
Everywhere you go people - especially the media - are talking about "contact tracing" and how important it is if we are to control or contain COVID-19, the China Virus. Before getting into the right or wrong of tracing, we should first ask if it will have any impact on controlling the virus, which is the excuse being put forth by those pushing it.
The simple fact that even the experts do not deny: tracing is only helpful in the early stage of an epidemic. Once the virus becomes widespread there is no way to contain it, so there is no point from a medical standpoint for tracing. Any tracing that is done after the virus is widespread is for purely political reasons.
The next question, then, is "what are the political reasons" for contact tracing? And this is where things get very, very bad, very quickly as is the case in almost anything political. But this is much worse, because the political reasons lie in not a regional or national sphere, but a global one. Make no mistake - this game is for ALL the marbles!
It is going to be difficult to pull this all together because it is so complex, and there are so many "moving parts". Therefore, each part will be addressed separately, wherever that is possible, and the reader can then add up the parts to see the whole.
While this post would have a lot more "meat" to it if we go back to where this really began, it would take an entire book. Suffice it to say the history of the major players goes back for generations. For example, both Bill Gates' father and grandfather were avid, outspoken supporters of eugenics, so Gates' 2010 speech that called for depopulation comes as no surprise. And it also is understandable that he calls for it via vaccines and abortions. Imagine - a vaccine designed to depopulate the planet. But it is nothing new for Bill & Melinda Gates, who injected thousands of women in Kenya with a fake "tetanus" vaccine that was laced with an infertility chemical, to reduce the population among those deemed "unfit". Or the polio vaccine he had administered in India that actually resulted in giving kids polio, and killing many others. Gates is persona non gratis in several countries because of the damage done with his "vaccines". Recently, an MP in India has called for his arrest for crimes against humanity.
As recently as last month Bill Gates admitted that any corona virus vaccine could kill up to 700,000 people, which he finds perfectly acceptable. And this is the person whose fingerprints are on nearly every vaccine being created today. BEWARE THE VACCINE
At this point, Gates' part in this is obvious - except that it goes MUCH deeper. We know he supports eugenics by his own admission. We know he is dedicating his life to vaccines, and that those vaccines should be used to "prove" a person is "safe" to be around. And this brings us to the "contact tracing" of citizens - not only in America, but worldwide. 100 countries have already signed on to doing contact tracing - and again, for strictly political purposes. And Congress has already approved $100 BILLION for tracking/tracing.
Since tracing/tracking people has virtually no medical value at this point, the purpose can only be for control. What kind of control? Imagine for a moment that the "beeper" that goes off when you try to walk out of a store without paying is turned into a beeper that goes off when you attempt to ENTER a building without having any tracking/tracing nano chip device or chemical that was inserted via a vaccine or tattoo, or exists on your smartphone app showing you have been vaccinated. This would tell the store, employer, church, airline etc. that you are not "safe" to be around people because you have not received the "voluntary" vaccine and you will be denied entry and immediately forced into quarantine until you do get the "voluntary" vaccine. In other words, no vaccination means no food, clothes, job, income, or access to any goods or services. You die. BEWARE THE VACCINE
If this sounds far-fetched, know that a COVID tracing app is already on your smart phone. Go ahead - look. For example, if yours is an Android, click "settings - google" and there you will see, right at the top, COVID notifications app. Currently as of May 2020 it requires bluetooth to be on, but the makers advertise that a new, automatic version that does not require bluetooth will be installed in a couple of months. And don't think you are safe if you don't have a smart phone - again, those beepers will tell those in power that you are NOT trackable, and you will be denied entry and quarantined - imprisoned - until you "comply". As the BORG are fond of saying, "Resistance is futile". You become part of the "collective" or starve.
If this still sounds far-fetched, understand this: HR-6666 (note the number) is a bill already in Congress that will provide 100 BILLION dollars in funding for contact tracing just this year alone, with more to be automatically added as required. And Gates' "tracking" system for the vaccine has a patent #60606 (Patent WO/2020/060606 (note the number) was registered on 26 March 2020. The patent
application was filed by Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC, headed by
Bill Gates, back on 20 June 2019, and, on 22 April 2020, the patent was granted international status. The title of the patent is “Cryptocurrency system using body activity data”) The technology is here. The apps are here. The funding is on its way. And several states have already begun sending tracers door-to-door.
Of course, it's all "voluntary" - until it's not. Like when you try to buy food, or drive a car, or get medical help and cannot unless you have been vaxed. Still voluntary, of course - you do have a choice to either eat or die.
Dr. Anthony Fauci is the person who is guiding America to the NWO. He has a HUGE investment in vaccines, which is why he trashes HCQ. He receives $18M from the Gates Foundation. His job, which he does so well in an insidiously sneaky way is to extend lockdowns, keep people out of work & students out of school as long as possible, until that "vaccine" is ready. He plays the part of a medical expert, but in reality he is the "Judas Goat". BEWARE THE VACCINE
And if you still believe this is science fiction, remember two things: tracking chips have been around for a decade, and some companies have already implanted them in their employees so they can be "identified" upon entering the building, and they can use the vending machines and ATM without money, cards or even I.D. The other thing to remember is this:
Revelation 13:16-17 -- "And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six"
We have the app. The vaccine in on its way. It will be required in order to "buy or sell". And that which funds it - HR-6666 - is in Congress. But that is not the only instance where 666 comes into play. The street address of the Virology lab in WuHan, China, is 666 (note the number). And Bill Gates' foundation is a major funding source of that lab.
NOTE: This entire "game of marbles" hinges on a crisis of such magnitude as to scare everyone on the planet half to death, making them malleable; easy to control. As famous eugenicists and NWO (New World Order) globalists have publicly stated, if you scare people enough, they will willingly give up everything, even their human rights, for the "safety" promised by government. In 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funded EVENT 201 where the 3.5 hour exercise outlined such an event - a pandemic set upon the world from a lab. The exercise outlined, step-by-step, that which has, indeed transpired like clockwork. EVENT 201 was on October 19, 2019 - and in late October it appears the virus we now face was first transmitted to "patient zero", according to the latest reports. Coincidence?
And there is more - much more. And if you think it can all be attributed to coincidence, you might want to note that two or three things can constitute a coincidence. But if there are more than that, the laws of nature - the odds - of it being coincidence is virtually nil. If several things coincide and fit like pieces to a puzzle, then you can be assured it is not by random coincidence - it is by DESIGN.
Perhaps it will become more clear if we begin at the end result and work back to get an idea of how and why it all comes together.
You know about the globalist vision and agenda - in fact, the United Nations has put much of it in writing with AGENDA 21 and AGENDA 30 - how they want the world to be at those points in time. If not familiar with those it is recommended you read up on them.
The year is 2025. Place - anywhere on planet Earth. The "13 Tribes" mentioned in the Bible coincide with the 13 families that have for years - perhaps centuries - controlled most of the power and money. Families like the Rothchild's, Bilderburg's, Getty's, Rockefeller's, Astor's, Collins', DuPont's...these are the families that will have picked up all the marbles and run everything. They have brought back the "Golden Age" of the feudal system - Lords and Serfs. And this is how they did it, working backwards...
Eliminate anyone that has no use above the value of the resources they use up. This means eliminating the elderly, those with chronic disease or who are otherwise too expensive to keep from a medical standpoint, the disabled, the genetically inferior (via mandated abortion) - anyone who would use up precious resources without substantially contributing to the collective (think of the BORG of Star Trek). This reduces the burden, and makes everyone else easier to control, as they do not want to be deemed "non-essential" (a term we have already been indoctrinated to accept.) And if you wonder who will provide products and services for the elite if they eliminate the population, you need only note the fast rise in AI and robotics - neither of which use up many resources, and neither of which is apt to rise up against them (or so they think).
Prior to the "cleansing", every person was required to "choose" between getting a vaccine that included tracking/tracing technology on the false premise that it was for our own safety, so we would feel safe in knowing that anyone "infected" would be placed into "quarantine". Fear had driven people to accept this as part of the "new normal" - another term we have suddenly been introduced to.
Tracing is what effectively turns "voluntary" into mandatory. Without the vaccine, you don't eat. You do not live. The cleansing begins here. Every place of business is set up with an electronic system to determine if your tracking chip shows you are "safe". It can be done in doorways, automatically, or manually, using "greeters" like we now see when we try to get into WalMart (but for now they are only counting the people coming in). It can also be effected with the use of smart cams and drones, now being used in some places, to read your temperature, or tell you to move away from someone. It can be supplemented with machines that regulate what you can and cannot do, like grocery scanners, gas pumps and even ATM's.
None of this was possible without a media that could be manipulated to induce fear into the population. We already see how that is working for them. With globalists like Bezos, Soros, Disney & Gates owning the media and being big funding sources of W.H.O. and the CDC, it was a simple task to create panic, as long as there was an impending crisis coupled with the complicit media. And, as outlined by EVENT 201 and the U.N.'s AGENDA models, they had a working plan.
Bear in mind - since the "plan" revolves around a mandated vaccine, it is crucial that they squelch any other cure or therapy. This is precisely why the W.H.O., CDC, the Democrats and the Media are working tirelessly to discredit hydroxychloroquine and any other possible therapeutics. For the NWO globalists, the vaccine is an absolute must. Nothing else must make it into use. BEWARE THE VACCINE
The entire game was given a huge boost by the Democrat party. Possibly without even knowing it, they played a role in creating panic, draining the treasury and passing laws and executing orders to restrict Americans' rights - which they willingly gave up in order to be "safe". This just made the entire plan easier to execute - especially since they needed congress to FUND the game, starting with the Corona Virus Stimulus bills, then on to HR-6666.
This is where we are, and, unless we can stop it, where we will be going. And it will only take 1-2 years.
Globalists, which once went by the name "Trilateral Commission", and earlier were known as the infamous "Illuminati", have been working toward world domination for many centuries. This is the first time in the history of the world where it is even possible, thanks to technology pulling it all together.
So the big question: can we stop this? The short answer is - maybe. In order to stop this from going down as planned, the masses - the people - have to come together in large enough numbers, in unity.The problem that makes that unlikely is that far too many people are panicky, and feel powerless, resulting in capitulation like sheep going to slaughter. But if you are one of the courageous and want to try, you need to be quick, and you need to get others behind you. As many "others" as you can.
It begins with showing others the evil that is coming. Convince them that any contact tracing or subsequent vaccine is contrary to our survival. Push them to advocate strongly for therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and other possible cures that do not involve a medical procedure that pierces the skin and enters the bloodstream. At the same time, make sure they understand that it is IMPERATIVE they contact their representatives and Senators and tell them to vote "NO" on HR-6666 and any other bill designed to fund, or mandate any tracing/tracking. While taking away the funding may not stop this, it will certainly buy some time - time in which we may be able to convince more people. And don't forget to Petition the White House, and to flood Donald Trump with your thoughts on the subject.
But we cannot sit on our laurels. The globalists are already in the advanced stages of their plan. And like any other cancer, the more advanced the stage, they less our chance of survival.
The time to fight and save our freedom, our nation, is NOW!.
I am hoping America - and American strength and resolve - will see us through; that the socialist globalists will lose their bid to control the world.
It remains to be seen. All bets are off...

If you find any value in this post, please pass it on to everyone you know. The only thing that can save America is an understanding of what is transpiring and standing against evil.
(brought to you by IntelliBiz)