Thursday, October 22, 2020

Media MUST Cover Biden-China Story Or They Die


As of 10/22/2020 the mainstream media - New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS NBC and NPR - as well as social media - Facebook, Twitter, Google and Instagram - have pretty much refused to cover the story of the century: the Bidens apparent pay-for-play with China. In fact, they even try to push disinformation by claiming the entire story is either unsubstantiated (it has been verified by the Intelligence Agencies) or is "Russian disinformation - which the ODNI and FBI have already stated is not true. Think about this - our most powerful and dangerous enemy - China - has a ton of blackmail they can use against someone who could become the President of the United States. And whereas China has already decreed they intend to take over the world by 2035, that goal would be easily met if America's president is compromised. Trust me - you do NOT want to live under a communist regime.

In other words, the mainstream and social media outlets are willfully and intentionally lying to the American people about the Biden family selling out America to the Communist Chinese Party (CCP). In effect, they appear to be committing treason in order to cover up the treason of their favored presidential candidate.

Authorities have Hunter Bidens laptop with tens of thousands of texts, emails, photos and they have been verified as real and legitimate. They have eye witnesses & partners of the Bidens who, in turn, testified and produced proof positive of the Biden corruption in selling out America to the Chinese communists. There has not been another story of this magnitude in the entire history of this nation.

This puts the media in a dangerous box, because this story is far to immense and backed by far too much empirical evidence, and they will be caught between having to report the story fairly, completely and expeditiously, which would destroy the Democrat party they support, or if they refuse to cover it, they will become extinct, themselves - no person on Earth will ever trust them again. No advertisers will pay them for advertising. The "legacy media" and social media will be dead. They will have committed organizational suicide. As it is, they have already damaged themselves, their integrity and credibility nearly to the point of no return.

A fair warning to ALL media - you had better begin reporting fairly, honestly and without bias beginning yesterday, or you will destroy yourselves completely and history will not be favorable to you.

You have been warned!

(Brought to you by IntelliBiz)/

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