Monday, March 22, 2010


After Scott Brown walked away as the new Senator from Massachusetts, President Obama promised that he got the message - to work on JOBS and put health care on the back burner. Jobs first, he said, which is what the people have been saying for over a year.

Well, as usual he did not tell the truth. Jobs continued to take a back seat to health care, roiling the people. But he did not care - the progressives have an agenda they think is much more important than the people or the nation.

OK, so now they have their socialist health. Now can we concentrate on jobs, please?

Apparently not. It seems Congress is now preparing to put its efforts into yet another radical, socialist venture - immigration "reform". Another word for amnesty for illegals and imposing a national ID on real citizens. And the Prez? Well, he's going "on the road" to try and convince the people that his health bill is a GOOD thing, in the hopes of saving a few Democrat seats in Congress come November - good luck with that!

So, it still is not about jobs. Or the people. Or the country. No, it's about keeping power for themselves and pushing America closer to a socialist state.

Welcome to the Union of Socialist States of America. It's not the change that 53% of the people thought they were getting, but that's only because they weren't really listening. He said he would "fundamentally change America." But 53% of the voters never bothered to ask WHAT needed to be "fundamentally changed", and HOW would he change it.

Folks, we knew nothing of this person. He had no management experience whatever. Every name in his address book was a socialist, marxist or communist. Yet 53% of the people blindly voted for this empty suit with a marxist in it.

When you buy a "pig-in-a-poke", you deserve to be taken in. And you were!


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