Tuesday, July 20, 2010

They've Done It Again

While most Republicans attempted to get Congress to actually FUND the unemployment extensions (there's plenty of money left in the stimulus bill), our moronic senators Snowe and Collins both broke with the party and voted with the Democrats - again!

I don't mind them voting with the Democrats when there is good reason. But this was NOT a good reason - thanks to them, another $36 BILLION has been dumped onto our children and grandchildren to pay, when it could have easily been avoided.

It would have been SO easy to just take that amount from unspent stimulus funds, in which case ALL republicans would have been in favor. But Snowe and Collins again undermined efforts to reign in the wild spending, and in fact contributed to the wild deficit spending spree.

Had Snowe and Collins held fast to PRINCIPLES (something neither of them seems to comprehend), the Democrats would have been forced to fund the extension, and thereby protect our kids and grandkids. But no, Snowe and Collins do not care about future generations, apparently.

And do you realize that unemployment benefits have now been extended for 2.5 years? Frankly, if anyone remains jobless for two and a half years, they simply aren't looking.

Neither my wife nor my "fresh-out-of-school" daughter have any working history for their resume, yet both got jobs the first week they went job hunting. So do not try to BS anyone by saying there just isn't any work to be had.

Here's an example - I know a person who has been out of work for almost 18 months. When the Republicans caused a lapse in his free money, he was upset because "I now gotta go look for work, and it interferes with my fishing." In other words, as long as the free money comes in, many unemployed persons simply will not even look for work.

But whether or not benefits should be extended is not the issue at hand. The issue is that Maine's idiot senators just screwed our children and grandchildren again, to the tune of $36 billion just so they could be buddies with the liberals.

Frankly, both senators need to start being honest and run as the democrats they really are, because they certainly are not republicans. They are frauds - democrats running as republicans.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Olympia Snowe - Hurting Maine Again

Olympis Snowe has said she will vote for the "financial reform" bill. But as anyone with any sense of finance or economics understand, not only will it not "reform" anything, it will hurt us all - a lot!

This bill, if passed into law, will increase the cost of doing business, banking and in effect, touch every part of our lives. Whenever the cost of business goes up, those costs get passed onto the consumer - all of us "little people." It is WE who will pay, not the bankers, not the businesses, not Wall Street. Everything flows downhill - fact of life.

But of course, Olympia Snowe does not understand that, nor does she care. All she cares about is her own career. And for that very reason, the people of Maine should put an end to that career the next time her term is up. A chimpanzee could do the job better than she and Collins can.

You may not know this, but both of Maine's Senators make Maine a laughing stock. People all over the country keep wondering what kind of idiots would keep putting clowns like Snowe and Collins in office.

Meanwhile, Snowe once again will do her level best to screw the people of Maine, just as she always has.


Thursday, July 1, 2010


I was going through a bunch of material gathered after 9/11. And I noticed that many, many liberals blamed Bush for 9/11, stating he should have somehow seen it coming and stopped it. Note that Bush had been in office for just 9 months.

Obama has been in office for 18 months, and the economy is Bush's fault, the 10% unemployment rate is Bush's fault, the stock market is Bush's fault, immigration is Bush's fault, and even the oil spill is Bush & Cheney's fault.

So, why is it that Bush is responsible for things after being office 9 months - and even after being OUT of office for a year and a half - but Obama is not responsible for ANYTHING after 18 months?

I'm just askin'...
