Sunday, March 28, 2010

Dissing Those Who Play By The Rules

Once again Democrats in Congress have chosen to disrespect and penalize marriage, as they have done every time they have held office since FDR. The new "health care" bill, now law, penalizes marriage. If you are married, the most you can earn before getting hit with serious additional tax is $250,000. But single people are exempt up to $200,000 each. So, if you merely live together without benefit of marriage, your total exemption is a whopping $400,000.

Frankly, I am sick and tired of the government penalizing one group while coddling and rewarding another. It peeves me even more when the penalties are on those who play by the rules while the rewards go to those who refuse to.

Responsible companies - no breaks. Irresponsible companies - bailouts.
Responsible homeowners - no breaks. Irresponsible homeowners - bailouts.
Married people - penalized. People shacking up - rewarded.
Hard workers - taxed heavily. Lazy non-workers - free support from those tax dollars.

I know a man who never works - but he gets numerous young girls pregnant, then gets them on welfare and takes half of their welfare benefits. He lives like a king, on OUR MONEY, while we slave and those girls live in poverty with their illegitimate children.

As manager of the largest homeless shelter in New Hampshire for 6 years, I saw perpetual drunks stumble out of the free shelter to the welfare office, get their food stamps paid for with our hard-earned money, then stumble on down to the local corner store where they traded them at 60 cents on the dollar for more booze. Then they stumble back to the free shelter and eat in the free soup kitchen.

If they are getting free food at the soup kitchen, and free housing at the shelter, why in Hell are we paying to give them free food stamps they can use for booze and drugs?

The system is wrong. And it was made wrong by those who created the entitlements - FDR, LBJ, Jimmy Carter and now Obama, along with a corrupt Congress.

We should not allow the federal government to even be involved in entitlements - Constitutionally that is the job of the states and the people. And any entitlements should be governed not by financial condition, but by need. There is a big difference between being poor and being needy. The needy are those among the poor who are unable, through no fault of their own, to care for themselves. The rest of the poor are not needy - they could do better if they chose to. They could choose to not be lazy. They could choose to not get started on drugs and alcohol. They could make a lot of choices that would get them out of poverty. They are not needy - just wanting.

Our tax money, designated to help the needy should be limited to the actual needy. Every dollar not spent to support a lazy person who gets young girls pregnant is another dollar that could be used to help someone in real need.

Help the truly helpless, not the truly clueless.

It is time we told the government to stop wasting money on unnecessary entitlements to unworthy people, and to stop penalizing those who play by the rules while rewarding those who do not.

Take your country back. Make it the America that it once was when we were growing to become the strongest, greatest nation on Earth. See you at the polls - be there, or don't complain when things go wrong.


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