Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Presidential Racism in America

For those of you who may not be up to speed on the latest claim by Joe Biden that Donald Trump is "the first racist president", I determined that needed to be fact-checked, considering the upcoming election. I need proof before I accept something blindly, and you should, as well. Time to do in-depth research.

It was immediately apparent that several American presidents were racist. Early presidents were known to be slave holders, and it simply is not possible to own slaves and not consider them as inferior, which is the classic definition of racism.

Woodrow Wilson watched the KKK propaganda flick in the Oval Office, fired all black personnel and avoided confirming any black person. He also made racist remarks and re-instituted segregation. Franklin Delano Roosevelt literally imprisoned all Japanese-American citizens in internment camps during World War II. And Lyndon Baines Johnson wasn't exactly "inclusive".

The facts show that a number of presidents were racist.

So it is a fact that Donald John Trump is not the FIRST racist president. So then the question becomes - why does Joe Biden and many other people insist on calling Donald Trump a racist? What is the evidence?

In doing research (which most people do not bother doing), I found some very interesting facts. I found that Trump dated a black woman, hired black people, and even hired a black woman to a very high position in the Trump Empire. But those things did not necessarily prove he was not racist. So, I dug deeper.

In the 1990's, Trump sued Palm Beach FL to allow Mar-a-Lago to allow blacks and Jews to become members - something no other golf resorts in the area would do and Palm Beach would not permit. Not only did he win, but the win pressured others to follow suit and now all those clubs are open to blacks and Jews.

As I continued to dig into Trump's past, I ran across a video that featured Judge Joe Brown - a black judge who gained fame with his own TV series. A very well respected individual of high moral character, Judge brown recalled in the interview that back in the 1990's, black entrepreneurs were having trouble getting loans to start their businesses. Judge Brown sent them to Donald Trump. Trump gave them the money they needed on the stipulation they would repay the entire note, with interest, in one payment. As the loans came due, those black entrepreneurs went to repay Trump. In each case he simply tore up their checks and simply told them to go and run their business. That video interview with Judge Brown can be seen here...

Collectively, or even individually these things appear to paint a picture of a person who is anything but racist. So why do so many people insist he is racist?

It seems that, for strictly political purposes, the mainstream media labeled him "racist" because of certain things Trump did, or said, that they could color as racist, even though they could have been said or done for completely different reasons. For example, when he campaigned and said a lot of Mexicans coming here illegally were criminals. Anyone not knowing Trump could take that as racist, even though it was simply a factual statement with no racist intent. But the media pounced on it and convinced many who did not know Trump that he was a racist.

And then there were the travel bans. Although Trump stated clearly the bans were for security reasons (the countries he was banning were the countries most apt to harbor terrorists), again the media - and others with a political agenda - pointed at him and called him "racist". And more uninformed people bought into it because they wanted to believe it - after all, the vast majority of them were Hillary supporters.

And then, in January 2020 when the Corona Virus from China began infecting the world, Trump banned travel from China. Fueled by the media, Biden and other Democrats called him xenophobic and racist, despite the fact that the ban was strictly to protect America from the virus, to buy us more time. The media and others on the left chose to overlook the fact that Trump acted decisively in January while the Democrats were focused only on impeaching him, and Democrats like Pelosi, Schumer and DiBlasio were still encouraging people to "mingle and party it up", as late as April.

The left also conveniently ignores that it was Trump who initiated "Opportunity Zones" to lift up minority communities. He is the one who instituted criminal justice and prison reform and the First Step Act, to undo the racist laws put forth and supported by Clinton & Biden in the 90's. And he permanently funded HBCU's (black colleges & universities).

None of the things Trump said or did constitutes any racist act, though it could be assumed as such by people wanting to believe it, ignoring all his actions throughout his life that indicated he was anything but racist.

But don't take my word for it - do the research for yourself! Listen to the many minority individuals that Trump has interacted with, and helped, throughout his life. Listen to Judge Joe Brown, and hundreds of other persons of color who actually know him.

You can, of course, continue to believe Donald John Trump is a racist, if that is what suits your agenda. But if you are going to be honest, and if you have integrity, you would have to admit that he is not the racist that the media and Democrat politicians paint him to be, simply because they want to beat him at the polls.


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