Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Crunchy Caramel Apple Pie

This pie is the best I have ever had. Here is the recipe I use:


1 pastry crust for a deep-dish 9 inch pie (I use frozen, but I put in a GLASS deep-dish pie plate)
½ cup sugar
3 Tbsp all-purpose flour
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1/8 tsp salt
6 cups thinly sliced apples ( I use 3 Fugi & 3 Golden Delicious)
½ cup chopped pecans
¼ cup caramel topping
1 recipe for crumb topping (below)

Ingredients for Crumb Topping:

1 cup packed brown sugar
½ cup all-purpose flour
½ cup Quick cooking rolled oats
½ cup butter

Directions Crumb Topping:

1) Stir together brown sugar, rolled oats, flour

2) Cut in ½ cup soft (not melted) butter until topping is like course crumbs

Directions for pie:

1) In large mixing bowl, stir together sugar, flour, cinnamon & salt

2) Add apples slices and gently toss until coated

3) Transfer coated apple slices to pie shell

4) Sprinkle crumb topping evenly over apple mixture

5) Place pie on cookie sheet so drippings won't drop into your oven

6) Cover edges of pie (if exposed) with aluminum foil

7) Bake in pre-heated 375 deg. Oven 25 minutes. Remove foil and bake for another 25-30 minutes

8) Remove from oven, sprinkle with chopped pecans then drizzle caramel on top

9) Cool on wire rack. Serve at room temp, cold, or heated in microwave

10) ENJOY!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Puppet Masters vs Drain The Swamp

Following a very contentious election, the anti-Trumpers - from celebrities and elitists to the millennials and the anarchists on the streets of our cities - are all enraged and acting in anti-American ways. But it's not entirely their fault.

It is the fault of powerful liberal/socialist people, some working behind the scenes, like billionaire George Soros, while others are in other positions of power, like the media, politicians and college professors. These people actively poison the minds of everyone whose attention they can get, and specialize in brainwashing young minds.

For example, liberal professors on college campuses across America teach students that they have a right to protest anything they do not like. And while that is very true, they intentionally fail to advise these same students that there are more legitimate means available for creating change, and that other people also have the same right to protest THEIR views and beliefs. Almost nowhere on campuses these days will you find professors that actually teach the Constitution, that ALL Americans have the same rights, and those rights must be RESPECTED, whether you agree with a person or not.

In the liberal climate of the "flower power" hippie generation of the 1960's, America was inflicted with its most liberal Supreme Court - the notorious Warren Court. It was this SCOTUS that pushed us into an era of "sin without repercussions", as God & prayer were kicked out of the public square, and abortion was made legal. And for the first time in American history, a generation was reared that did not have the same respect for sanctity of life - after all, if their own mothers could simply have ended their lives before birth, what value is there to life? And those children learn that it is okay to escape responsibility for their choices. And if those same children are no longer finding God in their lives very much, that makes for a lethal combination - life has no value, and ending a life had no real consequences in the "Hereafter".

It was during this period of unfettered liberalism that the Puppet Masters like the followers of Saul Alinski found an impressionable audience among America's youth. Those Puppet Masters began to fill colleges and universities with increasingly liberal professors, with the express purpose of molding the young minds to do their dirty work - the "useful peons", as Alinski called them. At the same time, liberals became the power in almost every part of the mainstream media - after all, those liberal colleges, like Columbia University, were cranking out the new generation of media people.

With both education and media in the hands of liberals, our youth do not stand a chance. And that is why they are rioting in the streets, destroying property and killing each other in street violence. A direct product of the liberal poison being spread by our media and universities, and with the help of many politicians, celebrities and other elites who chose division, and hatred of those who disagree with them. They claim "love trumps hate", but they are the ones who hate - their actions prove it. They say they love you, but will beat you to death if you don't agree with them. They don't even see their own hypocrisy.

When Obama was elected, people on the right did not riot, protest or destroy property. Only those on the left do that. Even when Obama shoved ObamaCare down our throats, and issued controversial Executive Orders, Republicans remained peaceful - indignant, yes, but they did not take to the streets or become violent. Only the left does that.

Liberals try to convince people that they are all for "diversity" in everything. But they are only for diversity when it suits their agenda. They are never in favor of diversity of thought. They learn that in our public schools, colleges and universities. If you disagree with them, they will attack you viciously and mercilessly - something else that conservatives do not do.

When you have a group of people, in this case liberals, who actively and openly try to shut down the speech or freedom of expression of those that do not agree with them, you have mindless, spoiled little anarchists created by the Puppet Masters like Soros, the media and even Clinton, who follow the "Rules For Radicals" of Saul Alinski, who refer to their minions like Cher, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Moore, Barbara Streisand, Jane Fonda and all the rioters and protestors as "useful peons" and trolls. These "useful peons" and trolls are not to be blamed - we should be laying the blame at the feet of those who create them. The minions do not know better - despite their education level, they are ignorant, self-serving and full of themselves, and the Puppet Master prey upon that. And that mentality is created by the liberal media, teachers & politicians. Every liberal learns these things from a young age - Cher & Streisand and Fonda, products of the liberal "hippie" '60's, were taught this way by liberal teachers, professors and liberal media. And they never bothered to question those teachings, nor have they learned anything since. Most people, upon experiencing real life for a time, eventually learn the truth and become more conservative with age. But these babied celebrities never experienced real life - they live their lives sheltered from the real world that most of us actually have to deal with. What is even worse - those elitists believe they ARE living in the real world because they do not spend any time living amongst ordinary people, struggling through every day in ways that the elites cannot even imagine.

Donald Trump says he will "Drain the Swamp". Laudable, to be sure, but pointless if you do not also stem the flow into it. We need to have media that is, and remains, objective, and being honest in their coverage of every subject. We need our college professors and yes, even school teachers, to encourage diverse thoughts and beliefs, and teach every student the Constitution, and that America was intentionally created to be a Republic, not a democracy (and for good reason), or forfeit any federal funding. And we need to have a Supreme Court that has NO activists on it - Justices are supposed to be unbiased, fair and objective, and their ONLY job is to uphold (not "interpret") the Constitution, as written, and stop looking for ways to twist it to fit an agenda.

When liberals lose a battle, they protest, they riot and they get violent, as in the cases we see today in our streets upon the election of Trump. They call for "unity and peace" by using division and violence. This is what they are being taught. Any young mind can be corrupted, and the Puppet Masters are very, very good at that.

When conservatives lose a battle, you do not see rioting in the streets, or people beating up liberals, or calling them racist, mysogyist or some other insulting label that is not true.

You will not find conservatives that try to shut down someone else's freedom of speech or expression. You will not find conservatives who try to divide people by gender, race, religion or income. They may not agree with others, but you will not see them protesting or rioting in the streets, or advocating violence. And when a Republican does call for an act that may APPEAR racist, like building a wall or banning immigration from terrorist territories, it is not for any racist reason - it is for national security. It is the Puppet Masters who have taught their minions to ascribe nasty labels to everything they disagree with - labels like racist, Islamophobe, homophobe and mysogenist. To them it matters not what the reality is - they will twist it to whatever suits their agenda.

Unity cannot happen by dividing people, as Mrs Clinton has done - she chose to draw lines between rich and poor, men and women, black and white. She would have won by a landslide, despite all her scandals, if she had been more unifying in her rhetoric; that any differences can be softened by our efforts and by being more accepting of differences. We can see, this very day, that the liberals rioting in the streets and beating up Trump supporters that they are not willing to accept differences. To liberals, it's "my way, or else." Those who do not think as they do, or believe what they believe will be punished.

And that makes everything worse.

I would bet if you were to take away Cher's or Streisand's celebrity, wealth and gated communities and place them smack dab in the middle of America, with no resources other than a middle-class family and a real job, they would soon become more conservative. I would guarantee it. It is nature for the young to rebel against the old, which helps to temper the traditional, and keep humanity on course. And it is also natural for those young people to grow older, experience real life (as opposed to their youthful ideals), and in aging become more conservative - which also keeps humanity on course. The problem today is that too many of the brainwashed youth never end up in the real world - they live in a world of priviledge, with celebrity, wealth, gated communities - even the "poor" in America have wide screen HD TV, smart phones and cars. All of America's wealth has created a generation of (mostly) spoiled rotten millennials who have never experienced real hunger, cold, poverty or deprivation. To them, deprivation is being told not to text while driving, and poverty is getting $40,000 per year in various welfare payments.

Something the liberal professors (themselves merely useful trolls) never get around to teaching students is that everyone has the same rights, and those rights must be respected. Instead, they teach students that in a perfect world they should have everything they want, and everything their way. And that simply is not reality, and never can be. It is not even reasonable, nor sane to believe everyone can have it all, because everyone else is ALSO trying to get it all. And life - just like any game - must have winners and losers.

What these professors and the media should be teaching young minds is that sometimes they will win, sometimes lose, and the only way to lose less is not by taking what others have won, but by learning, working harder, working smarter and pushing YOURSELF to do better. If you lose a lot at poker, you cannot simply rob the winner - you need to learn how to be a better player. And if you chose not to work at it, then you deserve to lose.