Monday, March 22, 2010

Impact - Unintended Consequences

As a small business owner, beginning in 2014 I will be forced to insure all of my employees. At $800/month per employee, times 3 employees, that comes to an annual cost of nearly $29,000.

My employees have an average salary, with benefits, of roughly $30,000/year.In order to cover all my employees without going bankrupt, I will have to lay off at least 1 employee. That is 1/3 of the entire work force. So, I will also have to cut back on the services my company provides.

There are over 9 million small businesses like mine across the country. If each only has to lay off one person, that will result in another 9,000,000 unemployed persons that the rest of us will have to support.

And Obama, Pelosi and Reid say this health care bill will create jobs. Maybe government jobs, but businesses will have to cut jobs to pay the additional costs being forced upon them.

I also have a neighbor who used to earn over $60,000/year, but the poor economy has forced him into a $30,000/year job. But his mortgage is still $1500+ per month (about $19,000/year). That leaves him $11,000 per year to support his family of four. The government will require he buy insurance (family plan of roughly $800/month, or about $10,000/year). That leaves his family $1000 to live on for a year. Impossible. He will lose his home, everything he has invested in it, and be forced into bankruptcy.

And that, my friends, will be the real impact of this health care plan. Lost jobs. Lost wealth. Bankruptcies and foreclosures. More people on the public teat, with fewer people producing anything.And to make things worse - many will be forced to pay for insurance they cannot use, anyway. There is always a co-pay for care. If my neighbor needs a colonoscopy, his "share" of the cost would be $300. With only $11,000 a year to live on (before insurance costs), he certainly cannot afford that, so he will not get that colonoscopy. Hence, he'll be forced to pay big bucks for something he cannot even use.

It's a lot like having a car payment, but no money for gas.

That's the way progressives run a country. Either get used to it, or change it by getting rid of the progressive liberals, which, here in Maine consists of Representative Michaud (D), Representative Pingree (D), Senator Collins (R) and Senator Snowe (R). Some are republicans, some democrats. But all four are progressives who think their jobs are more important than this country, and believe the collective is more important than the individuals.

If you don't get rid of the progressives, it will only get much, much worse...


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