Friday, March 19, 2010

BS Obama

I'm listening to Obama's health care speech this morning, and never in my life have I heard so many half-truths and lies in so short a time. Like when Obama said the CBO says his health care bill will cut a trillion off the deficit. The truth: the CBO says only 120 billion would be cut, BUT that is conditional, since the only numbers they can crunch are the numbers provided to them by Congress. And the CBO further warns those estimates from Congress are not realistic.

He says his bill is all about reforming insurance. It is. It's not about health care. It's about insurance. But he says he will force insurers to cover pre-existing conditions (which increases costs to insurers that must be passed on or they will go bankrupt), and will force insurers to pay heavier fees (same as above - must pass it on), but then says OUR costs for premiums will miraculously go down. Not even the CBO agrees with that, as they claim premiums are likely to go up about 17%.

And I notice that Obama is purposely avoiding saying anything about the terrible parts of the bill. He never mentioned the 47 new taxes we will pay. He never mentioned that we will be forced to buy insurance. He did not mention the 15,000 new jobs at the IRS because THEY will be empowered to monitor us monthly, to insure we get insurance or pay a $2250 fine. He did not mention the board that will determine who gets what care, based on actuarian tables and the persons expected "value" to society. And he never mentioned that the make-believe $500 billion that would be cut from Medicare (but never will be) is somehow being spent twice - I wish I could do that!

And he never mentioned all the new "deals" being cut, even as I write this.

And he failed to mention that we will have to pay the taxes and fees for ten years in order to get benefits for only six years. And he never mentioned where we will find the doctors, nurses, hospitals and equipment to serve 30 million more people, particularly since the New England Journal of Medicine writes that a poll indicates up to 46.3% of all doctors may retire if this bill passes.

Look, we don't need better insurance. And we donb't need to drive insurers out of business, resulting in only a socialist government plan being available. What we need is better HEALTH CARE, and LOWER COSTS. And a little more HONESTY in the discussion would help a lot.

I would not have such an issue with his lies if only he would tell the folks EVERYTHING that is in the bill, and not just the parts that make good sound bytes.


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