Sunday, December 20, 2020

What They Are NOT Telling You About Covid-19



SARS CoV2, i.e Covid-19 has disrupted life around the globe for nearly a year as of this writing.Labeled a "pandemic", a variety of "experts", politicians and media have bombarded us with reports, stories and guidelines under the pretense of safety. But how much of what they tell us is actually, factually true?

According to the actual statistics and current evidence, not much.You can research all of the stats and evidence yourself and fact-check anything in this post. But if you do fact-check, make sure you have first researched thoroughly, and are not mistaking the OPINIONS of others as if they are facts. Forget the mainstream media or social media as reliable sources - they are anything but.

Start with masks. Many states and nations mandate we wear them, even though there is zero real evidence that they work against a virus. In fact, the opposite is true - every study has debunked the perceived value of masks. Click on any image to view a larger version:

As of May 2020, all of these studies & dissertations were internationally accepted...

...until they were told to remove and/or change them to reflect the narrative being created by those in power

Even Johns Hopkins published a paper stating masks provide zero benefit. After I found the paper and posted the link on social media, they deleted the post, and tagged copies with an notice of "update". Fortunately, the internet is forever and the page was archived here ---

Paragraphs 5-8 are particularly enlightening.

The paper also notes the number of annual deaths from ALL causes has not changed from previous years. How can that be if 320,000 EXTRA deaths are attributed to Covid? I think it explains why deaths by flu, heart attacks and cancer (not to mention car wrecks & gunshots) are down between 85 and 95%. It seems Covid has cured everything else.

If you dig deep enough, and get around the censors, you can find recent studies and data that still reflect the truth, such as the study by the Icahn School of Medicine @ Mount Sinai here: that some powerful are trying to backtrack or deflect, or this, about an extensive study in Denmark --

Frankly, an illustrative photo speaks volumes:

In addition, most studies show that wearing a mask can actually be harmful, especially for those 34 million Americans who suffer chronic lung conditions, but to everyone else, as well. It seems mask mandates actually contribute to the spread of the virus, likely due to ill fit, fiddling with them, re-using contaminated ones etc...

So, why are they lying to us? It is important to understand that the people in power are, for the most part, globalists seeking a "Great Reset" as they now call it. It used to be called the New World Order. And they will do literally anything (and have) to usher in their "ideal world" based on socialism in which the globalist elites will rule, and will own everything - included everyone else. Research the globalist cabal such as the Bilderberg Conferences and you will learn how evil these people really are. They support eugenics to "purify" Mankind and rid the Earth of those THEY deem to be unfit. And they don't make a secret of it. Bill Gates, John Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and others publicly state their desire to eliminate million or billions of people, to preserve precious resources for themselves. Have you noticed that while they tell us to cut back our "carbon footprint" by reducing our use of energy, THEY fly around the world on private jets? Or that they order us to lockdown, mask up, shut our businesses, lose our jobs while their BIG businesses like Amazon & Walmart are open and pull in all the wealth for themselves? Or that they are always being caught doing exactly the opposite of what they order for us? Like being caught getting their hair done in shops they closed. Or not wearing masks. And dining out in THEIR fancy restaurants while we are not permitted to do so.

If you follow this blog, I will be adding posts on several other lies they are telling us. Like the REAL number of deaths attributed to Covid (as of this writing, only about 20,000 of the 320,000 deaths attributed to Covid are actually FROM Covid. All the rest are deaths by other causes while the person was ASYMPTOMATIC with the virus, like this one...)

You could do worse than to follow this blog. If nothing else, it should help open your mind to possibilities...


Friday, December 4, 2020

Covid-19: NOT what we have been told.


Facts & figures fished out of the CDC tell a completely different picture of Covid-19 than we are being told. We are being played, for strictly political purposes of the globalist elites. Here are the figures...

265,000 died WITH Covid. That part is likely true. BUT...

94% had other deadly health issues, leaving 6% - 15,600 - that actually died of ONLY Covid, itself

CDC says 60% of people WITH SARS CoV-2 are asymptomatic, so 150,000 who died WITH covid present were not likely to have actually died FROM Covid. THIS man died of hepatic cirrhosis (liver cancer) and pancreas failure due to alcoholism, but was listed as a Covid death. There are literally hundreds of thousands of these.


That leaves about 100,000 deaths where Covid COULD have contributed to cause of death.

In other words, a maximum of 115,000 (and probably less since there is no way to determine the degree to which covid contributed) of the deaths "attributed" to SARS CoV-2 actually died BECAUSE of Covid.

As many as 80,000 people died of influenza in the 2017-18 season EVEN WITH A VACCINE available. The vaccine is estimated to save 50%, which means without a vaccine, 160,000 would have died of flu.

We have NO vaccine for SARS CoV-2, yet deaths FROM it are at least 45,000 LESS than a comparable flu.

Yet, globalist elites have us shutting down our country, forcing mask use, detroying businesses, families, lives and the economy for something less deadly than the flu

And we, the people, are just plain stupid if we let them do that!


Tuesday, November 17, 2020

COVID-19: Evidence it is a Globalist Hoax


Listen up! This is long, but everyone needs to hear this all the way to the end. Regardless of the election outcome, nothing will matter if you do not understand the real enemy, and what they are doing.

To date, no one on the planet has isolated the SARS CoV-2 virus. COVID-19 is a fake pandemic created by globalists to force compliance via fear for "health reasons". And while there may (or may not) be a SARS virus that kills a small percentage of people, it is likely only one of the earlier SARS viruses they tested on us 20 years ago, mutated.  I repeat - unlike EVERY other virus to date, the so-called Covid-19 virus has never been isolated. No one has SEEN it. (see evidence of this, below) This is WHY there has been a 94% DROP in flu cases and most other deaths, and this explains why all deaths are being attributed to COVID - to KEEP us under their thumb UNTIL such time as they can mandate their tracking/tracing vaccine (nanoparticles have been discovered in the vaccine). Then, they will have control over everything we think, do, say. I am NOT wrong on this.  Those of you who have followed my blogs are already aware that I predicted all of this months ago, and it has gone down just as predicted. I AM NOT WRONG ON THIS! This pandemic is a hoax perpetrated by globalists according to the plan they laid out in October 2019 at Event201, hosted by Gates, Johns Hopkins and other globalists, to instill fear that would result in controlling the masses.

They TOLD us they were going to do this at the Bilderberg Conference in France.  The Gates' Foundation, in co-operation with John's Hopkins even ran a simulation in NY in October 2019 called Event 201 that detailed every step. So far, it is going down exactly as simulated. Even the United Nations has told us, with their Agenda21, Agenda30 and Vision50. And famous globalists like Rockefeller, Kissinger, Gates and many others have made the plan public for years. In fact, Bill Gates is on a 2010 video stating as much.

Make no mistake - the New World Order is coming fast unless we stand against it en masse and stop it. With it will come a world under socialism/communism with the elites in power. Those of us who can be "useful" to them will be spared and will become serfs, with no rights. Anyone of limited or no use will be eliminated. They said so. Believe them.

The only way to stop it: do NOT comply with any lockdown orders or mask mandates, or anything that violates our Constitutional rights. And do NOT take the "vaccine" - vaccine 90% effective against a "virus" that is 99.8% IN-effective is pointless. That is what they were waiting for - without it, they cannot completely succeed. Why do you think new lockdown & mask orders are coming forth now, just as we are on the verge of a vaccine? And why do you think the globalist Dr Fauci now says we must KEEP wearing masks etc. even AFTER getting the vaccine? In the Luciferase (it's real - look it up) in the vaccine will be the ability to track every aspect of your life - what you say, do, who you meet, what you buy - everything. They will usher in the "cashless society" they have talked about for years - instead of money, you will receive digital credits transferred into your "chip". Ultimate control - you will not be permitted to use credits to buy anything they do not want you to have - like guns and ammo to fight them with. If you fail to comply with anything, you will not be able to buy food - or even enter a store. The ultimate slavery! Chains unnecessary. They can simply "shut you off".

Look around, people - every person, business, media, Big tech, liberal politicians - they are all among the elites. THEY are the ones pushing this, forcing compliance are they not?And THEY are the ones raking in all the wealth as smaller businesses are closed. They are acting as if they are a collective - because they are. You see it. You hear it. You KNOW it.

They want all of Earth's resources for themselves. They have said so publicly. They already do that - "rules for thee but not for me". They tell us to cut back on fossil fuels - while they jet around the world. They have parties with caviar and $1000 a bottle wine, while we get to go to Pizza Hut. Oh, and who made billions because all the SMALL businesses were locked down? Amazon (Jeff Bezos), WalMart - all the big businesses owned by...ELITES.

WAKE UP! Fight now, with all that you have. Or you, your children & all future generations will be mere chattel, nothing more. Bought, sold, traded, even murdered if it suits them. Take it to the bank. I am not wrong. 

EVIDENCE: The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It was originally published in February, 2020, and re-published in July.

Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [SARS-CoV-2] are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [virus] are currently available…”

Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.

Researchers at New Zealand’s University of Otago claimed months ago to have “isolated the virus” and shared their so-called “isolate” for use in the development of vaccines, testing of antivirals and other “COVID-19” research. But when they received a FOIA request, their response was this...

"I write in response to your Official Information Request of 8 September 2020...I can confirm that the University holds no records which fall within the scope of your request, as SARS CoV-2 is not isolated in the way you describe [sample taken from a diseased patient]...


For further information on what is really happening, check out this post.

Friday, November 6, 2020

Will Trump Prevail in 2020? (Checkers vs Chess)


The real battle has begun! Despite all the rhetoric from both sides, there is no doubt there are legitimate concerns about the integrity of the 2020 election. And I am pretty sure it will all shake out in the end. The only question: which candidate will prevail and be sworn into office on January 20, 2021?  

For the answer, we need to look into things that happened before as well as during the election. We also must look closely at the minds behind each. And keep in mind that President Trump quietly issued a consequential Executive Order in September of 2018 concerning election interference. That said, here is my take:

Early in 2020 the Democrat party began using the COVID scare to warrant a push for "mail-in ballots" that could be used fraudulently. That, in and of itself would not be a huge problem if it was done properly, requiring they be requested (not mailed out willy-nilly with no accountability) and requiring verification that the person  casting the ballot is legally entitled to do so. The problem became apparent to Republicans that mail-in ballots would be impossible to be vetted properly. 

 The Constitution clearly states repeatedly that only citizens may vote. That is not a suggestion, but a requirement. As with any requirement there must be a method to insure compliance. In other words, by default the Constitution declares citizenship must be checked prior to voting. Otherwise, the requirement becomes toothless - moot. This will become an important point if this election goes to the United States Supreme Court.

Now, realize that President Trump immediately called out the potential for fraud with mail-in ballots (which are different from absentee ballots which must be requested and verified). At that point, anyone familiar with Donald Trump's uncanny ability to think and plan ahead - trademark of his successes in life - well, those people understand that while others play checkers, Trump is playing chess. Here is how it likely would go down:

When mail-in ballots were first brought into the mix, Trump instantly began planning advance moves - he considered everything the Democrats were doing and planning, and was planning moves to counter every move Democrats were likely to make - sometimes even before Democrats themselves made their moves. Trump ANTICIPATED what they would do.  That is what Trump does. It is how he has been so successful in business, and in dealing with the economy, China and even peace in the Middle East. He is always a step or two ahead of his opponent.

Trump knew "the steal" was on. He knew the Democrats would  try to steal the election with fraudulent votes. (If you do not think he was ready for that, you need to take a smart pill.) But it would not be enough to simply catch them in the act. Trump was likely determined to destroy any future plans by EITHER party to compromise election integrity. His love for America exceeds his love of any party. As usual, thinking to the future. So, he let it play out. He COULD have stopped it with an Executive Order that would pass muster with SCOTUS, as most mail-in ballots and changing dates etc. were in violation of state laws.

Here is what Donald Trump and his lawyers know that most Democrats - even most Americans - do not know: if an election is contested and there is any evidence of fraud, SCOTUS would be called in to make a determination. (NOTE: this is why Trump and Republicans were so intent on pushing Amy Coney Barrett through the confirmation process so quickly - she is a Constitutional scholar, and always finds in favor of the Constitution as written).

So, the election is contested, and proof of fraud is discovered. It goes to SCOTUS. In such a case, the Constitution allows for SCOTUS to turn it over to the peoples' representatives - the House - to choose who will be President.

And if you are thinking that this would put the decision up to a Democrat majority in the House, then you are making the same mistake Speaker Pelosi is making. The Constitution clearly states that if no clear winner is determined, and it goes to the House, each STATE (not each representative) gets ONE vote. There can only be a maximum of 50 votes cast - and each vote is cast by a member representing his/her state. And the majority of states are in Republican hands.

The majority of states are Republican, unlike the majority of House members. This means California and New York will have only one vote each, just like South Dakota and Alabama.

The short take: Trump plans ahead - while Democrats play checkers, Trump is playing chess. He was likely way ahead at every step, and the eventual outcome preordained. 

That is not to say it will go down as planned, but it is a likely scenario, given with what we know of Donald Trump - the man who wins every fight that counts (so far). It could fall apart if Republican representatives do not show up to vote. But it appears Trump took all the rights steps, at the right time, and gave Democrats enough rope to hang themselves.

But one question may never be answered with certainty - who DID America vote for? Frankly, it appears obvious to those who look at who else the voters actually voted for - Republicans lost ZERO seats in Congress, and actually gained seats in the House. They gained a state governor. The people, by a large margin were voting a Republican ticket. Is it even plausible they would vote a red ticket and yet cast their vote for a Democrat at the TOP of that ticket? Common sense and critical thinking tells us that is a statistical improbability.



Saturday, October 24, 2020

Earning the "Black" Vote - Facts the Media Won't Tell You


Traveling through VA I noticed that most Biden-Harris signs are put up by people of color. This does not surprise me. What DOES surprise me is "why". So, being a person who believes in researching facts, I stopped at several homes with Biden signs, and asked why they were supporting Biden. In every case, whether the residents were black or white, I got the same response - President Donald J Trump is "racist" and he's a "Russian agent".

Most people know both those are false, as research (other than from the media or Twitter) proves. I would then ask them, "Can I ask you one question?" Then I would ask, "Can you name even ONE THING that Trump has actually DONE that has hurt the black community? Has he passed anything that does them harm? Or can you name even ONE THING, specifically, that either Biden or Harris has ever done to HELP the black community?"

After listening to some rather non-answers I ask them if they are aware that Trump is investing 1.5 trillion dollars into "opportunity zones" to benefit poor, minority neighborhoods, for better schools, more businesses, more jobs? Obama-Biden COULD have done that in their 8 years, but they didn't.

Then I asked if they were aware that it was Joe Biden who wrote and pushed the 1994 crime bill that BY DESIGN incarcerated tens of thousands of black people for 20-life for minor crimes and first offenses, and Kamala Harris used that to put thousands of black people into prison, and that she even withheld exculpatory evidence that would have freed two blacks on death row - but did not release that evidence until AFTER they were executed?

I then reminded them that it was Trump who began setting those people free under his First Step Act of criminal justice reform. Obama-Biden had 8 years to do that - but did not.

 Then I asked if they were aware that historically black colleges and universities (HBCU's) had to go to Congress EVERY YEAR and literally beg for funding? And did they know it was Trump who decided to fund them for 10 years, automatically, and even provided more funding than they requested? Obama-Biden COULD have done that in their 8 years - but did not.

Then I ask if they aware that in the '80's and 90's when black entrepreneurs could not get funding, that it was Donald Trump who loaned them the money they needed? And were they aware that when those black business men tried paying their loans back, Donald Trump tore up their checks and told them, "Just go out and make a success of your business"?

Or did they know that when he purchased Mar-a-Lago he wanted to open it to everyone, including blacks and Jews, but due to pressure from other area resorts, the city of Palm Beach told him he could not? He sued the city and won, which forced all the other resorts to also allow blacks and Jews.

Then I asked the most important question: does that sound like a racist, or a Russian agent?

Judging from the responses I got, I think some of those Biden signs will be gone when I drive by tomorrow...

(Brought to you by IntelliBiz)


Thursday, October 22, 2020

Media MUST Cover Biden-China Story Or They Die


As of 10/22/2020 the mainstream media - New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS NBC and NPR - as well as social media - Facebook, Twitter, Google and Instagram - have pretty much refused to cover the story of the century: the Bidens apparent pay-for-play with China. In fact, they even try to push disinformation by claiming the entire story is either unsubstantiated (it has been verified by the Intelligence Agencies) or is "Russian disinformation - which the ODNI and FBI have already stated is not true. Think about this - our most powerful and dangerous enemy - China - has a ton of blackmail they can use against someone who could become the President of the United States. And whereas China has already decreed they intend to take over the world by 2035, that goal would be easily met if America's president is compromised. Trust me - you do NOT want to live under a communist regime.

In other words, the mainstream and social media outlets are willfully and intentionally lying to the American people about the Biden family selling out America to the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). In effect, they appear to be committing treason in order to cover up the treason of their favored presidential candidate.

Authorities have Hunter Bidens laptop with tens of thousands of texts, emails, photos and they have been verified as real and legitimate. They have eye witnesses & partners of the Bidens who, in turn, testified and produced proof positive of the Biden corruption in selling out America to the Chinese communists. There has not been another story of this magnitude in the entire history of this nation.

This puts the media in a dangerous box, because this story is far to immense and backed by far too much empirical evidence, and they will be caught between having to report the story fairly, completely and expeditiously, which would destroy the Democrat party they support, or if they refuse to cover it, they will become extinct, themselves - no person on Earth will ever trust them again. No advertisers will pay them for advertising. The "legacy media" and social media will be dead. They will have committed organizational suicide. As it is, they have already damaged themselves, their integrity and credibility nearly to the point of no return.

A fair warning to ALL media - you had better begin reporting fairly, honestly and without bias beginning yesterday, or you will destroy yourselves completely and history will not be favorable to you.

You have been warned!

(Brought to you by IntelliBiz)/

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Fixing the Dysfunctional Media



Anyone who has been paying attention knows that the mainstream and social media platforms are out of control. They are heavily biased to the point of being downright dishonest. 

The problem lies in the perception of the First Amendment that guarantees freedom of the press. The media assumes that means they can say whatever they want, and can cover up important news if it helps their narrative. But they are wrong.

 Every Constitutional Right comes with the obligation to not abuse it. For the same reason a person may not yell "fire" in a crowded theater that is not on fire, it is just as wrong to intentionally publish fake news, publish improperly sourced stories or censor news the media wants to cover up - which is "lying by omission".

The media is provided a lot of leeway by virtue of being the press. But that does not give them the right to lie, or to cover up news. On the contrary - because they are blessed with extra protections, they must be held to a higher standard. When they fail to hold themselves to that standard, they abuse their right of free speech, and in so doing they harm the general public at large. And when someone harms another, there are grounds for legal action.

I would suggest it is high time for some enterprising attorney to put forth a class action suit against the media platforms designed to force the media to act responsibly; to not intentionally mislead  the public either by pushing fake news that is not PROPERLY sourced, or by covering up news stories simply because they do not fit a narrative. That attorney can use the same premise as yelling "fire" in a crowded building - that every right comes with the responsibility to not abuse it; to apply it fairly and honestly.

Because anything less causes harm to our entire society. 

 If Congress can place restrictions on the 2nd Amendment, do NOT tell me they cannot so so for the 1st.


(Brought to you by IntelliBiz)

Hunter Biden Email (alleged)


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Proof That the Media IS the Enemy of the People


Back in the 40's & 50's there was a cartoon on Saturday mornings. It featured a dog, a cat and a parrot. And like most cartoons, it was designed to teach children an important message.

It went like this:

The parrot is not happy that the dog and cat get along so well. He was reading a copy of "Mein Kampf", by Adolf Hitler which gave him an idea. He flies down from his lofty perch to the dog sleeping near the fireplace. He wakes the dog and whispers in his ear and points to the cat, resting peaceably in the easy chair. He tells the dog that the cat is planning to attack him in his sleep, and claw him up. He then flies over to the cat and, pointing to the dog, whispers in the feline's ear that the dog is planning to attack him in his sleep and chew him up.

The parrot  returns to his perch, above the coming fray.

Now eyeing each other with suspicion, the dog and cat become wary of each other, and it only took an accident - a spark from the fireplace - to get the dog to smack the cat, thinking it was responsible. Naturally, the cat fought back and a real, full-blown battle began as they tore each other to shreds.

 But in the fray, they bumped into the parrot's perch, and the book fell to the floor. Upon reading the title they realized they had become victims of the parrot's propaganda, and they began beating the crap out of the parrot.

In America the media was unhappy that people were getting along fairly well lately, which results in "slow news days", resulting in loss of revenue for the media, which makes money and gains its power from controversy and chaos ("dirty laundry"). With the help of some powerful, influential politicians on the left who support socialism and were using a "divide and conquer" regimen to consolidate power, the media began a narrative designed to pit people against one another. Black vs white; rich vs poor; women vs men - the list goes on. The purpose for the media, of course, was to create the hate and chaos they needed for selling their news - subscriptions and ratings - which, in turn, rakes in advertising revenue.

In short, the media is the parrot. We are the dogs and cats. And the push for socialism is the book, Mein Kampf, only today it is the Cloward-Piven model for instilling socialism, which in turn is based on Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" which, in turn, is founded in the Communist Manifesto.

For those unfamiliar with the Cloward-Piven strategy, this is a summary:

The following "rules" were put forth by Cloward and Piven in 1966, both professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work -

Creating a social state involves taking control in eight areas. The first is the most important because it involves everyone and is a matter of life and death. As you read through these (and hopefully think about them), ask yourself who is pushing these:

Healthcare– Control healthcare and you control the people. (Ring a bell?)

Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible, then provide the basics for them from the government teat, because it is easier to control poor people - they won't bite the hand that feeds them. (ring another bell?)

Debt – Literally bankrupt the treasury.  Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty. (A cacaphony of bells)

Gun Control – Remove the ability of the people to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state (Bells, bells, bells)

Welfare – Take control of every aspect of their lives. (Food, Housing, Education and Income)

Education – Take control of what people read and listen to, and especially take control of what children learn in school. Teach students WHAT to think, not HOW to think (our educational system coupled with censorship, as we see in all forms of media)

Religion – The tenets of religion are the strongest defense against socialism. Socialism requires removing belief in God from the Government and schools. Deprive religion of any public forum, which cripples its ability to sustain itself

Class Warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor, and by race, gender and by any other criterion possible. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

It is all about CONTROLLING the people. Make them dependent upon welfare, drugs, and even deprive them of their basic needs and have the government provide them, and as long as you have disarmed them and robbed them of the courage that comes from a faith in God, you will have all the power, unencumbered, and an unending supply of serfs. And the global cabal that caused this crisis will attempt to fulfill their dream of that New World Order by first creating the crisis (Covid-19), then provide a deadly solution via a vaccine with nanotechnology that will, at the appropriate time, be "triggered" with the new, higher frequency 5G network that China was thoughtful enough to build (a module in the electronics of the 5G towers has "COV-19" emblazoned on it - THAT is what will be activated when the time is right. 

Mark my words - the coming vaccine will be a weapon to depopulate even more than Covid. And those that survive the injection will be controlled by way of 5G, which will be discovered to cause harm to the body, the immune system and even our DNA. They have the technology. They have the patents as I detailed in previous blog posts. And they certainly have the desire to depopulate the planet to a number they can control.

Now, stop and ask yourself - which political party is pushing for all of the above? And is that a world you would be comfortable living in?

The 2020 election will be the the most critical election since Abraham Lincoln, maybe more so. Choose the world you want to live in, or have it chosen for you


 (Brought to you by IntelliBiz)



Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Constitutional Defense Against A COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccine


With several governors in America (and perhaps some in the federal government) discussing and/or threatening a mandatory vaccination of all citizens for COVID-19, know that there is a legal defense against it. I am not talking about the Nuremberg Code, although the baisis for that is the same as what is presented here.

American citizens have the protection of the Constitution which points out several natural human rights - rights that come from God, or at least nature. These rights are immutable. As so aptly stated in the Declaration of Independence, we have the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Every citizen has an immutable right to choose their own fate. SCOTUS has struck down vagrancy laws for that reason - no person is REQUIRED to live by the standard set by another. In other words, we DO have the right to choose what we will do with our own lives. It is the "pursuit of happiness".

By the same token, we each have a right to choose what risk(s) we will or will not accept. If a person chooses to be a soldier or law enforcement officer and risks his or her life, he/she has the right to make that choice. Evel Knievel risked his life all the time. He had that right.

The same is true of a vaccine - we have the right to choose the risk of getting the vaccine (and there are several), or the risk involved in not getting it. And while there are those that will use the argument that a mandated vaccine is for the public good, to protect one another, that argument is bogus simply because the unvaccinated do not place the vaccinated at risk. The only person(s) an unvaccinated person places at risk are other persons who also made that same choice, knowing the risk and accepting that risk which they have a right to do under common law - their personal sovereignty. If I am not vaccinated, I am fully aware that I can become infected by another unvaccinated person that may be infected, and I chose to accept that risk.

Anyone unwilling to accept the risk of COVID-19, for example, would be free to get a vaccine when available. Those of us who choose not to are no threat to those who are vaccinated, so the "public good" argument does not fly.

Of course, in 1905 SCOTUS ruled that a vaccine could be made mandatory, but there are issues with that ruling. The first issue, of course, is the Constitution and our God-given rights. And while the court determined the "public safety" allowed them to over-rule the Constitution, that, itself was unConstitutional, primarily for the reason given above - the "public safety" issue is bogus in the case of vaccines, because an unvaccinated person poses no threat to anyone except others who knowingly accepted the same risks.

But there are other issues with the 1905 ruling:

  • In 1905 there was a lot that was not known about vaccines. Today we know they can kill people. Bill gates has stated it will likely kill at least 700,000. We also  know they affect our immune system. And in the case of an RNA/DNA vaccine (which is the one being tested), it could change the entire human genome, and maybe not for the better
  • In 1905, there were no studies that linked vaccinations to other possible medical conditions. As new studies come to light, it appears vaccines can do great harm to a person's health
  • A COVID-19 vaccine is untested as far as long-term side effects, because the vaccine was rushed. NO ONE knows what the ultimate effect would be, or if it is truly "safe"
  • In 1905, "tracking chips" and nanotechnology did not exist. If included in a vaccine, no matter the reason, a person has every right to reject it. And since there currently is no way to tell if it is or is not included, individuals have the right to reject any and all vaccines in the future.
  • The 1905 decision also stated that a vaccine could only be mandated if there were no alternative therapies. Regardless of what many with ulterior motives claim, there are alternatives, not the least of which is Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine with Z-pak, zinc, and vitamin C & D3. There is also Remdevisir and possibly infusion of antibodies (plasma)

None of this, however, will make much difference if the State decides to violate our rights against our will. They do it all the time. Wearing or not wearing seat belts and helmets is a personal choice as to the level of risk we will take, and Constitutionally, we should be the ones making those choices for ourselves. If I get in a motorcycle accident while not wearing a helmet, only my life is at risk, and as long as I am properly insured, any cost involved is covered, which protects taxpayers from picking up the tab. Yet, many states force us to wear them. Thankfully, more and more states have deemed helmet laws unconstitutional for adults. They should do the same with seat belts.

Perhaps the most important defense (as of this writing is obvious, but not yet proved) is that the "Covid vaccines" contain graphene oxide, the greatest conductor on the planet, used in AI. It has been proved that certain frequencies can animate it and get it to build structures. And while it cannot breach the blood brain barrier on its own, it can enter the brain if the barrier is punctured by, say, a LONG swap shoved deep into the nasal cavity. Now consider that the required frequency is 5G. It is no longer a stretch to assume that graphene oxide in the brain can build the neural link that Elon Musk speaks of which would connect people to "the internet of things". And once the person is connected directly to the internet, everything they think, do and say, every place they go, everyone they speak with, all of their medical history, their "digital ID complete with financial data and even their vital signs can be controlled by whoever runs the 5G and the servers. The person can, just like a computer or smart phone, can simply be shut off as desired.

In the event any government entity decides to mandate a vaccine, it will most assuredly end up at the Supreme Court, and hopefully the court will favor the Constitution this time. But if it does not, there is still an alternative - we can once again fight for our human rights as we did in 1776...


Monday, September 7, 2020

The Push For A Cashless Society - and Why We Must Stop It


Globalists are intent on creating a New World Order that requires a cashless society. And the push has begun. The purpose?  Ultimate control. If we are unable to make transactions without using a privately owned gateway (card, chip or vaccine tracking), this is anything but smart. In a cashless society, We, the People would have NO wealth, or means by which we could buy, sell or trade but what it is controlled by the globalist financial institutions - herein called the Masters. You will only have that which the "Masters" permit you to have.

For example, the nanotech option that can be introduced into your body with some mandatory vaccine (see  for how this would work)** would be accessible to the Masters. Your "income", or allotment would be electronically inputted. It's in your blood! When you go to buy something, the merchant would electronically "read" you, as they now read cards, and the amount for your purchase would be withdrawn. 


 **UPDATE: YouTube, of course, took down that video. Their Globalist masters do not want people to know these things.


(NOTE: Luciferase is actually the name they have given to the vaccine component that delivers the digital info. Think about that! LUCIFER. They are not even hiding it. The hydrogel in the vaccine - AI nanotechnology - would contain all your information - everything you do, say, anywhere you go, who you meet, your health, emotions - everything). Who collects that info? What would they do with it? Answer - anything they want. If you fail to live according to their narrative and follow their orders, you can be disconnected from the entire conomy with the push of a button. You die.

This is dangerous. You may want to believe this is “for your own Safety” but . . . A cashless society means no cash. . Zero . . . It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’.  Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled. I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they are asking for. The Masters know - but not the people.


While they may sell you on the idea by convincing you of the sheer "convenience", consider:

  • You would have a difficult, if not impossible task of knowing what you have left of your allotment
  • What happens to the "wealth" stored in your blood when you die? Can it somehow be transferred to your heirs?
  • What happens if there is a "glitch" in the system used by merchants or the financial institutions?
  • What if, for strictly political or any other reason the Masters decide you are using up more valuable resources than they deem you to be worth? Could they just shut you off, leaving you unable to buy, sell or trade anything, and you starve? Remember - Globalists have gone on record as supporters of eugenics - eliminating undesirables.


A cashless society means:

  • You could only buy items they approve - what if they DISAPPROVE buying guns & ammo, which they surely must
  • No more tuck-away cash for those preparing to leave domestic violence.
  • No more purchases off marketplace unless you want to risk bank transfer fraud.
  • No more garage sales.
  • No more cash donations to hungry homeless you pass.
  • No more cash slipped into the hands of a child from their grandparent.
  • No more money in birthday cards.
  • No more piggy banks or tooth fairy for your child.
  • No more selling bits & pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return.
  • Less choices of where you purchase based on affordability.
  • Restricted ability to support certain "unapproved" charities or churches

What a cashless society does guarantee:

  • Banks have full control of every single penny you "own".
  • Every transaction you make is recorded.
  • All your movements & actions are traceable.
  • Access to your money can be blocked at the click of a button when/if banks need ‘clarification’ from you which could take weeks, a hundred questions answered & five hundred passwords.
  • If your transactions are deemed in any way questionable, by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good’. [UPDATE 02/05/2022: Wells Fargo just froze millions of Wendy William's money "for her own good"]
  •  And if you have ever held a religious belief, never, ever forget the prophecy in Revelations - that only by having the "mark of the beast", in your hand or forehead will you be permitted to buy, sell, trade. And ANY person who has the mark will NOT survive the apocalypse, and shall be cast into Hell for having sold their soul to Lucifer.

And before anybody slams this post ... don’t go shooting the messenger ...I’m sharing it because maybe we all need to take off our blinders for a second. 

Forget about cash being dirty. Cash has been around for a very, very long time & it gives you control over how you trade with the world. It gives you independence.


If you are a customer, pay with cash. If you are a shop owner, remove those ridiculous signs that ask people to pay by card.  Cash is a legal tender, it is our right to pay with cash.  But banks are making it increasingly difficult to use cash & that has nothing to do with a virus.

Stop believing everything you hear on the TV. Almost every single topic in today’s world is tainted with corruption & hidden agendas. Politics & greed is what is wrong with the world; not those who are trying to alert you to the reality.

Please pay with cash & please say no to a cashless society while you still have a choice. Contact your Representatives & Senators and ask them to make law that PROTECTS the UNFETTERED use of cash, permanently.

Please Share! Pass this on to EVERYONE you know, or we WILL all suffer the consequences


(brought to you by IntelliBiz)



Tuesday, September 1, 2020

REAL ESTATE - Huge Profits In The Age of COVID & Civil Unrest

Did you know that massive profits in real estate abound in times of mass migration, as we are now experiencing as people flee the unrest and violence in metro areas, seeking refuge for their families in suburban and rural portions of the country?

There is a tremendous amount of uncertainty these days, particularly in respect to COVID-19 and the recent civil unrest and violence in some cities. However, there is one thing we can be certain of - because of COVID-19 and the current state of affairs, the opportunity to make huge profits in real estate, quickly and easily, is very real indeed.

We know real estate investing is most profitable in a period of mass migration as we are now experiencing as people flee simply because everyone needs a place to live. People in transition need new homes to move to. Whether you live in a metro area experiencing violence & unrest and need to get out, or you live in the suburbs or rural area, or you are simply looking to get a great deal on a new home, there is now great potential to make huge profits even if you do not have cash or credit to work with. As people flee the cities en masse to escape civil unrest and draconian lockdown measures, they need housing elsewhere, and the "elsewhere" is the suburbs and rural areas. Thanks to "supply & demand", the price of housing in those areas is skyrocketing. If you know the tricks of the trade (see below), you can take advantage of the profits from that migration.

Even in urban metro areas there is huge potential to profit. As cities empty, the prime, expensive property in those areas drop in value precipitously. An investor who knows how to take advantage is in a postion to pick up massive bargains, as prime properties once worth a fortune become bargains. Why would you want to control (not necessarily own) such properties? Because they will very quickly regain their value once things settle down. By learning how to take over control of a property from desperate sellers, even without buying them, you will be able to cash in when things turn around. Control of property is just as good as owning it.

If you think you need deep pockets and great credit, think again. Neither is necessary. Of the 22 different, legitimate methods taught in "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate", 8 of those methods do not require you to put up cash or credit.

But here's the catch - this real estate surge will only last a little while, perhaps 18-24 months. If you do not act now, you will miss it.

Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and at least check it out. It costs nothing to look!


Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Documentary You MUST watch (gateway)



 This will be short...

Twitter and other social media have banned people from posting any link to the "Out of Shadows" documentary because it awakens people to what is REALLY going on, and that social media is involved in covering it up because they appear to be a cog in the globalist world of evil.

So I have taken this step - by posting the link here, you can come from Twitter or FB and see the video for yourself.

ATTENTION: While it is hoped you will spread a link to THIS page so others can access the video, please - be sneaky about it. Otherwise, Twitter and the rest will discover, and ban, this page, too.


Saturday, August 22, 2020

The (Strong) Case Against Forced Vaccinations, Masks & Lockdowns


This is not a dissertation on whether or not vaccinations, masks or lockdowns are good or bad. It is simply about whether or not people should be forced to cede their God-given human rights to any authoritarians that believe they know what is best for us, and wishes to impose his or her will on others, regardless of the reason.

Dictators dictate.They are tyrants. In America, tyranny is not permitted. And tyrants will always find an excuse for their authoritarianism. Today, that excuse is Covid-19, whether it is mask mandates, or forced vaccination, or contact tracing. And there is no doubt that any "leader" who leads by force is not governing - he or she is not leading at all. They are RULING, by force and decree. And that is also in violation of the Constitution and even our basic rights as humans. America was founded on the first principle of self-rule, and our elected leaders are chosen to serve the people, not rule over them. The people, not the leaders, are supreme according to the Constitution, and our rights do not become mere privileges by a decree of elected officials or their un-elected appointees. Nothing changes that - not war (interment of Japanese in WWII "for the public safety" was illegal), not natural disaster (it was illegal during hurricane Katrina for leaders to confiscate guns "for public safety") or disease (it would be illegal to mandate masks or vaccines) even under the pretext of  the "public safety".

Uninformed people might use the reasoning that no person has a right to endanger the lives of others, which may be true to an extent. Yet, that is done every time a person imbibes in alcohol, or gets behind the wheel. We put others peoples' lives in jeopardy every day, and we all accept those risks. But more to the point...

A person who does not wear a mask (which studies have repeatedly shown are useless in controlling spread of a virus) is not endangering anyone if he or she is not infected. The uninfected cannot spread anything. And even if he/she becomes infected, if the infection is known, THAT person must be quarantined until the infection is gone, but if the infection is not known (asymptomatic), studies have shown and the CDC concurs that asymptomatic people cannot spread a virus. And even if they could,  he or she can only infect others who have CHOSEN to take the same risk and not wear a mask. That is THEIR choice to make. Each of us has a right to choose the risks we are willing to accept, whether it is the risk of a dangerous vocation (i.e. soldier, telephone lineman), or the risk of infection by not wearing a mask. Even if EVERY PERSON who chooses not to wear a mask (or get a vaccine) were to become infected and even die, that is STILL THEIR CHOICE! Our bodies, our choice. Such people pose zero threat to anyone else but those other independent people making that same choice. If a person can choose to be a soldier and risk death, or drive a car and risk other peoples' lives as well as his own, then that same person has the right to not wear a mask or accept a vaccine.

If I do not get the vaccine, I am no threat to those who have been vaccinated. And while I could pose a threat to other non-vaccinated people, they, like myself, CHOSE that risk, which is the God given right of every human. If they are unwilling to accept that risk, they can simply get vaccinated.

The same is true with lockdowns, which, by the way, have been proven to exacerbate the pandemic. But that is not the issue. The issue is this - those who CHOOSE to "play it safe" are perfectly free to stay home. Those who accept the risks of being out and about, enjoying life, are entitled to THEIR choice, since it threatens no one who chooses to stay home. In the end, the revelers enjoying life may or may not take losses (their choice) but will end up with herd immunity, and able to enjoy life to it's fullest. But those who locked down must eventually come out - and they will NOT have herd immunity. The virus will still be there, waiting for them. They gave up their freedoms and  destroyed their lives for naught.

Officials in Sweden knew this, and they are doing fine. But in every country that utilized lockdowns, and mandated the wearing of masks are suffering a new bout of the virus, because the virus is STILL THERE, and those countries did not allow herd immunity to build.

As for a vaccine - even Bill Gates admitted a Covid-19 vaccine could kill 700,000 people. That's nearly as bad as the virus itself! And it is likely to only be 40% effective, like other flu vaccines. And it will not protect for life, as herd immunity would - the vaccine must be taken each year.

On a side note: vaccines work by suppressing the immune system, which sets the stage for other diseases to wrack the body later. The REASON the virus kills people is because our immune systems are already compromised by countless other vaccines,  poor nutrition, underlying conditions and age. That is precisely why it kills mostly the elderly and those with underlying conditions. And studies indicate that many of those underlying conditions were caused by immune systems already weakened, often by previous vaccines.

As for masks - the REAL scientific studies - even the ones originally promoted by the CDC and W.H.O. - have shown time and again that masks simply do not work, and can even make things worse. You can find all those legitimate studies online. Or, you can simply believe the misinformation being put out there by the mainstream media which is fed to them by the very people who have a financial stake in vaccines (Fauci & Gates, by the way, are heavily invested in ALL of the vaccines being created).

And that - money - is the very reason the FDA (funded primarily by Big Pharma), mainstream media and so many of the "experts" are trying to push Hydroxychloroquine off the table. If it is proven effective, they will ALL lose billions.

And here is the reason they will have no legal authority to mandate vaccines - in 1905 the Supreme Court determined that vaccines could be mandated, BUT ONLY IF THERE WERE NO OTHER OPTIONS, and ONLY if there were a real crisis. There are other therapeutic options for Covid (HCQ), AND it is no longer a crisis. More importantly, in 1905 they believed things about vaccines that we now know are not true; that they can be very dangerous and harmful, and efficacy is low.

That's it, folks. But be forewarned - many elected officials, doing the bidding of those with a financial interest, WILL try to mandate masks (to make you more willing to get the vaccine so you can go back to normal) and WILL try to implement forced vaccinations, and the subsequent tracking that will lead to a New World Order, where freedoms and individuality will not - cannot - be tolerated.

Whether or not they succeed depends on YOU. Only we, the People have the power to stop them. But the real question is - do we have the will to fight for our lives, our freedom, our country?


(Brought to you by IntelliBiz)


Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Presidential Racism in America

For those of you who may not be up to speed on the latest claim by Joe Biden that Donald Trump is "the first racist president", I determined that needed to be fact-checked, considering the upcoming election. I need proof before I accept something blindly, and you should, as well. Time to do in-depth research.

It was immediately apparent that several American presidents were racist. Early presidents were known to be slave holders, and it simply is not possible to own slaves and not consider them as inferior, which is the classic definition of racism.

Woodrow Wilson watched the KKK propaganda flick in the Oval Office, fired all black personnel and avoided confirming any black person. He also made racist remarks and re-instituted segregation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt literally imprisoned all Japanese-American citizens in internment camps during World War II. And Lyndon Baines Johnson wasn't exactly "inclusive".

The facts show that a number of presidents were racist.

So it is a fact that Donald John Trump is not the FIRST racist president. So then the question becomes - why does Joe Biden and many other people insist on calling Donald Trump a racist? What is the evidence?

In doing research (which most people do not bother doing), I found some very interesting facts. I found that Trump dated a black woman, hired black people, and even hired a black woman to a very high position in the Trump Empire. But those things did not necessarily prove he was not racist. So, I dug deeper.

In the 1990's, Trump sued Palm Beach FL to allow Mar-a-Lago to allow blacks and Jews to become members - something no other golf resorts in the area would do and Palm Beach would not permit. Not only did he win, but the win pressured others to follow suit and now all those clubs are open to blacks and Jews.

As I continued to dig into Trump's past, I ran across a video that featured Judge Joe Brown - a black judge who gained fame with his own TV series. A very well respected individual of high moral character, Judge brown recalled in the interview that back in the 1990's, black entrepreneurs were having trouble getting loans to start their businesses. Judge Brown sent them to Donald Trump. Trump gave them the money they needed on the stipulation they would repay the entire note, with interest, in one payment. As the loans came due, those black entrepreneurs went to repay Trump. In each case he simply tore up their checks and simply told them to go and run their business. That video interview with Judge Brown can be seen here...

Collectively, or even individually these things appear to paint a picture of a person who is anything but racist. So why do so many people insist he is racist?

It seems that, for strictly political purposes, the mainstream media labeled him "racist" because of certain things Trump did, or said, that they could color as racist, even though they could have been said or done for completely different reasons. For example, when he campaigned and said a lot of Mexicans coming here illegally were criminals. Anyone not knowing Trump could take that as racist, even though it was simply a factual statement with no racist intent. But the media pounced on it and convinced many who did not know Trump that he was a racist.

And then there were the travel bans. Although Trump stated clearly the bans were for security reasons (the countries he was banning were the countries most apt to harbor terrorists), again the media - and others with a political agenda - pointed at him and called him "racist". And more uninformed people bought into it because they wanted to believe it - after all, the vast majority of them were Hillary supporters.

And then, in January 2020 when the Corona Virus from China began infecting the world, Trump banned travel from China. Fueled by the media, Biden and other Democrats called him xenophobic and racist, despite the fact that the ban was strictly to protect America from the virus, to buy us more time. The media and others on the left chose to overlook the fact that Trump acted decisively in January while the Democrats were focused only on impeaching him, and Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer and DiBlasio were still encouraging people to "mingle and party it up", as late as April.

The left also conveniently ignores that it was Trump who initiated "Opportunity Zones" to lift up minority communities. He is the one who instituted criminal justice and prison reform and the First Step Act, to undo the racist laws put forth and supported by Clinton & Biden in the 90's. And he permanently funded HBCU's (black colleges & universities).

None of the things Trump said or did constitutes any racist act, though it could be assumed as such by people wanting to believe it, ignoring all his actions throughout his life that indicated he was anything but racist.

But don't take my word for it - do the research for yourself! Listen to the many minority individuals that Trump has interacted with, and helped, throughout his life. Listen to Judge Joe Brown, and hundreds of other persons of color who actually know him.

You can, of course, continue to believe Donald John Trump is a racist, if that is what suits your agenda. But if you are going to be honest, and if you have integrity, you would have to admit that he is not the racist that the media and Democrat politicians paint him to be, simply because they want to beat him at the polls.


Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Will This Be the End of a Free America?

Everywhere you go people - especially the media - are talking about "contact tracing" and how important it is if we are to control or contain COVID-19, the China Virus. Before getting into the right or wrong of tracing, we should first ask if it will have any impact on controlling the virus, which is the excuse being put forth by those pushing it.

The simple fact that even the experts do not deny: tracing is only helpful in the early stage of an epidemic. Once the virus becomes widespread there is no way to contain it, so there is no point from a medical standpoint for tracing. Any tracing that is done after the virus is widespread is for purely political reasons.

The next question, then, is "what are the political reasons" for contact tracing? And this is where things get very, very bad, very quickly as is the case in almost anything political. But this is much worse, because the political reasons lie in not a regional or national sphere, but a global one. Make no mistake - this game is for ALL the marbles!

It is going to be difficult to pull this all together because it is so complex, and there are so many "moving parts".  Therefore, each part will be addressed separately, wherever that is possible, and the reader can then add up the parts to see the whole.

While this post would have a lot more "meat" to it if we go back to where this really began, it would take an entire book. Suffice it to say the history of the major players goes back for generations. For example, both Bill Gates' father and grandfather were avid, outspoken supporters of eugenics, so Gates' 2010 speech that called for depopulation comes as no surprise. And it also is understandable that he calls for it via vaccines and abortions. Imagine - a vaccine designed to depopulate the planet. But it is nothing new for Bill & Melinda Gates, who injected thousands of women in Kenya with a fake "tetanus" vaccine that was laced with an infertility chemical, to reduce the population among those deemed "unfit". Or the polio vaccine he had administered in India that actually resulted in giving kids polio, and killing many others. Gates is persona non gratis in several countries because of the damage done with his "vaccines". Recently, an MP in India has called for his arrest for crimes against humanity.

As recently as last month Bill Gates admitted that any corona virus vaccine could kill up to 700,000 people, which he finds perfectly acceptable. And this is the person whose fingerprints are on nearly every vaccine being created today. BEWARE THE VACCINE

At this point, Gates' part in this is obvious - except that it goes MUCH deeper.  We know he supports eugenics by his own admission. We know he is dedicating his life to vaccines, and that those vaccines should be used to "prove" a person is "safe" to be around. And this brings us to the "contact tracing" of citizens - not only in America, but worldwide. 100 countries have already signed on to doing contact tracing - and again, for strictly political purposes. And Congress has already approved $100 BILLION for tracking/tracing.

Since tracing/tracking people has virtually no medical value at this point, the purpose can only be for control. What kind of control? Imagine for a moment that the "beeper" that goes off when you try to walk out of a store without paying is turned into a beeper that goes off when you attempt to ENTER a building without having any tracking/tracing nano chip device or chemical that was inserted via a vaccine or tattoo, or exists on your smartphone app showing you have been vaccinated. This would tell the store, employer, church, airline etc. that you are not "safe" to be around people because you have not received the "voluntary" vaccine and you will be denied entry and immediately forced into quarantine until you do get the "voluntary" vaccine. In other words, no vaccination means no food, clothes, job, income, or access to any goods or services. You die. BEWARE THE VACCINE

If this sounds far-fetched, know that a COVID tracing app is already on your smart phone. Go ahead - look. For example, if yours is an Android, click "settings - google" and there you will see, right at the top, COVID notifications app. Currently as of May 2020 it requires bluetooth to be on, but the makers advertise that a new, automatic version that does not require bluetooth will be installed in a couple of months. And don't think you are safe if you don't have a smart phone - again, those beepers will tell those in power that you are NOT trackable, and you will be denied entry and quarantined - imprisoned - until you "comply". As the BORG are fond of saying, "Resistance is futile". You become part of the "collective" or starve.

If this still sounds far-fetched, understand this: HR-6666 (note the number) is a bill already in Congress that will provide 100 BILLION dollars in funding for contact tracing just this year alone, with more to be automatically added as required. And Gates' "tracking" system for the vaccine has a patent #60606 (Patent WO/2020/060606 (note the number) was registered on 26 March 2020. The patent application was filed by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, headed by Bill Gates, back on 20 June 2019, and, on 22 April 2020, the patent was granted international status. The title of the patent is “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data”) The technology is here. The apps are here. The funding is on its way. And several states have already begun sending tracers door-to-door.

Of course, it's all "voluntary" - until it's not. Like when you try to buy food, or drive a car, or get medical help and cannot unless you have been vaxed. Still voluntary, of course - you do have a choice to either eat or die.

Dr. Anthony Fauci is the person who is guiding America to the NWO. He has a HUGE investment in vaccines, which is why he trashes HCQ. He receives $18M from the Gates Foundation. His job, which he does so well in an insidiously sneaky way is to extend lockdowns, keep people out of work & students out of school as long as possible, until that "vaccine" is ready. He plays the part of a medical expert, but in reality he is the "Judas Goat". BEWARE THE VACCINE

And if you still believe this is science fiction, remember two things: tracking chips have been around for a decade, and some companies have already implanted them in their employees so they can be "identified" upon entering the building, and they can use the vending machines and ATM without money, cards or even I.D. The other thing to remember is this:

Revelation 13:16-17 -- "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:  And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six"

We have the app. The vaccine in on its way. It will be required in order to "buy or sell". And that which funds it - HR-6666 - is in Congress. But that is not the only instance where 666 comes into play. The street address of the Virology lab in WuHan, China, is 666 (note the number). And Bill Gates' foundation is a major funding source of that lab.

NOTE: This entire "game of marbles" hinges on a crisis of such magnitude as to scare everyone on the planet half to death, making them malleable; easy to control. As famous eugenicists and NWO (New World Order) globalists have publicly stated, if you scare people enough, they will willingly give up everything, even their human rights, for the "safety" promised by government. In 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded EVENT 201 where the 3.5 hour exercise outlined such an event - a pandemic set upon the world from a lab. The exercise outlined, step-by-step, that which has, indeed transpired like clockwork. EVENT 201 was on October 19, 2019 - and in late October it appears the virus we now face was first transmitted to "patient zero", according to the latest reports. Coincidence?

And there is more - much more. And if you think it can all be attributed to coincidence, you might want to note that two or three things can constitute a coincidence. But if there are more than that, the laws of nature - the odds - of it being coincidence is virtually nil. If several things coincide and fit like pieces to a puzzle, then you can be assured it is not by random coincidence - it is by DESIGN.

Perhaps it will become more clear if we begin at the end result and work back to get an idea of how and why it all comes together.

You know about the globalist vision and agenda - in fact, the United Nations has put much of it in writing with AGENDA 21 and AGENDA 30 - how they want the world to be at those points in time. If not familiar with those it is recommended you read up on them.

The year is 2025. Place - anywhere on planet Earth. The "13 Tribes" mentioned in the Bible coincide with the 13 families that have for years - perhaps centuries - controlled most of the power and money. Families like the Rothchild's, Bilderburg's, Getty's, Rockefeller's, Astor's, Collins', DuPont's...these are the families that will have picked up all the marbles and run everything. They have brought back the "Golden Age" of the feudal system - Lords and Serfs. And this is how they did it, working backwards...

Eliminate anyone that has no use above the value of the resources they use up. This means eliminating the elderly, those with chronic disease or who are otherwise too expensive to keep from a medical standpoint, the disabled, the genetically inferior (via mandated abortion) - anyone who would use up precious resources without substantially contributing to the collective (think of the BORG of Star Trek). This reduces the burden, and makes everyone else easier to control, as they do not want to be deemed "non-essential" (a term we have already been indoctrinated to accept.) And if you wonder who will provide products and services for the elite if they eliminate the population, you need only note the fast rise in AI and robotics - neither of which use up many resources, and neither of which is apt to rise up against them (or so they think).

Prior to the "cleansing", every person was required to "choose" between getting a vaccine that included tracking/tracing technology on the false premise that it was for our own safety, so we would feel safe in knowing that anyone "infected" would be placed into "quarantine". Fear had driven people to accept this as part of the "new normal" - another term we have suddenly been introduced to.

Tracing is what effectively turns "voluntary" into mandatory. Without the vaccine, you don't eat. You do not live. The cleansing begins here. Every place of business is set up with an electronic system to determine if your tracking chip shows you are "safe". It can be done in doorways, automatically, or manually, using "greeters" like we now see when we try to get into WalMart (but for now they are only counting the people coming in). It can also be effected with the use of smart cams and drones, now being used in some places, to read your temperature, or tell you to move away from someone. It can be supplemented with machines that regulate what you can and cannot do, like grocery scanners, gas pumps and even ATM's.

None of this was possible without a media that could be manipulated to induce fear into the population. We already see how that is working for them. With globalists like Bezos, Soros, Disney & Gates owning the media and being big funding sources of W.H.O. and the CDC, it was a simple task to create panic, as long as there was an impending crisis coupled with the complicit media. And, as outlined by EVENT 201 and the U.N.'s AGENDA models, they had a working plan.

Bear in mind - since the "plan" revolves around a mandated vaccine, it is crucial that they squelch any other cure or therapy. This is precisely why the W.H.O., CDC, the Democrats and the Media are working tirelessly to discredit hydroxychloroquine and any other possible therapeutics. For the NWO globalists, the vaccine is an absolute must. Nothing else must make it into use. BEWARE THE VACCINE

The entire game was given a huge boost by the Democrat party. Possibly without even knowing it, they played a role in creating panic, draining the treasury and passing laws and executing orders to restrict Americans' rights - which they willingly gave up in order to be "safe". This just made the entire plan easier to execute - especially since they needed congress to FUND the game, starting with the Corona Virus Stimulus bills, then on to HR-6666.

This is where we are, and, unless we can stop it, where we will be going. And it will only take 1-2 years.

Globalists, which once went by the name "Trilateral Commission", and earlier were known as the infamous "Illuminati", have been working toward world domination for many centuries. This is the first time in the history of the world where it is even possible, thanks to technology pulling it all together.

So the big question: can we stop this? The short answer is - maybe. In order to stop this from going down as planned, the masses - the people - have to come together in large enough numbers, in unity.The problem that makes that unlikely is that far too many people are panicky, and feel powerless, resulting in capitulation like sheep going to slaughter. But if you are one of the courageous and want to try, you need to be quick, and you need to get others behind you. As many "others" as you can.

It begins with showing others the evil that is coming. Convince them that any contact tracing or subsequent vaccine is contrary to our survival. Push them to advocate strongly for therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and other possible cures that do not involve a medical procedure that pierces the skin and enters the bloodstream. At the same time, make sure they understand that it is IMPERATIVE they contact their representatives and Senators and tell them to vote "NO" on HR-6666 and any other bill designed to fund, or mandate any tracing/tracking. While taking away the funding may not stop this, it will certainly buy some time - time in which we may be able to convince more people. And don't forget to Petition the White House, and to flood Donald Trump with your thoughts on the subject.

But we cannot sit on our laurels. The globalists are already in the advanced stages of their plan. And like any other cancer, the more advanced the stage, they less our chance of survival.

The time to fight and save our freedom, our nation, is NOW!.

I am hoping America - and American strength and resolve - will see us through; that the socialist globalists will lose their bid to control the world.

It remains to be seen. All bets are off...

If you find any value in this post, please pass it on to everyone you know. The only thing that can save America is an understanding of what is transpiring and standing against evil.



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