Sunday, December 20, 2020

What They Are NOT Telling You About Covid-19



SARS CoV2, i.e Covid-19 has disrupted life around the globe for nearly a year as of this writing.Labeled a "pandemic", a variety of "experts", politicians and media have bombarded us with reports, stories and guidelines under the pretense of safety. But how much of what they tell us is actually, factually true?

According to the actual statistics and current evidence, not much.You can research all of the stats and evidence yourself and fact-check anything in this post. But if you do fact-check, make sure you have first researched thoroughly, and are not mistaking the OPINIONS of others as if they are facts. Forget the mainstream media or social media as reliable sources - they are anything but.

Start with masks. Many states and nations mandate we wear them, even though there is zero real evidence that they work against a virus. In fact, the opposite is true - every study has debunked the perceived value of masks. Click on any image to view a larger version:

As of May 2020, all of these studies & dissertations were internationally accepted...

...until they were told to remove and/or change them to reflect the narrative being created by those in power

Even Johns Hopkins published a paper stating masks provide zero benefit. After I found the paper and posted the link on social media, they deleted the post, and tagged copies with an notice of "update". Fortunately, the internet is forever and the page was archived here ---

Paragraphs 5-8 are particularly enlightening.

The paper also notes the number of annual deaths from ALL causes has not changed from previous years. How can that be if 320,000 EXTRA deaths are attributed to Covid? I think it explains why deaths by flu, heart attacks and cancer (not to mention car wrecks & gunshots) are down between 85 and 95%. It seems Covid has cured everything else.

If you dig deep enough, and get around the censors, you can find recent studies and data that still reflect the truth, such as the study by the Icahn School of Medicine @ Mount Sinai here: that some powerful are trying to backtrack or deflect, or this, about an extensive study in Denmark --

Frankly, an illustrative photo speaks volumes:

In addition, most studies show that wearing a mask can actually be harmful, especially for those 34 million Americans who suffer chronic lung conditions, but to everyone else, as well. It seems mask mandates actually contribute to the spread of the virus, likely due to ill fit, fiddling with them, re-using contaminated ones etc...

So, why are they lying to us? It is important to understand that the people in power are, for the most part, globalists seeking a "Great Reset" as they now call it. It used to be called the New World Order. And they will do literally anything (and have) to usher in their "ideal world" based on socialism in which the globalist elites will rule, and will own everything - included everyone else. Research the globalist cabal such as the Bilderberg Conferences and you will learn how evil these people really are. They support eugenics to "purify" Mankind and rid the Earth of those THEY deem to be unfit. And they don't make a secret of it. Bill Gates, John Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger and others publicly state their desire to eliminate million or billions of people, to preserve precious resources for themselves. Have you noticed that while they tell us to cut back our "carbon footprint" by reducing our use of energy, THEY fly around the world on private jets? Or that they order us to lockdown, mask up, shut our businesses, lose our jobs while their BIG businesses like Amazon & Walmart are open and pull in all the wealth for themselves? Or that they are always being caught doing exactly the opposite of what they order for us? Like being caught getting their hair done in shops they closed. Or not wearing masks. And dining out in THEIR fancy restaurants while we are not permitted to do so.

If you follow this blog, I will be adding posts on several other lies they are telling us. Like the REAL number of deaths attributed to Covid (as of this writing, only about 20,000 of the 320,000 deaths attributed to Covid are actually FROM Covid. All the rest are deaths by other causes while the person was ASYMPTOMATIC with the virus, like this one...)

You could do worse than to follow this blog. If nothing else, it should help open your mind to possibilities...


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