Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Surprise! (Not)

Well, now we know exactly how much value some of our elected officials place on their oath to serve the people.Until yesterday, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D) was voting "no" on the travesty that is laughingly referred to as the Health Care bill. That is, until he got to take a spin on Air Force One. That was all it took to get this bulwark of principle to switch his vote.

If Kucinich can be bought so cheaply as to switch his vote for a ride, perhaps the Republicans can offer him a one-day pass to Disney World where he can go on many rides.I would enumerate all the Democrats who have SOLD their votes on this, but there are just too many. Just about the only Democrat currently serving that seems to have any real principles at all is Bart Stupak.

But I have to wonder how much bribery, blackmail and browbeating he will be able to withstand from the most corrupt Congress and administration in the history of America. So far, he has withstood a severe whipping from Pelosi and her minions, while politicians like Kucinich, Landrieu and Nelson succumbed to two lashes from a wet noodle and a pocketful of taxpayer-funded benefits.

A word to the Democrats on Capitol Hill: it's not the Republicans who will be voting you out of office in November - it will be your own party. No one forgives being betrayed by their own. You should have learned from the errors of the Republicans - it was Republicans who voted them out in '06 and '08. And now you idiots are making the same mistake.

I truly pity any party whose representatives and senators are as corrupt as the current Democrats in office today. It makes the entire party look corrupt. After all, and I have asked this before, if you can't even get your own party to vote for your bill without having to resort to buying their votes, then just how bad IS this bill?


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