Saturday, August 22, 2020

The (Strong) Case Against Forced Vaccinations, Masks & Lockdowns


This is not a dissertation on whether or not vaccinations, masks or lockdowns are good or bad. It is simply about whether or not people should be forced to cede their God-given human rights to any authoritarians that believe they know what is best for us, and wishes to impose his or her will on others, regardless of the reason.

Dictators dictate.They are tyrants. In America, tyranny is not permitted. And tyrants will always find an excuse for their authoritarianism. Today, that excuse is Covid-19, whether it is mask mandates, or forced vaccination, or contact tracing. And there is no doubt that any "leader" who leads by force is not governing - he or she is not leading at all. They are RULING, by force and decree. And that is also in violation of the Constitution and even our basic rights as humans. America was founded on the first principle of self-rule, and our elected leaders are chosen to serve the people, not rule over them. The people, not the leaders, are supreme according to the Constitution, and our rights do not become mere privileges by a decree of elected officials or their un-elected appointees. Nothing changes that - not war (interment of Japanese in WWII "for the public safety" was illegal), not natural disaster (it was illegal during hurricane Katrina for leaders to confiscate guns "for public safety") or disease (it would be illegal to mandate masks or vaccines) even under the pretext of  the "public safety".

Uninformed people might use the reasoning that no person has a right to endanger the lives of others, which may be true to an extent. Yet, that is done every time a person imbibes in alcohol, or gets behind the wheel. We put others peoples' lives in jeopardy every day, and we all accept those risks. But more to the point...

A person who does not wear a mask (which studies have repeatedly shown are useless in controlling spread of a virus) is not endangering anyone if he or she is not infected. The uninfected cannot spread anything. And even if he/she becomes infected, if the infection is known, THAT person must be quarantined until the infection is gone, but if the infection is not known (asymptomatic), studies have shown and the CDC concurs that asymptomatic people cannot spread a virus. And even if they could,  he or she can only infect others who have CHOSEN to take the same risk and not wear a mask. That is THEIR choice to make. Each of us has a right to choose the risks we are willing to accept, whether it is the risk of a dangerous vocation (i.e. soldier, telephone lineman), or the risk of infection by not wearing a mask. Even if EVERY PERSON who chooses not to wear a mask (or get a vaccine) were to become infected and even die, that is STILL THEIR CHOICE! Our bodies, our choice. Such people pose zero threat to anyone else but those other independent people making that same choice. If a person can choose to be a soldier and risk death, or drive a car and risk other peoples' lives as well as his own, then that same person has the right to not wear a mask or accept a vaccine.

If I do not get the vaccine, I am no threat to those who have been vaccinated. And while I could pose a threat to other non-vaccinated people, they, like myself, CHOSE that risk, which is the God given right of every human. If they are unwilling to accept that risk, they can simply get vaccinated.

The same is true with lockdowns, which, by the way, have been proven to exacerbate the pandemic. But that is not the issue. The issue is this - those who CHOOSE to "play it safe" are perfectly free to stay home. Those who accept the risks of being out and about, enjoying life, are entitled to THEIR choice, since it threatens no one who chooses to stay home. In the end, the revelers enjoying life may or may not take losses (their choice) but will end up with herd immunity, and able to enjoy life to it's fullest. But those who locked down must eventually come out - and they will NOT have herd immunity. The virus will still be there, waiting for them. They gave up their freedoms and  destroyed their lives for naught.

Officials in Sweden knew this, and they are doing fine. But in every country that utilized lockdowns, and mandated the wearing of masks are suffering a new bout of the virus, because the virus is STILL THERE, and those countries did not allow herd immunity to build.

As for a vaccine - even Bill Gates admitted a Covid-19 vaccine could kill 700,000 people. That's nearly as bad as the virus itself! And it is likely to only be 40% effective, like other flu vaccines. And it will not protect for life, as herd immunity would - the vaccine must be taken each year.

On a side note: vaccines work by suppressing the immune system, which sets the stage for other diseases to wrack the body later. The REASON the virus kills people is because our immune systems are already compromised by countless other vaccines,  poor nutrition, underlying conditions and age. That is precisely why it kills mostly the elderly and those with underlying conditions. And studies indicate that many of those underlying conditions were caused by immune systems already weakened, often by previous vaccines.

As for masks - the REAL scientific studies - even the ones originally promoted by the CDC and W.H.O. - have shown time and again that masks simply do not work, and can even make things worse. You can find all those legitimate studies online. Or, you can simply believe the misinformation being put out there by the mainstream media which is fed to them by the very people who have a financial stake in vaccines (Fauci & Gates, by the way, are heavily invested in ALL of the vaccines being created).

And that - money - is the very reason the FDA (funded primarily by Big Pharma), mainstream media and so many of the "experts" are trying to push Hydroxychloroquine off the table. If it is proven effective, they will ALL lose billions.

And here is the reason they will have no legal authority to mandate vaccines - in 1905 the Supreme Court determined that vaccines could be mandated, BUT ONLY IF THERE WERE NO OTHER OPTIONS, and ONLY if there were a real crisis. There are other therapeutic options for Covid (HCQ), AND it is no longer a crisis. More importantly, in 1905 they believed things about vaccines that we now know are not true; that they can be very dangerous and harmful, and efficacy is low.

That's it, folks. But be forewarned - many elected officials, doing the bidding of those with a financial interest, WILL try to mandate masks (to make you more willing to get the vaccine so you can go back to normal) and WILL try to implement forced vaccinations, and the subsequent tracking that will lead to a New World Order, where freedoms and individuality will not - cannot - be tolerated.

Whether or not they succeed depends on YOU. Only we, the People have the power to stop them. But the real question is - do we have the will to fight for our lives, our freedom, our country?


(Brought to you by IntelliBiz)


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