - and most sane Americans - refer to "free markets", they are referring to markets that are not constrained by government and by unions. Excessive government regulation, high taxes and union power has destroyed the ability of American business to compete fairly with those in China and India that are not hobbled in that way. So, Daily Finance, your so-called "free market" is not a ee market at all.

When Tea Partiers speak of free markets, they are saying they want free markets, but they want them to be FAIR. There is a huge difference betweeen FREE trade and FAIR trade. The Daily Finance should know that, but apparently do not. Our government already knows that, but does not care.

Americans want our American businesses to be able to compete on the world stage. In a truly free market, they could. But in a market where the cards are arbitrarily stacked against American business by our own government and by power-grabbing unions that drive costs sky-high, there is no such thing as a free market.


Sunday, February 21, 2010

Say That Again?

One of Tiger Woods' supposed affairs has hired the famous ambulance-chasing lawyer, Gloria Allred. Seems she considers herself a "victim", as she was under the impression Tiger would leave his wife, Elin, for her.

I had to rewind that, because I could not believe the idiocy of her and her lawyer, making her out to be a victim.

Look, for the benefit of those who may empathize with that woman, please note: if you knowingly sleep with a man who you know to be married, NEITHER of you are victims. You are both PERPETRATORS and both deserve whatever may befall them.

It's like two guys holding up a liquor store. On the way out, crook #1 clobbers crook #2 and takes off with all the money. This does not may crook #1 a victim - he is still a thief, and it was not HIS money that was stolen.

Get it, Gloria? You have become as big a loser as the people you represent.


Is Opinion Enough?

On Huckabee this week, Michelle Obama was Huck's guest. She presented well - exactly what you would expect from a professional politician's spouse. But one thing struck me as very telling.

When Huck asked her if she watches the news, Mrs. Obama said she never watches the news because she does not want it to influence her personal opinions.

Where I come from, that is the same as "My mind is made up, so don't confuse me with any facts."

If she is not premising her opinions on facts, just what the Hell IS she basing them on?


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dear Dad


The following are all replies that Detroit women have written on Child Support Agency Forms in the section for listing 'father's details'; or putting it another way.... Who's yo Daddy? These are genuine excerpts from the forms!

1. Regarding the identity of the father of my twins, Makeeshia was fathered by Willie McKinley I am unsure as to the identity of the father of Marlinda, but I believe that she was conceived on the same night.

2. I am unsure, as to the identity of the father of my child as I was being sick out of a window when taken unexpectedly from behind. I can provide you with a list of names of men that I think were at the party if this helps.

3. I do not know the name of the father of my little girl. She was conceived at a party at 3600 East Grand Boulevard where I had sex with a man I met that night. I do remember that the sex was so good that I fainted. If you do manage to track down the father, can you please send me his phone number? Thanks.

4. I don't know the identity of the father of my daughter. He drives a BMW that now has a hole made by my stiletto in one of the door panels. Perhaps you can contact BMW service stations in this area and see if he's had it replaced. That would be the daddy.

5. I have never had sex with a man. I am still a Virginian. I think that my son's conception was ejaculate stuff on a tawl and that he is an axident.

6. I cannot tell you the name of Alleshia dad as he informs me that to do so would blow his cover and that would have cat aclysmic implications for his wife. I am torn between doing right by you and right by him. Please advise.

7. I do not know who the father of my child was as they all look the same to me.

8. Tyrone Lairston is the father of child A. If you do catch up with him, can you ask him what he did with my AC/DC CDs? Child B who was also borned at the same time.... well, I don't have clue.

9. From the dates it seems that my daughter was conceived at Disney World; it really was in the Magic Kingdom.

10. So much about that night is a blur. The only thing that I remember for sure is Delia Smith did a program about eggs earlier in the evening. If I had stayed in and watched more TV rather than going to the party at 8956 Miller Ave., mine might have remained unfertilized.

And my personal favorite. . .

11. I am unsure as to the identity of the father of my baby, after all, like when you eat a can of beans you can't be sure which one made you fart.


Friday, February 19, 2010


I must say I am a bit perplexed. For months the media has been obsessed with the Tiger Woods situation. Now today, upon his making a statement, all the media are jumping around on it like a drop of water on a hot frying pan. That's all you are hearing in the news today.

And I am perplexed because, aside from the media, I do not know of a single person who really gives a damn about this "story".

All that ever needed to be said on this, from day one, was, "Good golfer; lousy husband." End of story. It is not much different from thousands of other such stories.

I'm a good husband but a lousy golfer - and I'm not getting that kind of coverage!

Frankly, I'm getting tired of the garbage the media is trying to foist upon as as news. No one really gives a rat's you-know-what if Paris Hilton drives drunk; Britney Spears gets pregnant; or Tiger Woods hires a prostitute. The only ones who think it is news are the "news" outlets.

I think that is because the elites in the media are so obsessed with what other elites are doing. To them, no one else really exists except to provide their entertainment. The "little people" that make up 82% of the population are just the peons.

Except for FOX News, when was the last (or even the first) time you heard news about the farming valley in California that has dried up, literally, putting thousands out of work and destroying entire communities because the government shut off the water to protect a 6 inch fish no one cares about? No? Didn't get that on MSNBC or CNN? But I'll bet you heard all about the sordid affairs of a golfer.

Personally, I think Congress should pass a law that all celebrity "news" that does not include a capital crime or treason should be relegated to People and Rolling Stone magazines.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Godfather, Part IV

From AP:

"WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama signed an order Thursday unilaterally creating a bipartisan commission to rein in unruly deficits after Congress rejected a similar body with considerably more enforcement power.
In making the announcement, Obama said that unless lawmakers put aside partisan differences, the continuing red-ink trend could "hobble our economy."

Excuse me, Mr. President, but it occurs to me that the "red-ink trend" was created primarily by you and your minions in Congress. All you have done since your inauguration is spend, spend, spend. Now that there is no money left to spend, you are suddenly fiscally conservative? Who are you trying to kid?

Here is what is REALLY going on:

The liberal administration and Congress has purposely bankrupted us in an effort to force a more socialist state upon us. Once broke, this "commission" will undoubtedly determine that the only "cure" is much higher taxes - probably the Value Added Tax the Dems have been wanting for decades. And there you have the foundation of a socialist state.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid still have a lot of less educated and lesser informed people fooled, but more are catching on every day, and if there is a Democrat left standing in November it will be a rarity. I just hope it's not too late to stop the "suicide train".

Meanwhile, also from AP:

"WASHINGTON – The White House and congressional leaders are preparing a detailed health care proposal designed to win passage without Republican support if GOP lawmakers fail to embrace bipartisan compromises at President Barack Obama's summit next week.
A senior White House official said Thursday that Democratic negotiators are resolving final differences in House and Senate health bills that passed last year with virtually no Republican help. The White House plans to post the proposals online by Monday morning, three days ahead of the Feb. 25 summit, which GOP leaders are approaching warily."

In other words, the Dems are standing by their wacky definition of "bipartisan", which is defined by them as "we will write the bill without any input from you, and YOU just sit down, shut up and vote for it." By posting their bill online 3 days in advance, they are trying to strong-arm republicans into coming to the circus with tails between their legs. Ah-h-h, bipartisanship!

Pardon me for asking, but if the bill is already written, and getting posted 3 days before the meeting, what the Hell is the point of inviting Republicans in for a "bipartisan" meeting on it? Their entire "proposal", as stated, is written exclusively by the Dems with no republican input permitted.

Here's how this is going down - the Dems, as noted above, wrote the entire bill. On February 25, Obama wants to meet with Republicans in a phony attempt at "bipartisanship". The Republicans will be told, "This is the bill. It already has our "compromises" (which the Republicans also had no say in), and "now we want you to vote for it, or we will call you obstructionists."

The democrats have no intention of seeking bipartisanship - they simply want an excuse to color Republicans as the "party of 'no' " so they can proceed to bully their bill through without any real compromise. It's called "stacking the deck", or "dealing off the bottom." In any other profession it would land Obama, Pelosi and Reid behind bars.
Can anyone say, "Chicago Mob Tactics?"

Any sane person will realize that it is the Democrats that are the obstructionists by not allowing a true bipartisan bill. Under bipartisanship, no bill is presented. Instead, BOTH sides contribute to creating a bill BOTH sides can support, then BOTH sides vote for it.

But that does not happen in the Obama-Reid-Pelosi triumverate of unconscionable governance.


Another Resignation

The U.N.'s climate chief is stepping down. From the Associated Press:

"De Boer, 55, was appointed in 2006 to shepherd through an agreement to succeed the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, which required industrial countries to cut greenhouse gas emissions an average 5 percent.

He said the high point of his efforts was the agreement by developing countries, reached at the 2007 conference in Bali, Indonesia, to join in efforts to contain global warming in return for financial and technical help from the wealthy nations."

Is anyone else actually noticing? The poor nations joined hands in an effort to extort trillions of dollars from the richer nations. That is exactly what that last paragragh says. Gee, I wonder how hard it was to get poor countries to join forces to rob the rich. "Hey, Myanmar - if you join in on this hoax, you can get 2 billion dollars from the U.S. Since you are not an industrial nation, you don't have to do a thing except take the money and use it to build your anti-American army."

Another point worthy of note - De Boer resigns on the heels of the world discovering that the U.N.'s report on climate change is full of more holes than a swiss cheese, and contains more factual errors and outright lies than the liberals' rewriting of history.

Any future built upon lies is a dark future.


Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Most educated, sane folks do not believe in magic. But apparently the Obama administration does. As I listened to his speech this morning (between bouts of laughter), I noticed that his administration not only believes in magic, but bases policies on it.

For example, Obama stated that he would increase the number of exports of American products. Now THAT would be magic of the highest order. For one thing, American products are so expensive because of the costs of unions and taxes that other nations simply do not want them - why import $50 shoes from America when they can import $10 shoes from China? Second, in order to SHIP product (assuming anyone wants to import them), we must first have product to ship. We do not. Very little is "Made in the USA" anymore. So, as usual, Obama "speechifies" a great speech, but it has no real content. It relies upon magic.

He went on to say that 95 million folks got tax cuts from his Stimulus Bill. First, according to the IRS only 60 million filers even pay any taxes. Therefore, IF his statement is true, then 35 million people who pay no taxes got a "tax cut". In other words, increased welfare. But in looking over his claim, I do not know of one single person who has claimed they saw any tax cut. I certainly did not see one. If there is ANYONE out there who saw a tax cut that was really a tax cut (and not simply a deferment on their withholding), I would like to hear from you.

Again, it would appear those "tax cuts" are some sort of magic - slight of hand.

Obama also said that Republicans, who voted against the Stimulus bill, were all too willing to attend ribbon cutting ceremonies of projects paid for by the stimulus. That, too, would be magic, since the GAO has already stated that of all stimulus money spent to date, 87% went to DEMOCRAT districts and for UNION jobs.

He then stated that he and Biden were proud to claim that the Stimulus bill did not include any earmarks. That is not magic - it is an out-right lie. Again the GOA gives data that shows over $4,000,000,000 of the stimulus money went for pork projects, including a water park in Florida, golf course maintenance, under-the-highway tunnels for turtles, and saving some mouse in San Francisco.

Frankly, I do not believe in magic. And I do not believe a word that comes out of Obama's lips.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Deja Vu

From a news release today: "In an interview on MSNBC this morning, newly retiring Sen. Evan Bayh declared the American political system "dysfunctional," riddled with "brain-dead partisanship" and permanent campaigning. Bayh stated that the American people needed to deliver a "shock" to Congress by voting incumbents out in mass and replacing them with people interested in reforming the process and governing for the good of the people, rather than deep-pocketed special-interest groups."

Now, if you have been reading my blogs for any length of time, you might remember that I have been calling for the voting out of ALL incumbents for years. The only way to clean house is to sweep ALL the floors clean and toss the dirt OUT.

I never thought I would see the day when a Democrat would agree with me. But Bayh has always been a man whom I have respected, though I may not have agreed with his beliefs.

Apparently my respect for him is well-founded.


Monday, February 15, 2010


I always appreciate a good laugh, and this time we were all treated to a hoot!

As every person on the planet knows, then Senators Joe Biden and Barak Obama both voted against the surge in Iraq, and both worked tirelessly to give up in Iraq and pull out.

Now that Iraq has quieted down quite a bit because of the Bush "surge", Obama and Biden just jumped up with the statement, "Iraq may well be the crowning achievement of the Obama Administration."

The sheer, unmitigated gall of them trying to take credit for Iraq. I laughed so hard I nearly had to change my pants.

On second thought, the way the Obama administration is going, letting the Bush policy in Iraq work may well be his only achievement.


House of Cards

Every week it seems a new "bulletin" comes in to further prove the Global Warming alarm to be a hoax. This week is no exception, as the individual who actually wrote the original report cited by the U.N. and Al Gore has finally admitted that he did not really keep records, and much of what he wrote was just guesswork, and that there has been no substantial signs of global warming in 15 years. And he says that "warming periods" occurred two other times just since the Civil War, and each time it gave way to global cooling. He went on to say that the Earth has often warmed even more than this recent warming. Sounds just a wee bit like a cycle to me.

Really? Seems to me I have heard that somewhere before. Oh yeah, I remember. RIGHT HERE, on this blog. For two years I have been saying this, long before it was fashionable. For years I have been shouting from the rooftops that the normal temperature of the Earth is warmer than it is now, and the reason there are warming periods is simply because we are still coming out of the last ice age. In fact, the Earth experienced a mini ice age from approximately 1100 AD until approximately 1850. We are still coming out of that. So over time, we can expect additional warming periods as the Earth struggles to get back to normal.

So, now that Phil Jones has admitted his "science" was phony, and other senior "climategate" folks were discovered to have falsified data, you would think the idiots in Congress and the White House would back off - at least long enough to study this in detail. But no, the Democrats are intent on pushing forth their "global warming" bill (Cap & trade). Not because it would fight warming, but because it garnishes trillions in additional taxes, giving government even greater "Big Brother" control over our lives.

And that was the whole point in the first place. The United Nations, and many governments around the world want to "redistribute the wealth", and this global warming hoax was the perfect vehicle to help them do that.


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Been Awhile

It has been some time since I have gotten a bunch of people in such a state that the veins would bulge in their necks as spittle flies from their mouths in rage. So I thought I would toss this out there.

Let's see - liberals love to rant how conservatives and Republicans are stupid or mentally retarded, but liberal progressives and Democrats are so much smarter. Remember how all the Democrat pundits and politicians kept calling G.W. Bush a "dumb cowboy"? Too stupid to be president? Couldn't "string three intelligible words together"? And now they are saying much the same about Sarah Palin.

And even though Bush graduated college, a bunch of Hollywood idiots who never went to college, and singers who don't even know how to spell "college" kept calling Bush "dumb".

Well, let's look at that. Bush graduated from Yale with higher grades than Kerry. Bush also went to Harvard. Graduated flight school. Was elected governor of Texas, and was twice elected President of the United States. But among all the liberals calling him dumb, not one has ever achieved anything of note. Not one. After all, who the Hell is Keith Olbermann? A nobody hack filled with his own self-importance who has never accomplished anything.

Sarah Palin graduated college. Won a beauty contest. Was a very successful mayor and a very successful governor. Got nominated for Vice President, wrote a best-seller, and gets paid $100,000 to speak for an hour. Among all those same liberals calling her (and Bush) dumb, not a one of them ever accomplished anything noteworthy.

Liberals scalded Palin and labeled her stupid for not having a ready answer as to which magazines she reads. But they conveniently overlooked Obama saying there were 58 states, or that Pelosi said we were losing 300 million jobs a month. Yes, they are obviously so much smarter than Palin or Bush.

So I have to ask - if conservatives and Republicans are stupid just because they are conservatives and Republicans, what does that make the ne'er-do-well liberals who look down on them?

And lest we forget, those liberals accused American voters of being ignorant and stupid because they elected Bush - twice. But to liberals, those same voters suddenly became intelligent and enlightened when Obama got elected.

I only hope that there is something to this "evolution" thing, where creatures evolve into higher forms of life. If so, then liberals and progressives must eventually evolve into conservatives, and then the world will be A-OK.


Monday, February 8, 2010

Health Care Summit

President Obama wants a summit on health care, and has (finally) invited the Republicans to join in the discussion, supposedly in an attempt at bipartisanship. But is that what this is really about?

It's not a summit - it's a setup.

The president has already said he does not plan on changing what the Democrats have offered in their bill. He does not plan on starting over. So just what IS the game plan?

I will go on record right here and now - I think the "bipartisan summit" is a sham, and an intentional sham. There will be no real attempt at bipartisanship, and I can almost guarantee that Obama and the Democrats will let Republicans speak, but will refuse to adopt any meaningful Republican ideas.

One of two things will happen:

1) Either the Democrats will reject any meaningful Republican ideas out of hand, and then go forward saying, "Gee, we tried to be bipartisan, but those obstructionist Republicans just would not cooperate." Or...

2) The Democrats will choose some small, meaningless part of a Republican idea and offer to include it if the Republicans will back the Democrat bill. Obviously, the Republicans would be forced to refuse because they really are not getting anything at all. And again the Democrats will go forth and say, "Gee, we tried to be bipartisan. We even offered to adopt part of their plan, but those obstructionist Republicans just would not cooperate."

In other words, it will be business as usual, the same old Chicago-style politics we have been witnessing for a year. The health care summit will only be a bogus attempt to make the Democrats APPEAR to be bipartisan while making the Republicans APPEAR to be obstructionist. But the reverse would actually be the truth.

Suffice it to say that I seriously doubt the Democrats have any intention of seriously listening to, or adopting any Republican ideas to cut health care costs and get more people covered.

Time will tell. But for the last year, the Democrat's idea of "bipartisan" means they write the bill, then Republicans shut up and vote for it. I have a newsflash for the Democrats - that line of thinking is why you are now losing so many Democrat strongholds like Massachusetts and New Jersey.

Bipartisanship means both sides get to provide input and write the bill, so members of both sides can vote for it. It's called compromise. But that is a word that the administration, Pelosi and Reid simply do not understand.


Sunday, February 7, 2010


Two days after the "Christmas Bomber" was Mirandized, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told Chris Wallace that from just 50 minutes of interrogation, "We got everything out of him that he knew."

Let us assume that statement was true.

But a month later, the same White House spokesperson tells the Press Corps that, "He's talking again, and we are getting actionable intelligence."

Now if we still assume the White House spokesperson was telling the truth the first time, then he must be lying now. Or, if he is telling the truth now, he must have been lying last month. Because both statements cannot be true.

In either case, the White House has lied to us. Plain and simple. No, it was not a "mistake". They stated both as facts.

So here's my question:

If the White House lies to us, and it is a fact that liars cannot be trusted, then why in Hell do we allow these people to run our country????

If you do not trust someone, you do not let them run your business, drive your car or watch your kids. But you let them run the country!

In 10 months you have an opportunity to start on the road to correcting what is wrong with this country. Stop voting for cowards, crooks, liars and politicians who work for special interests instead of YOUR interests.


Friday, February 5, 2010


This today from the liberal Associated Press, in an attempt to spin a story to favor their agenda:

"AP - The outlook for jobs became a bit less bleak with January's unexpected decline in the unemployment rate, which fell to 9.7 percent from 10 percent as more people said they had jobs"

Yes, the "unemployment rate" dropped to 9.7%. But not because anyone "said they had jobs". In truth, no one even ASKED. The reason the rate fell even though 22,000 more first-timers signed up for benefits is because so many others dropped off as their benefits expired. Several months ago Congress extended benefits for millions, but those extensions are ending.

NOTE: The unemployment rate is NOT the actual percentage of people out of work. It only represents those who are out of work and still collecting benefits. Once an unemployed person stops collecting, he is no longer counted as unemployed even though he may still be out of work.

But the problem with the story as presented by the AP is simply that they are trying to make it look as though people who were no longer collecting benefits were contacted and "said they had jobs". That did not happen. As usual, the AP, ever in the pocket of progressives, is using its power to brainwash the folks and shore up the sagging poll numbers of the current administration.

And THAT is the story here.

Add that to Obama saying yesterday that we, the people need to listen more to him and stop watching the news on cable. Yeah, sure. Of course he does not want us getting the news on cable - the truth is killing him! He would prefer to co-opt the entire conversation, and that you only get his side of things. This, from the man who told 22 blatant lies in his State of the Union message (as proved by

Strange, considering during the Bush years these same progressives like Obama were saying dissent was the purist act of democracy. Now that the dissent is working against them, it is suddenly a bad thing.

What a joke these people have become.


Thursday, February 4, 2010


Found the following article today. Thought it was particularly interesting that Pluto (and also Neptune, by the way) are ALSO getting warmer, with melting ice - yet it cannot be atttributed to man's pollution.

Maybe this whole warming thing is a natural, cyclical phenomenon, as I have been suggesting for years.

WASHINGTON – Spurned Pluto is changing its looks, donning more rouge in its complexion and altering its iceball surface here and there.

Color astronomers surprised. [Editor's note - color Gore embarrased - again]

Newly released Hubble Space Telescope photos show the distant one-time planet — demoted to "dwarf planet" status in 2006 — is changing color and its ice sheets are shifting.

The photos, released by NASA Thursday, paint a Pluto that is significantly redder than it had been for the past several decades. To the layman, it has a yellow-orange hue, but astronomers say it has about 20 percent more red than it used to have.

The pictures show icy frozen nitrogen on Pluto's surface growing and shrinking, brightening in the north and darkening in the south. Astronomers say Pluto's surface is changing more than the surfaces of other bodies in the solar system. That's unexpected because a season lasts 120 years in some regions of Pluto.

"It's a little bit of a surprise to see these changes happening so big and so fast," said astronomer Marc Buie of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo. "This is unprecedented."
