Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hillary's Latest (Libelous) Lie

We have become so accustomed to Hillary Clinton lying her butt off that it no longer surprises us. But this latest one - which is a proven lie - is so extreme, and so libelous as to garner attention.

In her latest rant, Clinton states that Trump is "running a cheap extortion racket". This, she claims is proven by his placing a hold on money slated for the Ukraine unless the Ukranian president investigates the Biden scandal.

However, none of the facts are on her side, and actually debunk her lie right from the outset.

While it is true that Trump placed a temporary hold on the money, the two critical components of extortion OR quid pro-quo are absent - at the time Trump made the call to the Ukrainian president, the Ukraine had not even discovered the funds had been placed on hold, and Trump never mentioned it in his call. It is impossible to commit extortion - or even quid pro-quo if the "victim" knows nothing about it.

The Ukraine has always had a very corrupt government as everyone recognizes. The new president of the Ukraine, recently elected, promised reform. I suspect Trump delayed payment until he felt comfortable that it was not going to a still corrupt government, and his call with the Ukranian president was likely designed to instill confidence that the money would not be used for evil.

I do believe that is what a good President does - he looks out for America, and fights corruption.

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