Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Duplicity of Ilhan Omar

If I told you Trump said this, it probably would not come as any surprise:

"It reminds us of the grave stakes of the coming presidential election: that this fight is not merely about policy ideas; it is a fight for the soul of our nation. The ideals at the heart of our founding — equal protection under the law, pluralism, religious liberty — are under attack, and it is up to all of us to defend them. If working Americans are too busy fighting with one another, we will never address the very real and deep problems our country faces."

“Today, democracy is under attack. It’s time to respond with the kind of conviction that has made America great before.”

But the surprise comes when we learn who REALLY said it - Ilhan Omar.

It never changes - the left always projects the opposite of what they actually believe. If they say something racist, they accuse the OTHER of bigotry. They say they are FOR the CHILDREN, but actively push abortion right through to birth. They say they want more humane conditions on the border - then vote against the funding for it, and even stop a company from sending beds.

If you really want to know where the left stands on any issue, listen to what they say, then turn it upside down and inside out.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Liberals Don't Comprehend "Obstruction"

It is really difficult to understand how even the people of low I.Q. might not understand what constitutes "obstruction of justice". Because it really is simple. In order to obstruct justice, there MUST FIRST BE A CRIME! You cannot get justice without there first being a crime to seek justice for!

The Mueller Report states emphatically that there was no collusion between the Trump Campaign and Russia. Almost everyone is clear on that. "Justice" involves bringing criminals to pay for their crimes. If there is no crime, there is no justice to seek. Without the prospect of justice, there cannot possibly be any obstruction of justice.

What Trump did, or may have done, does not constitute obstruction - it is clearly a case of defending himself against FALSE accusations - which every citizen is permitted to do. It only rises to obstruction when the accused is actually guilty of the underlying crime being investigated, and then attempts to prevent investigators from proving it.

Mueller says there was no underlying crime, so there was no "justice" to seek. Hence, justice could not be obstructed or subverted.

The short take: if a person interferes with an investigation by people who hate him and are accusing him falsely, he is not OBSTRUCTING justice - he is SEEKING justice! It is the wrongful accusers who are obstructing justice.

And that con man, Mueller, understands that perfectly. But he hates Trump, and wants to take him down, anyway. So he does the only thing a con man CAN do - he sowed seeds designed to continue keeping the Trump administration under a cloud, in hopes of preventing him from being re-elected. He is counting on a lot of uninformed voters to be fed the false media narrative pushed by Democrats and celebrities who hate Trump. He is counting on the "unwashed WalMart masses" not being smart enough to understand there simply cannot be obstruction unless there is a crime.

They ARE smart enough! And they are sick and tired of the hate, lies and corruption in the media and on the left.

And that is why Trump will be re-elected, in spite of all the left-leaning media and social media trying to co-opt the election for the left.

Monday, July 8, 2019

The Joke of a Home Depot Boycott

OK, so the founder of Home Depot says he will donate to the Trump campaign. Naturally, the far-left trolls on Twitter don't like that, so they want to boycott Home Depot.

After I stopped laughing, I thought I would pass on a bit of reality - most of Home Depot's customers are tradesmen. And the vast majority of tradesmen are conservatives, not progressives. Furthemore, the tradespersons are long time customers, and like most SANE people, won't boycott any company simply because of the personal politics of the owner(s).

After all, if the lefties want to keep playing that stupid game, Republicans could put liberal businesses like Ben & Jerry's out of business. And then Ben & Jerry would not be able to fund the causes that progressives adore.

It is worthy of note that over 95% of all "boycotts" are started by far-left progressives who make their living by complaining and finding fault. While conservatives generally work to build people up, progressives work tirelessly to tear people down. For them, it's a matter of having power over others.

As for myself - well, I have been to Home Depot at least once per day, every day this year. And for those of us in the trades, that's fairly normal.

If there is any effect of a boycott of Home Depot it will likely result in a BOOST to their business.

After all, that was the result of the boycott of Chick-Fil-A and Hobby Lobby...