Monday, March 1, 2010

A-Spinning We Will Go...

Today's headline: "Republican Jim Bunning of Kentucky stalls unemployment benefits for more than a million people."

Of course, that is not even close to the actual truth, but then, liberals don't have much use for the truth. Here is the real story...

Congress passed "Pay Go", requiring that they find ways to PAY for any expenditures they authorize. In the case of extended unemployment benefits, the Democrats want to extend payments (up to $10 billion) without having any way to pay for it.

Jim Bunning is all for the extension, but is only insisting that they fund it, and will block enactment until Congress actually decides to do their job.

But even then, no one on unemployment will see any interruption in benefits - there is already a temporary extension in place.

If more of our Congressional leaders would hold their own feet to the fire and arrange to actually come up with the money they spend, America would be better off. I say, "Kudos" to Congressman Bunning for standing up for an important principle - fiscal responsibility.

For the last two years everyone in America has been screaming bloody murder because Congress is not fiscally responsible. And now when a Congressman actually tries to be so, the Democrats try to turn him into some sort or pariah, or ogre. He is neither.

He is a hero. And those who try to paint him as anything less are nothing short of partisan hacks who hold their own interests to be more important than the interests of the American people.


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