Sunday, September 13, 2020

A Constitutional Defense Against A COVID-19 Mandatory Vaccine


With several governors in America (and perhaps some in the federal government) discussing and/or threatening a mandatory vaccination of all citizens for COVID-19, know that there is a legal defense against it. I am not talking about the Nuremberg Code, although the baisis for that is the same as what is presented here.

American citizens have the protection of the Constitution which points out several natural human rights - rights that come from God, or at least nature. These rights are immutable. As so aptly stated in the Declaration of Independence, we have the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness."

Every citizen has an immutable right to choose their own fate. SCOTUS has struck down vagrancy laws for that reason - no person is REQUIRED to live by the standard set by another. In other words, we DO have the right to choose what we will do with our own lives. It is the "pursuit of happiness".

By the same token, we each have a right to choose what risk(s) we will or will not accept. If a person chooses to be a soldier or law enforcement officer and risks his or her life, he/she has the right to make that choice. Evel Knievel risked his life all the time. He had that right.

The same is true of a vaccine - we have the right to choose the risk of getting the vaccine (and there are several), or the risk involved in not getting it. And while there are those that will use the argument that a mandated vaccine is for the public good, to protect one another, that argument is bogus simply because the unvaccinated do not place the vaccinated at risk. The only person(s) an unvaccinated person places at risk are other persons who also made that same choice, knowing the risk and accepting that risk which they have a right to do under common law - their personal sovereignty. If I am not vaccinated, I am fully aware that I can become infected by another unvaccinated person that may be infected, and I chose to accept that risk.

Anyone unwilling to accept the risk of COVID-19, for example, would be free to get a vaccine when available. Those of us who choose not to are no threat to those who are vaccinated, so the "public good" argument does not fly.

Of course, in 1905 SCOTUS ruled that a vaccine could be made mandatory, but there are issues with that ruling. The first issue, of course, is the Constitution and our God-given rights. And while the court determined the "public safety" allowed them to over-rule the Constitution, that, itself was unConstitutional, primarily for the reason given above - the "public safety" issue is bogus in the case of vaccines, because an unvaccinated person poses no threat to anyone except others who knowingly accepted the same risks.

But there are other issues with the 1905 ruling:

  • In 1905 there was a lot that was not known about vaccines. Today we know they can kill people. Bill gates has stated it will likely kill at least 700,000. We also  know they affect our immune system. And in the case of an RNA/DNA vaccine (which is the one being tested), it could change the entire human genome, and maybe not for the better
  • In 1905, there were no studies that linked vaccinations to other possible medical conditions. As new studies come to light, it appears vaccines can do great harm to a person's health
  • A COVID-19 vaccine is untested as far as long-term side effects, because the vaccine was rushed. NO ONE knows what the ultimate effect would be, or if it is truly "safe"
  • In 1905, "tracking chips" and nanotechnology did not exist. If included in a vaccine, no matter the reason, a person has every right to reject it. And since there currently is no way to tell if it is or is not included, individuals have the right to reject any and all vaccines in the future.
  • The 1905 decision also stated that a vaccine could only be mandated if there were no alternative therapies. Regardless of what many with ulterior motives claim, there are alternatives, not the least of which is Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine with Z-pak, zinc, and vitamin C & D3. There is also Remdevisir and possibly infusion of antibodies (plasma)

None of this, however, will make much difference if the State decides to violate our rights against our will. They do it all the time. Wearing or not wearing seat belts and helmets is a personal choice as to the level of risk we will take, and Constitutionally, we should be the ones making those choices for ourselves. If I get in a motorcycle accident while not wearing a helmet, only my life is at risk, and as long as I am properly insured, any cost involved is covered, which protects taxpayers from picking up the tab. Yet, many states force us to wear them. Thankfully, more and more states have deemed helmet laws unconstitutional for adults. They should do the same with seat belts.

Perhaps the most important defense (as of this writing is obvious, but not yet proved) is that the "Covid vaccines" contain graphene oxide, the greatest conductor on the planet, used in AI. It has been proved that certain frequencies can animate it and get it to build structures. And while it cannot breach the blood brain barrier on its own, it can enter the brain if the barrier is punctured by, say, a LONG swap shoved deep into the nasal cavity. Now consider that the required frequency is 5G. It is no longer a stretch to assume that graphene oxide in the brain can build the neural link that Elon Musk speaks of which would connect people to "the internet of things". And once the person is connected directly to the internet, everything they think, do and say, every place they go, everyone they speak with, all of their medical history, their "digital ID complete with financial data and even their vital signs can be controlled by whoever runs the 5G and the servers. The person can, just like a computer or smart phone, can simply be shut off as desired.

In the event any government entity decides to mandate a vaccine, it will most assuredly end up at the Supreme Court, and hopefully the court will favor the Constitution this time. But if it does not, there is still an alternative - we can once again fight for our human rights as we did in 1776...


Monday, September 7, 2020

The Push For A Cashless Society - and Why We Must Stop It


Globalists are intent on creating a New World Order that requires a cashless society. And the push has begun. The purpose?  Ultimate control. If we are unable to make transactions without using a privately owned gateway (card, chip or vaccine tracking), this is anything but smart. In a cashless society, We, the People would have NO wealth, or means by which we could buy, sell or trade but what it is controlled by the globalist financial institutions - herein called the Masters. You will only have that which the "Masters" permit you to have.

For example, the nanotech option that can be introduced into your body with some mandatory vaccine (see  for how this would work)** would be accessible to the Masters. Your "income", or allotment would be electronically inputted. It's in your blood! When you go to buy something, the merchant would electronically "read" you, as they now read cards, and the amount for your purchase would be withdrawn. 


 **UPDATE: YouTube, of course, took down that video. Their Globalist masters do not want people to know these things.


(NOTE: Luciferase is actually the name they have given to the vaccine component that delivers the digital info. Think about that! LUCIFER. They are not even hiding it. The hydrogel in the vaccine - AI nanotechnology - would contain all your information - everything you do, say, anywhere you go, who you meet, your health, emotions - everything). Who collects that info? What would they do with it? Answer - anything they want. If you fail to live according to their narrative and follow their orders, you can be disconnected from the entire conomy with the push of a button. You die.

This is dangerous. You may want to believe this is “for your own Safety” but . . . A cashless society means no cash. . Zero . . . It doesn’t mean mostly cashless and you can still use a ‘wee bit of cash here & there’.  Cashless means fully digital, fully traceable, fully controlled. I think those who support a cashless society aren’t fully aware of what they are asking for. The Masters know - but not the people.


While they may sell you on the idea by convincing you of the sheer "convenience", consider:

  • You would have a difficult, if not impossible task of knowing what you have left of your allotment
  • What happens to the "wealth" stored in your blood when you die? Can it somehow be transferred to your heirs?
  • What happens if there is a "glitch" in the system used by merchants or the financial institutions?
  • What if, for strictly political or any other reason the Masters decide you are using up more valuable resources than they deem you to be worth? Could they just shut you off, leaving you unable to buy, sell or trade anything, and you starve? Remember - Globalists have gone on record as supporters of eugenics - eliminating undesirables.


A cashless society means:

  • You could only buy items they approve - what if they DISAPPROVE buying guns & ammo, which they surely must
  • No more tuck-away cash for those preparing to leave domestic violence.
  • No more purchases off marketplace unless you want to risk bank transfer fraud.
  • No more garage sales.
  • No more cash donations to hungry homeless you pass.
  • No more cash slipped into the hands of a child from their grandparent.
  • No more money in birthday cards.
  • No more piggy banks or tooth fairy for your child.
  • No more selling bits & pieces from your home that you no longer want/need for a bit of cash in return.
  • Less choices of where you purchase based on affordability.
  • Restricted ability to support certain "unapproved" charities or churches

What a cashless society does guarantee:

  • Banks have full control of every single penny you "own".
  • Every transaction you make is recorded.
  • All your movements & actions are traceable.
  • Access to your money can be blocked at the click of a button when/if banks need ‘clarification’ from you which could take weeks, a hundred questions answered & five hundred passwords.
  • If your transactions are deemed in any way questionable, by those who create the questions, your money will be frozen, ‘for your own good’. [UPDATE 02/05/2022: Wells Fargo just froze millions of Wendy William's money "for her own good"]
  •  And if you have ever held a religious belief, never, ever forget the prophecy in Revelations - that only by having the "mark of the beast", in your hand or forehead will you be permitted to buy, sell, trade. And ANY person who has the mark will NOT survive the apocalypse, and shall be cast into Hell for having sold their soul to Lucifer.

And before anybody slams this post ... don’t go shooting the messenger ...I’m sharing it because maybe we all need to take off our blinders for a second. 

Forget about cash being dirty. Cash has been around for a very, very long time & it gives you control over how you trade with the world. It gives you independence.


If you are a customer, pay with cash. If you are a shop owner, remove those ridiculous signs that ask people to pay by card.  Cash is a legal tender, it is our right to pay with cash.  But banks are making it increasingly difficult to use cash & that has nothing to do with a virus.

Stop believing everything you hear on the TV. Almost every single topic in today’s world is tainted with corruption & hidden agendas. Politics & greed is what is wrong with the world; not those who are trying to alert you to the reality.

Please pay with cash & please say no to a cashless society while you still have a choice. Contact your Representatives & Senators and ask them to make law that PROTECTS the UNFETTERED use of cash, permanently.

Please Share! Pass this on to EVERYONE you know, or we WILL all suffer the consequences


(brought to you by IntelliBiz)



Tuesday, September 1, 2020

REAL ESTATE - Huge Profits In The Age of COVID & Civil Unrest

Did you know that massive profits in real estate abound in times of mass migration, as we are now experiencing as people flee the unrest and violence in metro areas, seeking refuge for their families in suburban and rural portions of the country?

There is a tremendous amount of uncertainty these days, particularly in respect to COVID-19 and the recent civil unrest and violence in some cities. However, there is one thing we can be certain of - because of COVID-19 and the current state of affairs, the opportunity to make huge profits in real estate, quickly and easily, is very real indeed.

We know real estate investing is most profitable in a period of mass migration as we are now experiencing as people flee simply because everyone needs a place to live. People in transition need new homes to move to. Whether you live in a metro area experiencing violence & unrest and need to get out, or you live in the suburbs or rural area, or you are simply looking to get a great deal on a new home, there is now great potential to make huge profits even if you do not have cash or credit to work with. As people flee the cities en masse to escape civil unrest and draconian lockdown measures, they need housing elsewhere, and the "elsewhere" is the suburbs and rural areas. Thanks to "supply & demand", the price of housing in those areas is skyrocketing. If you know the tricks of the trade (see below), you can take advantage of the profits from that migration.

Even in urban metro areas there is huge potential to profit. As cities empty, the prime, expensive property in those areas drop in value precipitously. An investor who knows how to take advantage is in a postion to pick up massive bargains, as prime properties once worth a fortune become bargains. Why would you want to control (not necessarily own) such properties? Because they will very quickly regain their value once things settle down. By learning how to take over control of a property from desperate sellers, even without buying them, you will be able to cash in when things turn around. Control of property is just as good as owning it.

If you think you need deep pockets and great credit, think again. Neither is necessary. Of the 22 different, legitimate methods taught in "The Simple Man's Guide to Real Estate", 8 of those methods do not require you to put up cash or credit.

But here's the catch - this real estate surge will only last a little while, perhaps 18-24 months. If you do not act now, you will miss it.

Do yourself and your loved ones a favor and at least check it out. It costs nothing to look!
