Saturday, March 27, 2010

Fixin' It

Let us take a little journey of the mind for a few moments, to see if we can determine first WHAT is wrong with America today, and what is the BEST way to fix it. Let us leave out all political parties and talking points. Let us set aside all the BS and distractions that politicians toss out there to keep us confused. Let us just use simple logic, just for a few moments.

First, what is wrong? I'll punch up the things I believe are in serious disrepair, and why:

1) Our nation owes too much money - the wealth of the world is attracted to the safest, strongest most stable places. We grew strong because that USED to be America. If you had money to invest, is that not what you would do? By owing so much money, we show the world that their wealth would not be safe here, and they will look elsewhere. China is getting the money. Even ours.

2) The ONLY reason we owe so much is the cost of government. The only way to reduce the cost of government is to reduce its size.

3) Wealth goes where it is welcome, and treated well. Countries with the lowest taxes are the countries that atttract business, jobs and wealth. Currently, our tax structure is very unfriendly for businesses and investors. And the reason our taxes are so high is the cost and size of government, above

4) Loss of freedom. Government can only grow when we give it the power. To give power to the government, we must give it up for ourselves. You cannot give it, and still keep it. When government grows, we lose freedoms, as well as our wealth. When freedom is lost, we lose incentive to work, incentive to innovate. We lose some of the lust for life. We also tend to anger more quickly and easily.

5) Illegal immigration is tearing us apart, causing major divisions in our nation I believe those are the major problems that, if not fixed, will destroy America. And the only people who can fix it is - US. We control these things at the voting booth.

I will not advocate voting for any party - party voting is what got us into this mess. Instead, every American citizen has an obligation to vote for whichever candidate promises to actively work to fix our problems and leave partisan politics at the door. Some may be Republican, some Democrat, some Independent and some Libertarian. But that does not matter. All that matters is whether they will sign a contract that they will work to fix these problems.

We should vote for whichever candidate agrees, in writing, to do all of the following:

1) Cut the costs of government by at least 40% over the next 4 years, even if it means cutting programs we like. Give the wealth of the world a little security in bringing the wealth here. And then keep that cost down.

2) Cut the size of government enough to effect the 40% cost cuts.

3) Reduce all taxes - a flat tax for personal taxation, and the lowest tax rate in the world on businesses, to attract them - and the jobs - back to the USA. Set up a national "debt surcharge" tax of 2% on any purchase of any non-essential item (food & medical are exempt), with every penny going to pay off our deficit. The tax is terminated as soon as our debt is paid. This plan would instill greater confidence in America's future, which would attract the wealth, businesses and jobs.

4) Restore our freedoms. Americans should be free to do whatever they choose provided it harms no one else, and does not preclude anyone else from doing the same. The government, as Reagan so aptly put it, should "get out of the way."

5) Our immigration policy should change radically. No amnesty - anyone here illegally would not be eligible - go home and do it the right way. But make the right way a GOOD way, as follows:

a) Anyone can come here, provided they submit to and pass a background check and pass a medical exam and get necessary shots

b) Anyone who comes must be taught - and must learn - English before they can become legal citizens. They have 5 years to comply

c) Anyone who comes here must learn our history and our culture before they can become legal citizens. They have 5 years to comply

d) Once the immigrant follows through on the above, he or she may apply for legal citizenship. If they do not comply within 5 years, they are then deported and may not try again for 2 years.

The main difference between this and the current system is that the current system limits the number of new immigrants. That makes it almost impossible for immigrants to come legally, forcing them to come illegally so we have no controls over whether they are criminals, terrorists or carriers of disease.

Any politician who agrees to do these things should win our votes overwhelmingly. Those who do not should be told, overwhelmingly, to hit the road.

I would like to hear your comments and suggestions - click the COMMENT link below. Please, keep it clean, and withour personal attacks or partisan BS. Constructive, well-thought-out comments welcome.


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