Tuesday, November 17, 2020

COVID-19: Evidence it is a Globalist Hoax


Listen up! This is long, but everyone needs to hear this all the way to the end. Regardless of the election outcome, nothing will matter if you do not understand the real enemy, and what they are doing.

To date, no one on the planet has isolated the SARS CoV-2 virus. COVID-19 is a fake pandemic created by globalists to force compliance via fear for "health reasons". And while there may (or may not) be a SARS virus that kills a small percentage of people, it is likely only one of the earlier SARS viruses they tested on us 20 years ago, mutated.  I repeat - unlike EVERY other virus to date, the so-called Covid-19 virus has never been isolated. No one has SEEN it. (see evidence of this, below) This is WHY there has been a 94% DROP in flu cases and most other deaths, and this explains why all deaths are being attributed to COVID - to KEEP us under their thumb UNTIL such time as they can mandate their tracking/tracing vaccine (nanoparticles have been discovered in the vaccine). Then, they will have control over everything we think, do, say. I am NOT wrong on this.  Those of you who have followed my blogs are already aware that I predicted all of this months ago, and it has gone down just as predicted. I AM NOT WRONG ON THIS! This pandemic is a hoax perpetrated by globalists according to the plan they laid out in October 2019 at Event201, hosted by Gates, Johns Hopkins and other globalists, to instill fear that would result in controlling the masses.

They TOLD us they were going to do this at the Bilderberg Conference in France.  The Gates' Foundation, in co-operation with John's Hopkins even ran a simulation in NY in October 2019 called Event 201 that detailed every step. So far, it is going down exactly as simulated. Even the United Nations has told us, with their Agenda21, Agenda30 and Vision50. And famous globalists like Rockefeller, Kissinger, Gates and many others have made the plan public for years. In fact, Bill Gates is on a 2010 video stating as much.

Make no mistake - the New World Order is coming fast unless we stand against it en masse and stop it. With it will come a world under socialism/communism with the elites in power. Those of us who can be "useful" to them will be spared and will become serfs, with no rights. Anyone of limited or no use will be eliminated. They said so. Believe them.

The only way to stop it: do NOT comply with any lockdown orders or mask mandates, or anything that violates our Constitutional rights. And do NOT take the "vaccine" - vaccine 90% effective against a "virus" that is 99.8% IN-effective is pointless. That is what they were waiting for - without it, they cannot completely succeed. Why do you think new lockdown & mask orders are coming forth now, just as we are on the verge of a vaccine? And why do you think the globalist Dr Fauci now says we must KEEP wearing masks etc. even AFTER getting the vaccine? In the Luciferase (it's real - look it up) in the vaccine will be the ability to track every aspect of your life - what you say, do, who you meet, what you buy - everything. They will usher in the "cashless society" they have talked about for years - instead of money, you will receive digital credits transferred into your "chip". Ultimate control - you will not be permitted to use credits to buy anything they do not want you to have - like guns and ammo to fight them with. If you fail to comply with anything, you will not be able to buy food - or even enter a store. The ultimate slavery! Chains unnecessary. They can simply "shut you off".

Look around, people - every person, business, media, Big tech, liberal politicians - they are all among the elites. THEY are the ones pushing this, forcing compliance are they not?And THEY are the ones raking in all the wealth as smaller businesses are closed. They are acting as if they are a collective - because they are. You see it. You hear it. You KNOW it.

They want all of Earth's resources for themselves. They have said so publicly. They already do that - "rules for thee but not for me". They tell us to cut back on fossil fuels - while they jet around the world. They have parties with caviar and $1000 a bottle wine, while we get to go to Pizza Hut. Oh, and who made billions because all the SMALL businesses were locked down? Amazon (Jeff Bezos), WalMart - all the big businesses owned by...ELITES.

WAKE UP! Fight now, with all that you have. Or you, your children & all future generations will be mere chattel, nothing more. Bought, sold, traded, even murdered if it suits them. Take it to the bank. I am not wrong. 

EVIDENCE: The CDC document is titled, “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel.” It was originally published in February, 2020, and re-published in July.

Buried deep in the document, on page 39, in a section titled, “Performance Characteristics,” we have this: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [SARS-CoV-2] are currently available, assays [diagnostic tests] designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA…”

The key phrase there is: “Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV [virus] are currently available…”

Every object that exists can be quantified, which is to say, measured. The use of the term “quantified” in that phrase means: the CDC has no virus, because it is unavailable. THE CDC HAS NO VIRUS.

Researchers at New Zealand’s University of Otago claimed months ago to have “isolated the virus” and shared their so-called “isolate” for use in the development of vaccines, testing of antivirals and other “COVID-19” research. But when they received a FOIA request, their response was this...

"I write in response to your Official Information Request of 8 September 2020...I can confirm that the University holds no records which fall within the scope of your request, as SARS CoV-2 is not isolated in the way you describe [sample taken from a diseased patient]...


For further information on what is really happening, check out this post.

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