Sunday, March 14, 2010

Always Good For A Laugh

I have to hand it to the progressive liberals - they're nothing if not good for a few laughs.

You know about the "tea parties", a spontaneous grass roots swell of folks wanting their country back. Well, in retaliation, the liberals have decided to organize their own movement. And can you even guess what those great thinkers are calling it? Yep, it's "coffee parties."

It seems to me they could at least have used some imagination and come up with their own name. Instead, they took the tea party name and just changed the name of the beverage. That, itself, was worthy of a snicker, since imitation is the sincerest form of flattery (but imitation none the less). But it gets better - MUCH better.

This organized "movement" was deliberately set up to take place - hold on - in coffee shops across the nation. At first blush that might seem innocuous enough, but there is a reason for choosing coffee shops - you cannot get huge crowds of 5000 (like tea parties) in a coffee shop. By choosing little coffee shops, if they get 10 people to stop in (mostly out of curiosity, I would suppose), it actually looks like a real crowd. But those same 10 people gathering in Central Park would be nothing more than 10 missing persons. It's called DECEIT - making something that is not a crowd to look like a crowd.

Anyway, their first "coffee shop" day was today. And a handful of people showed up in a handful of coffee shops around the country. And they are tooting it on TV and the internet as "a raging success." For progressives, who only represent about 20% of the people, perhaps they consider that a great success. I call it a bunch of "sour grapers" gathering to console one another and making a stab at being relevant in some way.

But here is where it really brings in the laughter. CNN, MSNBC and other liberal media had ignored the massive tea parties for months, and only began reporting on them, negatively, after the movement got so big it could not be ignored. And even then they called the folks a bunch of un-American, brown-shirt, rabble-rousing, trouble-making, far-right lunatics. But guess - just try and guess - how they are covering these insignificant "coffee parties"?

For starters, on the first day out the media are giving them full coverage, instead of ignoring them for months. And their reports, instead of being negative, are filled with high praise for these "great, patriotic Americans."

But they don't stop there - the liberal media is screaming from the rooftops about how these coffee parties are such a raging success, and they show a few photos of five or six people in a coffee shop. And you can't even tell if the people are there to be "coffee partiers", or just stopped in for their morning cup-a-joe.

These people behind the "coffee parties", like far-left socialist loon George Soros are a joke, and a bad joke at that. The real joke here is the "lamestream media" who, because of their socialist agenda, attack anything sane and conservative while immortalizing every whacky far-left cause that comes along. I hope to see Beck's or O'Reilly's take on these non-events. I'm sure they, too, are getting a good chuckle from them.

Attendees voiced support for health care reform. Anti-corporate sentiment was prevalent as well. So, these are socialists. Socialists blame corporate America for almost everything, and socialists want government to control every aspect of our lives, i.e. health care. They never stop to think that if not for corporate America, no one would have jobs, no products would be available to buy, and few services available. There would be no research and development, not in technology and not in medicine - the world would not have any of the amenities it now has, and modern medicine would still be at the 1880 stage. It was corporate America that is responsible for most of what is good. Of course there will be some bad along the way.

Imagine - 75,000 tea partiers gather in Washington, and that is not news. But let 5 liberals sip coffee in a coffee shop, patting each other on the back, and that is not only big news, but is tooted as a "movement".

I have a movement every day, and they smell better than these bogus, orchestrated coffee parties.


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