Saturday, January 25, 2020

Student Loan Forgiveness - The REAL Wrong Behind It

Many on the left are calling for the government to use taxpayer funds to forgive student loan debt. I am not going to get into the multi-trillion dollar cost that America cannot afford. I am going to get into the very real wrong that will be inflicted on the country if it ever becomes a reality.

What people like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes are proposing needs to be outed for what it is - another way to cheat those who play by the rules, and reward those who do not.

Here is an example:

From the age of 15, John has worked after school, earning money for college. Washing dishes, mopping floors - whatever he could do. Meanwhile, his parents sacrificed their vacations, new cars and many other things, saving toward John's college. John goes to college, graduates, and has not relied on taxpayers to shell out any of the cost. No student loans.

Meanwhile, throughout school George spent his after-school hours and weekends playing hoop, hanging with the guys and dating girls. His family saved nothing for his college, figuring they could simply get student loans backed by taxpayers, and saddle George with a huge debt. They were under the misconception that a sheepskin would allow George to land a cushy job making the big bucks. He didn't because his liberal arts degree provides no marketable skills that will allow him to pay his debt.

In walks Warren or Sanders. As president, either would forgive the student loans. George, who did nothing to earn it, gets a free ride and taxpayers pick up the tab. Meanwhile, John, who along with his family, sacrificed everything and gets nothing - except, of course, the bill for George's college.

George pays nothing. John pays twice. Yet Warren and Sanders both claim that forgiving student loans is somehow "fair". It's not fair to anyone - not to George, who now thinks there are no consequences for poor choices; not to John, who has paid twice; not to John's parents who sacrificed everything for 20 years; and not to taxpayers, saddled with a huge debt that wasn't even theirs.

And it is not fair for America. The $30-40 Trillion it costs would have to come from the treasury. That would put America in a weakened state, leaving less money for essentials like infrastructure and military superiority. And it would place a heavier burden on taxpayers to make up the difference.

Certainly, taking the yoke of student debt off the necks of our young sounds good, but in reality it is just another massive redistribution of wealth that benefits no one in the end, and harms us all.


Thursday, January 23, 2020

The Fight For the Soul of America

I have been kicking around on this granite planet, this great blue marble for 72 years. In all that time I never felt our Republic, the Great America Experiment, was in any real jeopardy. Not through any shooting war. Not through the Cold War.

That has suddenly changed! And if you love America, as I am sure you do, please pass this on to everyone you know - before it is too late! This is no exaggeration.

And the truly frightening part is that the most dangerous enemy - the one most capable and likely to take us down - is from within. In 1962 the Russian leader, Krushev, said at the United Nations that we will destroy ourselves from within. How?

The first two things that every fascist regime in history has banned was weapons and free speech. Hitler confiscated guns, burned books and murdered anyone who spoke against him or the regime. In Italy, Benito Mussolini did the same. China during the Mao years was the same.  And in 1929, Russian communists did the same. No guns. No free speech. That gave their regimes full control over the population.

Here at home, "Progressive" liberals are trying hard to do that here. There is a very strong drive from the Progressives like Michael Bloomberg and his minions to eventually confiscate guns by starting with seemingly innocuous "gun safety" laws. Using the principle of the "Overton Window" (effecting major change through creep), they are intent on disarming the public for the express purpose of making themselves safe from "mobs with pitchforks" when they finally do take over. If you doubt that, listen to him. He says that is his intention. And he has quoted, "I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom". That, in itself, is a fascist statement.

At the same time, they invented and are using "Political Correctness" to control speech, and speech they cannot control is stifled by violent protests by ignorant peons they rile up, like Anti-fa and college students brainwashed by liberal professors. If you think I am making this up, you have not been paying attention. So, here is proof:

Michael Bloomberg and his anti-gun "EveryTown" organization spent $2.5 million to buy the government of the great State of Virginia in 2018. immediately, the bought and paid for Governor Northam, and the bought and paid for General Assembly began passing a plethora of gun control laws aimed at the eventual confiscation of guns. You may have heard about the great Virginia Gun Rally this last Monday. Over 20,000 honest citizens beset the state house in protest, but the Democrat General Assembly never waivered from the task that Bloomberg ordered.

But the outcry from their unConstitutional actions was understandably very loud. The Democrats took a LOT of heat from people across the country. Tens of thousands, even millions of tweets and other attacks on social media. So, what did these fascist Democrats do? They immediately proposed a bill [HOUSE BILL 1627] that would make it a crime for anyone to criticize anyone in public office. This is in direct violation of the First Amendment guaranteeing freedom of speech, and freedom to protest. Note: The bill specifically states that only the political elites of Richmond have such protection from criticism. That is yet another violation of the Constuitution - we are all equal under the law.

In short, Democrats have no use for the Constitution when it gets in their way of achieving power OVER the people, rather than getting their power FROM the people as promised in the Constitution.

These are the first two things that fascist regimes do - disarm you and stifle speech.

But if you think what is happening in Virginia is just some isolated event that will fade away, you still are not paying attention. Many Democrat-led states are passing ever more, and stricter gun controls, in violation of the 2nd Amendment. Even Democrat members of the United States Congress keep trying to pass anti-gun laws on a regular basis - if they ever get full control, LOOK OUT!

As for free speech -  Anti-fa uses violence to shut conservatives up. Brainwashed, fascist peons at colleges and universities nationwide riot and otherwise stifle the speech of conservatives, to the point of  having them banned from campus. More and more Democrats are calling for "hate speech law" - and hate speech can be any speech they do not like.

And businesses across America get boycotted if they say anything the left does not like. If a business supports Christianity, they get punished. If they do not actively support the LGBTQ community, they are effectively destroyed. Because in a fascist regime, not only are guns and free speech banned, but freedom of thought, as well.

And now with the Democrat impeachment, where hearsay, opinion and assumptions trump facts, and blatant, known lies run rampant, honesty and integrity is taking a huge hit. And the mainstream media is complicit.

There is NO doubt - America is in real jeopardy. Fascism and tyranny is creeping in, and most people remain oblivious to it. And by the time they "wake up" and want to vote to restore the Great American Experiment to its height of glory, it will already be too late.

We, the People need to do TWO things, and do them NOW!. Every citizen should:

1 . Carefully read the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution, because the first step is to learn and understand what we are on the verge of losing. It is surprising that so few Americans have ever read either. In the 1800's, it was mandatory in every school. Make your children read it. Suggest it to your friends and other family members.

2) Every adult citizen must get off their butt and VOTE in EVERY election. As Thomas Jefferson put it, "Every Man gets the government he deserves." If you do not vote, you have no right to complain if things go south. And it is not enough to vote only in Presidental elections.  The true power of the government is Congress - a president can do nothing without a "friendly" Congress. And many Congressional seats are won or lost in mid-terms and "special" elections. That is what happened to Virginia - Bloomberg and his minions KNEW that most people don't vote in mid-terms, and he took advantage of that by bullying almost every Democrat to get out and vote, while the "silent majority" stayed home watching NetFlix. And though the Democrats were a small  minority, they were successful in taking over the state, and are in the process of trying to turn it into a tyrannical fascist state.

And it can happen in your state if you and every citizen does not get out and vote! It is not enough for YOU to vote - you also need to encourage others to do the same. Bring them to the polls if you have to. I offer my friends a ride to the polls, then a ride to the local pub for a beer on me. I need a bus!

You have been warned...


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Why the House Really Doesn't Care About Bolton

Last year during the highly partisan impeachment hearings and inquiries the Democrat-controlled House issued many subpoenas in an attempt to force the President to choose between jeopardizing the power of the Presidency or to appear to be "obstructing" Congress. No matter which he chose, he would suffer harm, which was, of course, the entire purpose of the impeachment attempt.

One of those people the House subpoened was former Ambassador John Bolton.

But then something occurred that many did not understand - the House pulled that subpoena of Mr Bolton. The question is - WHY?

Two points to remember here:

1) The Democrats began to fear what Bolton would actually say, and figured his testimony might do the impeachment push insurmountable harm. They could not risk the possibility of failing to get the votes to impeach, and

2) More important, they decided than rather take that chance, they could use Bolton as a weapon to coerce the Senate to bend to the will of the House. By claiming a "cover-up" if the Senate refuses to subpoena Bolton, the Democrats again set up a win-win for themselves - if the Senate does not subpoena Bolton, the House will taint the Senate trial in the eyes of the public by claiming a cover-up. And if the Senate does subpoena him, they know his testimony, no matter which way it goes, cannot change the outcome but could possibly do damage to the Trump 2020 campaign. So, they win either way. 

The Democrats are not trying to convict Trump on their impeachment. They are only trying to tarnish him as much as possible before the election, and in the process, re-take the Senate. If they can get even a few vulnerable Republican senators to take risky votes at the trial, they just might damage them enough to flip those seats.

The Democrats know - are absolutely certain - they cannot beat Trump in 2020. But they also know they can make his re-election meaningless if they can take the Senate. Without the Senate, Trump can do nothing. He would effectively be neutered. That is just as good as beating him at the polls.

Here is the most important point - the Democrats are not really after Trump. They are after US! They need to take control of everything - what you say, read and thereby what you think. They want to control health care, guns, the news, what you eat and think. They have no use or respect for our Constitution except when it benefits them and their agenda to control. They have never liked that America is a Constitutional REPUBLIC - from Franklin Roosevelt they have actively tried to change our form of government to a democracy, which the founders actively and thoroughly opposed. But that is what the Democrats have been selling for 80 years, in their quest to control. By its very nature, a government CANNOT control a Republic, that government was kept in check by the power of each individual - our founders understood that. In a Republic the majority cannot twart the individual and his rights. But a democracy is easy to control - all you need is a simple majority, and the individual becomes a powerless peon.

In a nutshell - Democrats are not after Trump. They are after We, the People. Trump is just in their way.

Our job, regardless of anything else should be to KEEP someone "in their way", or our great nation is lost. We must keep our Republic. We must defend ALL of our natural and God-given rights against any who would try to gain more control over us by stripping away those rights. The ONLY reason they are coming out to disarm us through creeping gun controls is because it is only the 2nd Amendment that protects the rest of our rights. Without an armed citizenry, there is absolutely nothing to stop a government from stripping any and all other rights. After all, if the government has tanks and the people have only rocks to throw, what chance have we? The Second Amendment had nothing to doi with hunting. It had little to do with self-defense. founders specifically and clearly stated that the right to keep and bear arms was so the People could protect themselves from an encroaching tyrannical government - to keep them in check. They often stated, "Where a people fears its government, you have tyranny; but where a government fears the people you have liberty.

The American people are running out of time to catch on to the true agenda of the left - no, not all democrats. There are the small "d" democrats - the people who are just ordinary folks, and then there are the big "D" Democrats - the politicians with a hidden and corrupt agenda. Almost all the dangerous usurpers are the big "D" democrats in the democrat party. They are the ones pushing a progressive, or even as socialist agenda.

Frankly, I have little hope for America's future. The Progressives and socialists will eventually win because Republicans tend to be a "silent majority". It is not in the make-up of a conservative to cause trouble, or to speak out - conservatism tends to make a person content with the status quo. [NOTE: this is why almost all violent protests are on the left.] So, conservatives often don't bother to vote until they get riled. And because of the "quiet", unassuming nature of conservatives, they don't rile easily, so the progressives can slowly and methodically change the entire nation, and ultimately succeed in destroying the Republic so that they can gain, and hold, the power forever. And when that day comes - as it will - America will become just another tyrannical dictatorship.

And having succeeded at disarming us (look around - it is happening incrementally), there is nothing we will be able to do to stop them. Tanks vs rocks!

They are not after Trump. They are after us. And if we are smart, and stop sleeping on the job, we will always keep someone "in their way".


Monday, January 13, 2020

The "Why" Behind Greta Thunberg & Her Activism

According to records, Greta Thunberg is a great grand-daughter to Svante Arrhenius who was involved in eugenics and was a member of the board of the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene (i.e. ethnic cleansing). The website states the following about this:

"Arrhenius involved himself in the eugenics movement by joining the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene, a group focused on researching and promoting the benefits of controlled reproduction in humans (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005). This society was formed in 1909 in an attempt to popularize eugenics and encourage policy changes to promote eugenics (Bjorkman & Widmalm, 2010). Arrhenius was not only a member; he was on the board for the society."

And it gets worse...

Greta's great-grandfather, this Svante Arrhenius became involved in the founding of the Nobel Institute and the associated Nobel Prizes. He used his influential position as a founder to arrange Nobel Prizes for his friends (Jacobus van 't Hoff, Wilhelm Ostwald and Theodore Richards) and tried to prevent his enemies (Paul Ehrlich, Walther Nernst, Dmitri Mendeleev) from receiving them. He also gave himself a Nobel Prize because he was involved in setting up the institute that awards the prizes. So science, then, was all about favoritism and not about scientific endeavor.

According to several well-researched stories, the global warming story is about establishing a world government and population reduction via ethnic cleansing. In fact, a manifesto from a former UN Secretary General shows that global warming was invented to frighten the world population and then push through an agenda of population reduction. That is the same agenda that can be traced to Greta's great-grandfather, who awarded himself a Nobel Prize.

This helps explain how and whyscientists today are being pushed aside when they criticize the "official" global warming dictum. Nothing has changed in over 100 years.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Will Republicans Win The Battle But Lose the War?

Republicans throughout the nation are pulling together to insure a Trump re-election in 2020. And from the current window, it looks increasingly like a shoe-in. It looks as though they will win the battle - but can easily lose the war!

Think about it - by focusing on the Presidential election, the eye is taken off the ball in play. If Trump wins the White house, but loses the Senate, he will be neutered. Without a Republican Senate, he will be unable to install any more Supreme Court Justices - or ANY judges at all. Trade deals will sink. Immigration reform will become "open borders". In fact, the entire Trump agenda will shrivel, and "Keep America Great" will become nothing more than a fading bumper sticker, and any hope of a "red wave" will consist only of the tears of conservatives having lost any hope of limited government.

The purpose of this post is to wake Republicans up. All Republicans in every state. Don't worry about Trump - he'll be re-elected because he has been keeping his promises to make America great again. But to KEEP it great will require getting out there and giving full, strong support to every Republican running for the Senate and the House in your district.

Make no mistake - Pelosi is NOT trying to take down Trump - she gave up on that because she sees what we all see - he will likely sweep. Instead, she is keenly focused on putting Republican Senators from swing districts into tight spots by forcing them to take positions that their districts may not favor. For example, Senators like Cory Gardner and Susan Collins, both from "blue" states, will be forced to vote on convicting or exonerating Trump on the impeachment charges.

We can count on Pelosi stooping as far as necessary to usurp Republicans in Senate and House races. She will use every dirty trick she can dream up. She will spin like a gyroscope, and lie like Baghdad Bob. Be prepared for it, and support your Republican candidates at every level of government.

We do not need to Congress to be "red" forever, but we do need to turn it red for at least four more years if we are to give Trump what he needs to finish the job of making - and keeping - America great.
