Sunday, December 15, 2019

T'was the Night Before an Adam Schiff Christmas

It was a cold December night in Washington D.C. A chill filled the House, empty for the Christmas holiday. One lone soul was left - Adam Schiff had nowhere to go, as no one wanted him around, having alienated everyone, including the most deplorable of his fellow congressmen and women. And despite it being Christmas, Republicans were not ready to be forgiving, as the damage done was deep and lasting.

He thought at first to try and brighten his predicament by regaling himself with the poem, "T'was the Night Before Christmas". He began, "T'was the night before Christmas and all through this Democrat House, not a soul was left standing except for a louse. Congress in recess and gone is the fun, and I, a pariah, as impeachment is done."

"Wait", he cried, "That's not how it goes. I just made that up - a parody!"

As he walked down the near empty K Street, known for adult entertainment and lobbyists, looking for his friends, poor Adam found himself cold and alone. Almost.

From back in an alley muggers appeared. "Is that you, Ghislaine? Uncle Harvey? Nah, it must be my little buddy, Nadler. When WOP! That was the last thing he heard before unconsciousness set in.

And that is when he saw him - standing over Adam was none other than George Washington, himself. Yes, the man who could not tell a lie was towering over the man who could not tell the truth.

"I know this is D.C. and delusions are the norm", said Adam, "but this is stranger than finding an  honest Democrat in this town. What manner of magic is this?" 

"I am the ghost of Christmas, Schiffty," said George in his booming, authoritative voice. "I am here to offer you one chance to redeem yourself, and in doing so save the Constitution from being tattered.  BR-R-R -- I shudder at the thought that you will likely fail."

"E're this night is over you will be visited by the ghost of Christmas past, the spirit of Christmas present and the phantom of Christmas future." boomed George. "And when you come out of your stupor in the morn, you will either be repentant and vow to never lie again, and to treat the Constitution with reverence and respect, or..."

Adam belligerently belted out, "Or what", Georgie boy?"

"Or you will spend the rest of your days living in a tent on a sidewalk in Los Angeles, and every day Nancy Pelosi will stop by and spit in your tin cup", George boomed.

At that, Adam just sneered and said, "Too bad I wasn't around 230 years ago - I woulda impeached YOUR ass, too!"


Thursday, December 12, 2019

Democrats' "Destroy Trump" Agenda - Not What You Think

Every American Should Beware the "Long Game" of "Democrats"

Let's begin by making one important point - The Democrats and elitists in D.C, NY and CA are NOT Democrats. They are Progressives, which is a nice sounding name for socialists. That is what is meant when people say "This is not Dad's Democrat Party".  For the sake of less confusion, in this article I will use a capital "D" for progressives, and a small "d" for actual democrats, to differentiate between the two species of the party on the left. Small "d" democrats are ordinary, honest Americans who, while they often differ with Republicans on policies, are not actively attempting to harm America; they are not purposely trying to divide the country. Big "D" Democrats are just the opposite - all they want is absolute power.

That said, make no mistake - progressives (big "D" Democrats) have a "long game" that is contrary to what democrats, independents, libertarians and republicans would ever want to see coming to fruition. Progressives have just one aim - to gain, and keep permanent control and power of the government of the United States of America. To those paying attention, they have said as much, and they show it clearly when they intentionally demonize everyone who disagrees with them - republicans, "smelly WalMart shoppers" (Peter Strzok), "gun-toting Bible Thumpers" (Obama), "the great unwashed" (Hillary). And they show their colors by utilizing identity politics designed to divide and conquer. Gun control, open borders, legalizing drugs - all these and more are merely steps, all connected, to get to the permanent control and tyranny they intend to exert over America. 

As a side note, that is precisely why they must destroy Donald Trump - he and his supporters are the only ones standing in their way. His populism is a mandate to drain the swamp. And the swamp is were the progressives live and thrive. He has interrupted their plan and schedule - from progressive Obama for 8 years, then to progressive Hillary for the next 8. In sixteen years they could have taken America past the "point of no return". If Trump is not destroyed, it's all over for the progressives - at least for a couple of generations. Think about it - Trump has already put 10 Constitutionalist judges on the 9th circuit. He is quickly working toward making all our courts legitimate supporters of the Constitution. And does anyone believe Ginsberg is going to still be on the Supreme court in 4 more years? One more Constitutionalist Justice on SCOTUS and progressives will be marginalized for generations. They MUST destroy Trump, which is why we are going through all this Trump Derangement.

At this point one should understand the "Overton Window" theory. If you want to get 50 miles down the road, you will fail if you attempt it in one step. So, you make your goal - the window - just a step away. Then you move the window to another step away. Put another way, if someone wants to eat a cow, they don't sit in front of one with a knife, fork and A1 Sauce. No - they put one burger or steak on their plate, and once that is gone and digested, they eat another - until they have eaten the cow.

And that is how Progressives work, plan and will eventually win if not stopped. Here are some of the steps they are taking, and how they are connected to the "long game".

(There were two steps that have already been completed - take-over of the educational institutions and the media. None of the remaining steps can be implemented and finalized without brainwashing young people who do not know any better, and controlling the press to insure they STOP speaking truth to power.) Now, here are a few of the remaining steps:

Step One: Progressives started by moving the goal post on drugs. They undertsand that addicted people are easier to control and would put the Devil in power if it gets them their "drug of choice". For some, that may be weed, or cocaine, or even welfare - whatever the addiction. Progressives would like every American to be addicted to something over which the government has control. And most addicted people will vote for the people who give them what they want. So, little steps like allowing marijuana for medicinal purposes, and once the pulic accepts that as the norm, move the window to allow recreational use. Once that is accepted as normal, go to full legalization (as I type, Democrats are planning a bill to SUBSIDIZE weed with taxpayer funds)

Step Two:  Move the goal post on immigration. First, it's DACA or some other form of amnesty for those already here. That moves toward opening the borders. The objective is to get as many uneducated immigrants here as possible, knowing that they will then make it legal for illegals to get drivers' licenses, then given the right to vote in local elections, and eventually the right to national elections. And most of those illegal immigrants would vote for the people who gave them what they wanted.

Step three: Divide and conquer using identity politics. They are dividing us by race, gender, religion, political party - any way they can. Get us fighting and hating one another. They remember what Ben Franklin said, that it is easy to break indivual sticks, but impossible to break a big bundle of them. "We must hang togeher, or we will certainly hang separately." It is easier for progressives to take over if we are too busy fighting each other to worry about what the progressives are doing. Once each group is divided, and therefore weakened, they can take control of that group. They already control Antifa, Black Lives Matter, the black community etc. and other dissident groups.

Step Four: Keep moving the goal post on gun control. First, push for "universal" background checks, which prevents dear old Dad from leaving his hunting rifle to his son. Then it's "red flag" laws that allow government to at least temporarily confiscate guns without due process. Then it's a ban on certain styles, though there is no rhyme or reason to it. Then, limit the size of the clip, and limit sales of ammo. Charge huges fees for anything connected to guns. Get banks to refuse accounts for those who manufature or sell arms. Whatever it takes to make it nearly impossible to exercise our "right" to bear arms. Eventually, it goes to registration, as Virginia now wants to do. And finally, confiscation.

And now  for their reason - their "long game" is to gain and keep permanent control over a people who, for nearly 300 years, have been free. And progressives know there is no way on God's green Earth they can achieve their goals while we, the people, are well armed.

Bring in immigrants and pull them in as a voting bloc by giving them what they want. Get people addicted to drugs, welfare or whatever and control access to those things, making those people a voting bloc. Need proof? They have already done that with the black community by getting them hooked on welfare, and pandering to them every four years (though more and more are catching on, which makes progressives call them "Uncle Toms". Isn't it telling that they claim to support blacks, women, gays - but ONLY those who agree with them.)

Is it becoming a bit clearer? Certainly, progressives will move Heaven and Earth to hide their true agenda, and will demonize anyone who tries to stop them. They will call this a "right wing conspiracy theory" which is usually their way of describing what actually is a very real left wing conspiracy.


Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Just in the First 10 Pages of the IG Report...

I have heard so many different takes on what the Inspector General's Report says that I decided to actually read it myself. And in just the first 10 pages I discovered these statements. [ ] indicate editor's input:

  • "We did not find  documentary or testimonial evidence that  political bias or improper motivation  influenced the decisions to open the four individual investigations."                                                                                                                                                                            ["did not find" does not mean none existed - only that, due to the constraints and limitations of an IG Investigation, they could not delve deeper]  
  • "We found it concerning that Department and FBI policy did not require the FBI to consult with any Department official in advance of conducting CHS operations [i.e. covert electronic spying and/or confidential informant] involving advisors to a major party candidate's presidential campaign,  and we found no evidence that the FBI consulted with any Department officials before conducting these CHS operations. As we describe in Chapter Two, consultation , at a minimum, is required by Department and FBI policies in numerous other sensitive circumstances, and we include  a recommendation to address this issue"
  • "However, as we explain later, the Crossfire Hurricane team failed to inform Department officials of significant information that was available to the team [from Carter Page] at the time that the FISA applications were drafted and filed. Much of that information was inconsistent with, or undercut, the assertions contained in the FISA applications that were used to support probable cause and, in some instances, resulted in inaccurate information being included in the applications. " [i.e. the FBI intentionally misled the FISA court]
  • However, as we describe later, as the  FBI obtained additional information raising significant questions about the reliability of the Steele election reporting, the FBI failed to reassess the Steele reporting relied upon in the FISA applications, and did not fully advise NSD or 01 officials. We also found that the FBI did not aggressively seek to obtain certain potentially important information from Steele. For example, the FBI did not press Steele for information about the actual funding source [the DNC & Hillary Clinton Campaign] for his election reporting work.
  • None of these [7] inaccuracies and omissions were brought  to the attention of OI before the last FISA application was filed in June  2017. Consequently, these failures were repeated in all three renewal applications. Further, as we discuss later, we identified 10 additional significant errors in the renewal applications.
I almost hate to think what other mischief the FBI was involved in that might be disclosed in the remaining 470 pages...
