Friday, December 4, 2020

Covid-19: NOT what we have been told.


Facts & figures fished out of the CDC tell a completely different picture of Covid-19 than we are being told. We are being played, for strictly political purposes of the globalist elites. Here are the figures...

265,000 died WITH Covid. That part is likely true. BUT...

94% had other deadly health issues, leaving 6% - 15,600 - that actually died of ONLY Covid, itself

CDC says 60% of people WITH SARS CoV-2 are asymptomatic, so 150,000 who died WITH covid present were not likely to have actually died FROM Covid. THIS man died of hepatic cirrhosis (liver cancer) and pancreas failure due to alcoholism, but was listed as a Covid death. There are literally hundreds of thousands of these.


That leaves about 100,000 deaths where Covid COULD have contributed to cause of death.

In other words, a maximum of 115,000 (and probably less since there is no way to determine the degree to which covid contributed) of the deaths "attributed" to SARS CoV-2 actually died BECAUSE of Covid.

As many as 80,000 people died of influenza in the 2017-18 season EVEN WITH A VACCINE available. The vaccine is estimated to save 50%, which means without a vaccine, 160,000 would have died of flu.

We have NO vaccine for SARS CoV-2, yet deaths FROM it are at least 45,000 LESS than a comparable flu.

Yet, globalist elites have us shutting down our country, forcing mask use, detroying businesses, families, lives and the economy for something less deadly than the flu

And we, the people, are just plain stupid if we let them do that!


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