Saturday, March 20, 2010

Funny - And Pathetic

I was cruisin' through the news today, and found this:

"WASHINGTON – Thousands of protesters — many directing their anger squarely at President Barack Obama — marched through the nation's capital Saturday to urge immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan."

Typical liberal BS.

Today was the day that Tea Partiers were scheduled to rally in Washington to oppose the Health Care bill. And show up they did - busload after busload came to DC to rally against Obama-care.

Cindy Sheehan and a handful of her fellow malcontents decided to use that backdrop to stage their own little protest, to make it look like all those folks were there to protest the wars (Sheehan was arrested, by the way).

And the liberal lamestream media fell in line - the news of the day was as you see, above.

But a few intrepid reporters, among them FOX NEWS, were on-site to report the truth. If not for them, the media would successfully "kill" the Tea Party rally against Obama-care and paint the entire thing as a "popular protest against the wars."

Only goes to prove what I have been saying for years - if you want to know the truth of what is really going on, blow off the lamestream media and watch FOX. They may, indeed, have a conservative bent, but at least they tell the truth.


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