Sunday, December 10, 2017

Twitter Shows Its True Colors & It Isn't Pretty

As many know (if you follow the real news), Chelsea Handler has twice body shamed Sarah Huckabee Sanders in a very vulgar and hateful way, on television. And to think, it's those Hollywood liberals who supposedly "stand up for women". Actually, they only stand up for those who agree with their ideology.

That is not news. But this is:

This morning I posted the following Tweet in defense of Sanders, and calling out Handler for her vulgarity and hate:

"@chelseahandler AGAIN body shames Sarah Sanders, proving Handler and her hypocrite Hollywood liberal supporters are among the ugliest people on the planet, on the inside, where it counts. Handler is vulgar, crude and crass, as are those who condone her crap"

Twitter's response was IMMEDIATE - even before I hit the TWEET button my account was locked! The reason? According to Twitter, my post "threatened violence against someone based on race, ethnicity etc. etc.".

Maybe I'm missing something, but I simply do not see any threat of any kind. What I see is someone who actually IS standing up for a woman who is being degraded by a "never was" comedienne in front of millions on TV.

And it calls out all her Hollywood liberal friends and supporters who condone Handler's  hate and abuse of other women. They could stop it by calling her out. But they don't, because they are just as hateful as Handler, herself. And that makes Chelsea Handler, and all who support her, among the ugliest people on the planet.

If Handler should ever decide to actually become a comedienne, and actually makes a stab at being funny without resorting to slamming others on a personal level simply because they disagree with her ideology, then maybe she can become relevant. But if she feels she can only achieve relevance  by hurting others, then she will never have any relevance except in her tiny little circle of other haters.

And it seems her circle of hate includes Twitter, which covers for them...


Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Gay Rights vs Religious Rights

As I write, we are hours away from SCOTUS reviewing a case to determine whether a baker can refuse to serve gays based on the baker's religious beliefs. And I can say with absolute conviction that IF the justices are honest brokers and protectors of the Constitution, they MUST find in favor of the baker (though I seriously doubt if the liberals on the court would agree).
Here it is in a nutshell...

The right to not be discriminated against is a right provided by the laws of Man. But according to the Constitution, the Right to free exercise of religion is a GOD-given right. And God's law supercedes Man's law, every time. Furthermore, the government has no right under the Constitution to dictate to a privately owned business who it can and cannot do business with. Think about this - if a government has the power to tell you who you can do business with, then they also have the power to tell you who you cannot do business with!

The First Amendment is very clear - every person has an inalienable right to the free EXERCISE of religion. Not just the freedom to believe, but the freedom to exercise it in every aspect of your life. Ergo, if your religion says homosexuality is a sin, then that is a tenet of that religion, and the follower must live accordingly. And if, as is the case in Christianity, the religion declares that you are just as guilty of the sin as is the actual sinner if you do anything to condone it OR if you fail to oppose it, then the free exercise of that religion would require the baker to refuse to bake a cake for gays if it is specific to them.

In short, no government has any right, legal or moral, to force someone to violate their religious beliefs. In this case, the man-made right of gays cannot supercede the God-given right of the business owner.

It should be noted that the baker in question is not refusing to sell a cake to gays, or refusing to do business with them - they are still free to buy any other cake in the shop and decorate it themselves. He is only refusing to CREATE a SPECIAL cake for a gay marriage - something he cannot support, and cannot be forced to support by government decree without violating the bakers First Amendment right.

Even without the First Amendment, the first official document that formed our Republic, the Declaration of Independence, makes it clearer still. It states, "...that [we] are endowed by the Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." In other words, the right to choose our own path - a path that makes us happy - is a God-given right that no man or government has any right to infringe.

Personally, I couldn't care less if gays marry, or if a man wants to become a woman. And my Bible says homosexuality is an "abomination", not a sin. And the definition of "abomination" is simply that it is not normal or natural, just as a two-headed calf is an abomination. But that calf has not sinned.

But I DO care when anyone uses the power of the government to force others to join them in their choices, thereby violating the rights of others. Certainly, gays have the same rights as the rest of us, but no one has a right to violate the rights of others.

And that is why the Supreme Court of the United States should clearly find in favor of the baker - that the baker cannot refuse to do business with anyone based on sexual orientation, but shall not be required to violate their religious beliefs by creating a special piece specific to them. There are other bakes, some without such religious convictions.


Monday, November 13, 2017

The Tale of Pindarovia & the Poison Pill (FLASHBACK)

It is surprising how few people understand the trickery and deceit practiced by one political party. People would do well to pay attention to the tale of Pindarovia, which I wrote and posted several years ago.

The people of the kingdom of Pindarovia were strong and independent. So much so that the tryannical king needed to find a way to weaken them enough so he could keep them under his complete control. He knew the best way to do that would be to first weaken them, then make them dependent upon him for their very lives.

The king went to his wizard to find a way to accomplish the task. The wizard gave the king a potion that, when ingested, would weaken even the strongest of men.

The king, being a wiley man, knew his people would not willingly drink of the foul potion. So he had his cooks make a recipe to make the potion appealing. They added sugar, blueberries and served it up with ice cream on the side.

When one wise man stood and tried to warn the people that this would be bad for them, the king merely said, "Why would you want to keep the people from having blueberries? Why would you want to deprive them of ice cream? How can you be so cruel and wrong-headed?"

And the people, wanting the ice cream and blueberries, were fooled into taking the potion. And they were weakened, and became dependent upon the king for their survival.

Now, you might think this is only a cute little story. But it is much more than that. This sort of thing goes on all the time. Remember all those people who drank the poison believing it to be Kool-Aid at Jonestown?

And then the "Affordable health care" bill. The liberals added a few good things, like covering children with pre-existing conditions, and used those things to "sweeten" the poison that is in the bill. And when a conservative steps up and says this is a bad bill, the liberals say, "Why would you be against covering kids with pre-existing conditions? What kind of monster are you?"

The truth is, conservatives are not against the blueberries or the ice cream. They are against the poison that is being delivered with it.

And when liberals try to accuse conservatives of not caring about the people, they are blatantly lying. They know that is not true, but they use that to con the people into thinking that conservatives are bad.

So here is the difference - liberals give you blueberries and ice cream to get you to eat the poison. Conservatives want you to have the blueberries and ice cream, but without the poison. Democrat politicians ALWAYS insert a "poison pill" into every piece of legislation they propose, because that makes it impossible for them to lose - if the legislation passes, their poison becomes law (like the taxes & penalties in ObamaCare), and if the legislation fails, they get to beat up the Republicans for denying the people the "blueberries and ice cream". I repeat - EVERY piece of Democrat legislation includes a poison pill.

Whenever you hear Democrats claim that Republicans are mean, cruel, hate women, hate children, want dirty water and air etc., it is because they inserted poison into an otherwise beneficial bill, and the Republicans shot down the bill because of the poison pill. Think about that the next time you hear Democrats make such claims, and take the time to look for the "poison pill" in their bill.

And the sooner people stop being fooled by the wiley king and begin listening to the truth, the better off we will all be.


Friday, October 20, 2017

Why Liberals Are Rewriting History

From an article posted by over 25 years ago:

"WHEN THE COMMUNISTS TOOK OVER a country, one of the first things that they did was to confiscate all the privately-held weapons, to deny the people the physical ability to resist tyranny. But even more insidious than the theft of the people's weapons was the theft of their history (italics are mine). Official Communist "historians" rewrote history to fit the current party line. In many countries, revered national heroes were excised from the history books, or their real deeds were distorted to fit Communist ideology, and Communist killers and criminals were converted into official "saints." Holidays were declared in honor of the beasts who murdered countless nations."

Fast forward 25 years and here we are, with radical liberals attempting to ban our guns, destroy statues of historically important figures, and rewriting history to reflect a new reality that has little  basis in fact. Washington and Lincoln once had holidays in their honor. Now all we have is a generic "President's Day". We were told by liberals that holidays which honor individuals instead of accomplishments are wrong. But then those same liberals pushed for - and got - a special holiday honoring an individual - Martin Luther King Jr. - and vociferously opposed naming the day for the accomplishment (Civil Rights Day) instead of the individual.

And let us not overlook the current disrespect to our flag and National Anthem being pushed by the radical liberals of Black Lives Matter, another radical group funded by the billionaire socialist, George Soros.

And those same liberals who scream that Washington, Jefferson and Columbus were bad people, they idolize the likes of Che Guevera, Mao, Stalin & Lenin, Castro  - all of whom were responsible for the mass murder of millions. "Communist killers and criminals being converted into saints."

Look at what the George Soros funded groups of liberal activists are doing in America today, then re-read that excerpt above, published a quarter century ago.

Now tell me these radical liberals, called "Progressives", are not Hell-bent on destroying our Republic


Saturday, September 23, 2017

"Take A Knee" - It May Not Be A RIGHT

People on the left are under the mistaken impression that the rights we have as citizens are absolute. They are not. When an NFL player "takes a knee" to diss America, they try to claim they have a Constitutional right to do so, but that is not exactly true.

When you are on your own time, you absolutely have a right to take a knee. But when you are accepting pay from someone to work on their behalf, you do not have the right to take a knee - the only right you have while you are on someone else's dime is what your boss says you have. If the boss says you may take a knee, then he has given you the PRIVILEGE to do so, not the RIGHT to do so. And if the boss says you may not take a knee, then you have neither the right nor the privilege at that time.

When you are "on the clock", your boss has every right to suspend your rights while you are on his time. You have a right to bear arms - but NOT in the workplace if your employer says "no guns on the premises." You have a right to privacy - but not in the workplace if your employer wants to monitor you. You have a right to worship, but not on company time. You have a right to express your personal beliefs - but not when your employer says "not on my time", as your speech/actions can reflect adversely on him.

As a private citizen, you have rights. As an employee, your employer can  suspend many of your rights if those rights could reflect adversely on the employer.

So, NFL players do have a right to "take a knee" on their own time, but they do not have that right to do it on the field. Their employer may, at his or her discretion, allow them the privilege, but it is not a right. If the boss says you may not do something, but you do it anyway, your boss has every right to fire you.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Conning the Uninformed

Often we hear people on the left make claims that they have been "proven right" on this or that, or that "statistics show we are right" about something, but what many do not realize is that they are using an old scam to make it look that way.

Let's say there are 10 NFL games left before the Super Bowl. You tell 100,000 sports gamblers that one NFL team will win Monday's game, and tell another 100,00 that the other team will win. For 100,000 people, your "prediction" was correct. Next week, you tell 50,000 of those 100,000 that team "A' will win, and you tell the other 50,000 that team "B" will win. Now, to 50,000 people, you have been correct 2 times out of two.

The next week, you divide those "winners" again, and to 25,000 people you are 3 for 3. You do this again the next week, and again the week after, and so on. By week 10, 195 people will believe you to be a true genius - a seer - having provided them with the winning team 10 times in a row.

Now with the Super Bowl on the horizon, you tell those 195 people that you will tell them who you think will win the Bowl game, but they must pay you $5000 for that info.

No matter who wins, you walk away with almost a million bucks, and nearly 100 people are toasting you, as they made a bundle from your info. And you can now point to 100 people who will swear your predictions are ALWAYS right.

The losers, of course, may be angry, but you never said you could predict the winner - you simply offered to tell them who you thought would win.

People on the left use the same tactic to "prove" their argument. There may be five "studies" that show a certain result, but what they don't show you are the hundred that show a different result. Like global warming - the left shows 180 years of temperature records to prove the Earth is warming - and it is. But what they do not show is that for the 4 billion years previous to that, Earth's average mean temperature has been up to 20 degrees warmer for roughly 80% of the time (see PALEOMAP created by scientists from many fields having collected the data).

Think about that for a moment - the "climate change" crowd is basing their beliefs on 180 years of records - 180 years out of 4 billion! Earth is normally and naturally much warmer than now. And it is climbing back to its natural place. And the climate bunch neglect to mention that during the "warm spells", mankind fared much, much better than during the "cold spells" that nearly caused our extinction. And they also neglect to remind you that if the Earth warms to its natural state,  we will not need to burn as much fossil fuel to keep warm in the cold months, or warm up our cars each morning.

Warm is good. Cold is bad.

Don't buy into the hype posed by the left - you will likely be duped.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

The Swamp Is Winning - Here Is How We Can Fight Back

We, the Deplorables elected a person to the White House for the express purpose of bringing government back into line, to be the servant of We, the People. We wanted someone who would fight for us, against the "powers that be."

But the "swamp" of Washington D.C. is incredibly large, deep, dirty and filled with every manner of despicable creature, all of which want to retain power. And to that end they will tell any lie, do any dirty deed, and be as dishonest as necessary.

These swamp creatures include many of those in Congress, from left-wing liberal Democrats who refuse to relinquish their power, to many establishment Republicans who also refuse to give up their own power, granted to them by the "establishment", not the people.

And these Washington rats are given cover by the liberal mainstream media, protecting the swamp creatures with fake news, dishonest, biased "reporting" and out-right subterfuge.

Too make things worse, there is a "deep state" arm of government that is dedicated to preserving the status quo. These are made up of establishment "public servants" dedicated to serving only themselves, and will torpedo anyone who gets in their way, using illegal leaks, phony stories and any other illicit means necessary.

Yes, the swamp is a powerful thing, and one man - President Donald Trump - is desperately trying to wrestle all the alligators into submission. But here's the fact we, the Deplorables must fully understand - without our help, without "We, the People" fighting back, the president is only one person, and doesn't stand much chance.

You gambled on Trump. You supported him through thick and thin. And now, when he actually needs our help, most of us sit idly by, thinking there is nothing we can do.


Here is what we can, and must, do:

1) Contact your elected Representatives and Senators, and push others to do the same, telling those disingenuous, power-hungry clowns that if they continue to subvert Trump's agenda, or even fail to fully support it, they will lose the power they are fighting to preserve, because they will be voted out of office.

2) Boycott ALL liberal mainstream media where they have replaced honest, unbiased reporting with partisan, political attacks, like pit bulls tearing apart a kitten. Do not buy their newspapers, magazines or watch their television poison. Do not visit their websites. Burn the NYT and Washington Post, and tune out the likes of CNN, ABC and shows like "The View".

3) Stop watching shows or movies featuring celebrities that publicly slander the president, just to get their sorry faces in the news, trying to stay relevant

4) Boycott any major advertiser of those media outlets, no matter who they are. Let the advertisers know that their support of such poison will cost them dearly.

5) Keep informed. Check in with honest reporters, like those on Fox News, or talk radio like Ingraham or Rush, to see who is doing what. When some moronic Senator like John McCain makes a stupid, unfounded assertion like when he said the Trump "scandal" is like Watergate, CONTACT that Senator, or representative, and straighten them out

6) Don't be afraid to be informed, and use that knowledge to spread the word. You would be surprised to learn how few people know there is a video of Comey, under oath before Congress just a few days ago, stating that no one at any time ever attempted to get him to stop any investigation. Yet, the purveyors of fabrication are telling us that there is a Comey "memo" stating Trump tried to tell Comey to stop the investigation, and they call it "obstruction of justice".

Get informed through reliable, honest media. Stay informed. And get out there and actually fight back against the forces of evil that inhabit the murky, stinking swamp. You can start by passing along this post.

And don't forget to vote accordingly.

And remember - the Bible clearly states that the deceivers are the Devils henchmen. It's time to choose sides.


Friday, April 28, 2017

A Tribute to Cooper - Much More Than a Dog

Monday, April 24, 2017

Dishonest Mainstream Media Shows Its Colors

The headline in bold letters on AOL read: 

"Sean Hannity Hit With Scathing Sexual Harassment claims - shocking situation involving a hotel room. Sean Hannity slammed with sexual harassment allegations from former FOX News guest

Story by Marah Alindogan,"

The story begins, "After FOX News was forced to let go of its biggest star Bill O'Reilly amid sexual harassment allegations last week, another one of its anchors is facing a scandal of his own. (Ed: No, he is not - this is a blatant, proven lie)

"Conservative pundit Debbie Schlussel claims that Sean Hannity invited her back to his hotel in Detroit after the pair met at a book signing."

The "story" then goes on for several more paragraphs about how Hannity harassed her, and tried to seduce here. All have been proven to be lies, but that does not stop the liberal media that refuses to let the truth interfere with the story they are CREATING.

And only after having put all this into the readers' heads, they THEN state, "Just a couple of days following her radio interview that went viral over the weekend, Schlussel walked back her claims, denying that she was ever sexually harassed by him in an interview:

"I would never accuse him of that. Sexual harassment has a special meaning under the law, and I would never accuse him of that," she clarified. "I never thought I was sexually harassed by Sean Hannity."

What we have here is a classic - and common - example of how the liberal media (AOL in this case) writes a story specifically designed to poison minds by creating false impressions, and then, only in the end of the story, the actual truth comes out. But of course, by that time minds have already been poisoned. It's hard to put a genie back in the bottle. Especially when most readers of lib media only read the headlines, and make up their minds from that. And the liberal media knows that!

Any HONEST journalist would have written the story that "Pundit Falsely Accuses Hannity of Harassment - Then Retracts Her Claims" That would be a truthful headline that would not plant seeds of hate against an innocent person in people's minds.

When will we hold the dishonest liberal media accountable for the hate, discontent and division they intentionally spread?


Monday, March 27, 2017

Speaker of the House - Is It Time For Change?

The latest debacle in our House of Representatives indicates the Speaker of the House is not all that effective. Even though Republicans control the House by a WIDE margin, he could not get enough of a coalition together to get the health care bill through. And while I am happy the bill failed, as it stunk, I don't think any sane Republican should be happy that the Speaker, smart as he may be, is so ineffective.

So what should be done? It's simple.The Republicans in the House should replace Speaker Ryan with someone who has a proven record of building strong coalitions, and getting huge legislation passed, with such a large majority that even a Democrat president had little choice but to pass it. The next question is, "Do we have anyone like that?"

The answer is, "Yes". We do have someone who has done exactly that. Someone who knows the rules and inner workings; knows how to pull people together; has passed complex bills and got a Democrat president on board. And that person is...Newt Gingrich, who managed to push through the "Contract With America".

Many people will say, "But Newt is not a House member." But that is not an issue - by law, ANY American citizen can be elected Speaker of the House by House Representatives.

If Republicans are serious about Making America Great Again, and maintaining their hold on Congress and the White House in future elections, they absolutely must have an effective Speaker. Otherwise, we will have Elizabeth Warren as president in 2020, and Chuckie Schumer as Senate Majority Leader and Nancy Pelosi as Speaker in 2018. And that would be a nightmare akin to the apocalypse.


Sunday, March 26, 2017

A Simple, Sound, Affordable Health Care Plan

Real Health Care Reform would put it back into the free market, with limited government controls. And it would require politicians - on both sides - to forget politics long enough to do what is actually right for We the People. Someday, they may realize the best thing they can do for their party and their careers is to do the RIGHT thing, in spite of politics and lobbyists. There are a lot more voters than lobbyists. Do right by the people and your career will take care of itself.

1) The cost of all health care services and products, from prescriptions to surgeries, should be up front and transparent, allowing people to "shop around" for the best price. This would lower costs by increasing competition. People should know up front what something will cost, so they can "comparison shop".

2) Every person should be able to cobble together the health care plan that is best suited to their needs, by being able to buy various components of insurance from various insurers - catastrophic from insurer A, emergency care from insurer B, prescription coverage from insurer C etc. This would guarantee even lower prices through increased competition

3) Every person should be able to buy across state lines and be able to negotiate with insurers for the best price

4) Tort reform - caps on malpractice lawsuits, reduce and/or cap class action suits against drug companies. Get "ambulance chasers" off TV

5) Government should make it a violation of law for any insurer to refuse insurance to those with pre-existing conditions. ONLY PEOPLE WITH PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS would be eligible for government subsidies to help cover costs for THAT condition, only, and the amount of such subsidies would be based on the individual's income. Funding for these subsidies could come from an additional 2% payroll tax on incomes in excess of twice the current poverty level

6) The government should block grant Medicaid to the states with the understanding that the funds cannot be used for any other state expenditures, and states shall guarantee adequate medical care for those on Medicaid

7} Medical providers would not be able to charge different people different prices that are based on whether or not the person is insured, or what kind of insurance they have

8) The Medicare/Medicaid portion of payroll tax would not be capped by income, but would be assessed on all earned income without limit. No matter how much a person earns, the payroll tax would apply. The excess payroll taxes from these higher incomes could help cover costs for government funded CATASTROPHIC insurance to anyone earning less than 4 times poverty level (for services not covered by any other insurance the person may have). As a bonus, the FICA portion would help protect Social Security for the foreseeable future

9) This is a big one - and important. It is unfair (and not cost effective) to make people who live a healthy lifestyle to pay for the poor choices of others. To deal with this, we should collect "sin taxes" on the products that contribute heavily to the health issues of those who choose unhealthy lifestyles so that, in essence, they are "paying it forward" to their own health issues that are caused by such choices. These taxes should be imposed on the manufacturer or distributor of said products and paid into a special fund to be used to help cover costs of issues caused by unhealthy lifestyle choices: cigarettes, alcohol, junk foods, opioids, illegal drugs etc., as follows:

*  5% on every can/bottle of beer or wine
* 10% on hard liquor
* 15% on all tobacco products
* 2-3% on "junk foods"
* 10% on opioids
* drug users/dealers - regardless of any other penalty, an automatic (additional) $500 fine for users; $1000 for dealers
* 15% on marijuana where marijuana is "legal"

Paid directly into a special fund and to be used EXCLUSIVELY for health issues of unhealthy life choices, i.e. lung cancer, diabetes 2, HIV, drug overdoses etc. Whereas health issues caused by these lifestyle choices is responsible for the majority of all health care costs, his takes much of the burden off insurers, which will dramatically decrease premiums and deductibles for all

NOTE: It is understood that the majority of people will not be happy with this, as most use one or more of such items. But it should be noted that a good health care bill should not be designed to make people happy, but to KEEP THEM HEALTHY. Happiness means little when you are sick - or dead! Our elected leaders should, at least in the case of health care, put people's health first, above party politics, or personal career goals.

Under a plan such as this, all people will have access to truly affordable health care suited to their own needs, from the very poor to the very wealthy.

Friday, February 3, 2017

U.S. Code on Inadmissable Aliens

The Law, 8 U.S. Code § 1182 - Inadmissible aliens says this about Presidents powers,

Inadmissable Aliens

    (f) Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Ghost Smells

A little background: we live in a remodeled farmhouse built in 1898 (the same year my father was born). It's on 12 acres in rural Maine, about 25 miles outside Portland. We purchased the property in 2004 - almost 13 years ago. And once upon a time, neither of us put too much stock - or even thought - into the paranormal.

That was then. Things are different now.

Shortly after moving in, we would hear kitchen cabinets close after we went to bed. And a "phantom ball" would bounce down the back steps, which caused me to take out the steps and turn the space into an office. The bouncing stopped. And then there were the disembodied voices, usually from what appeared to be under the bed, but sometimes sounding like they were in another room.

All apparently harmless, and we are now accustomed to such things, and ignore them for the most part.

Now to the reason for this post - I am seeking the input of people who have encountered, and may have an explanation for - what we call "ghost smells". Every so often we will get a strong whiff of unexplainable smells, from perfume (which we do not use), pipe smoke (no pipe smokers here), cigar smoke (ditto) and even baking smells, like brownies, cinnamon buns etc. - when no baking is being done.

The smells are strong, short in duration, and can happen anywhere in the house, at any time. Guests have commented on them. In one instance a friend spent the night in the guest room, and came downstairs in the morning looking for the cinnamon buns he got a whiff of when he awoke. There weren't any. And another time a house sitter asked if we had any of those air fresheners plugged in some hidden place she could not see it - she claimed she kept getting a whiff of vanilla.

So, it would be great if any readers have experienced anything similar, and if you have any insight as to what may be the cause. Would like to get your story. Feel free to use the COMMENT link to post.

And no, we are not crazy. Just curious.


Sunday, January 29, 2017

Political Party Hacks vs The People

I am angry! Angry at the politicians who claim to be the protectors of minorities, the poor and the downtrodden, when in fact they do everything possible to harm them and keep them under the thumb of those same politicians.

Let me be clear - When I use the word Democrat with a capital D, or Republican with a capital R, I am not referring to democrats or republican folks on the street. I refer to the Democrats and Republican in public office. The politicians of both parties do not represent the members of their party very well.

Democrats say they are for the children, yet they support abortion on demand, and fight tooth and nail against school choice, which would help children of poor families and minorities to get out from under through a better education.

Those same Democrats claim to be protectors of minorities, yet the inner cities where they live are ignored and allowed to remain ghettos, where poverty and crime run rampant. They are forced, by Democrat policies, to subsist on hand-outs in the form of welfare, which robs them of their self-respect. How can they learn to respect others - their beliefs, property, or even lives - when they have no respect for themselves?

And those same Democrats want open borders, allowing access to our country to anyone who wants to come here, under the pretense of "compassion". Yet they have no compassion for our own citizens, who must take a back seat when it comes to college admittance and jobs. Nor do they have any compassion for American citizens who fall victim to crimes perpetrated by people here illegally - rape, murder, drugs...

And the Democrats support "sanctuary" cities that are sanctuaries for anyone EXCEPT American citizens. The illegal immigrant who murdered Kate Steinly was given sanctuary, but Kate Steinly was not.

It is time for the American public - democrats, republicans and independents - to call for Democrat politicians to start telling the truth as to their objective and intent, and why their policies are diametrically opposed to what they claim.

The Democrat politicians depend upon ignorant, uneducated and/or brainwashed people to keep them in office. Hillary Clinton made no secret that those people make up the base of the democrat party. That is why she and other Democrat politicians pander so much. How many of them would get elected if those people were to become educated, and better informed, and offered the same opportunities that the Democrat politicians, themselves, have?

Yes, I am angry. But not just at the Democrat politicians behind this outrage. I am angry with all the far-left liberal groups, funded by the billionaire fascist George Soros, for fanning the flames of hate and discontent that the Democrat politicians feed from. I am even angry at Republican politicians for being silent on these issues, and not fighting back as hard as they should, calling out the dishonest politicians at every turn.

And while I am angry, unlike those on the left I have no desire to riot, be destructive or use violence to achieve change. But I WILL stand and be counted.

Not to take Republican politicians off the hook, for the last 50 years they have sat back and done little to change things. They became enablers of Democrat policies. Until now.

And I am damned glad that Donald J Trump is ready, willing and able to grab the Democrat tiger by the tail and turn it inside out.

We need two honest, sincere political parties, both acting for the betterment of America. It's good to have two different roads to get to a destination, but both parties should have the same destination - a free, strong, moral, wealthy nation of well-educated people with self-respect and a sense of personal responsibility, number one in the world, second to none. But what we have had for over 50 years are two parties whose only purpose in life is to keep themselves in power, with little or no regard for what is best for America. They fail miserably at using that power to benefit the nation.


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Canada - A Greater Threat Than Mexico?

Donald Trump has been elected President of the United States in large part because of his promise to build a wall on our southern border. And while it makes sense to have walls surrounding ones home, our border with Mexico may actually be a lesser threat than our border with Canada..

The mainstream media makes it a point to ignore the very real threat posed by the insecurity of our northern border, simply because they LOVE illegal immigration, no matter from where or how it comes. To them, illegal immigrants, protected and given freebies by Democrats are considered to be future Democrat voters - or their children will be, since children of illegals born in the U.S. are citizens.

But even that is not the point of this post. The true threat is the fact that Canada has a very loose and generous "re-settlement" policy that has resulted in upwards of 35,000 Syrian and Middle Eastern "refugees" - NONE OF THEM VETTED -  being resettled just across this incredibly porous border. And statistics show that at least 10% of all Muslims are Islamic radicals. That's at least 3,500 potential terrorists at the front door.

I won't go into the weeds about how most these people - and the ones Obama has brought to America - are not only not thoroughly vetted, but also not refugees. A refugee, by definition, must be in direct fear of physical harm in his own land and only leaves his country with the intent of it being TEMPORARY. How many do you think come here with an intent of ever returning to their Third World lives? NONE. And at least half are not threatened with war or persecution in their homeland - they are from countries not involved in the wars, like Saudi Arabia, or even having found "sanctuary" in a country like Australia, but still manage to get refugee status in the U.S..

But I will point out these important statistics and facts:

1) The Mexican border is 1954 miles. The Canadian border is 7,063 miles (including border with Alaska - 5,525 miles without)

2) We employ 10 border agents for every mile of the Mexican border, but only 10 agents for every THIRTY miles of Canadian border

3) We have a lot of fencing and walls on parts of the Mexican border, but NONE on the Canadian border

4) Illegal immigrants coming across the Mexican border are, by and large, just Mexicans seeking a better life, or "freebies". Any illegals coming (easily and unfettered) from Canada are likely to be unvetted Muslim immigrants with an intent of doing us harm.

America really needs to take a serious look at how the threat of lax Canadian immigration and resettlement policies threaten the lives of every American citizen.
