Monday, September 30, 2019

House Democrts - Patriots? Or Traitors?

Nancy Pelosi makes a point of calling herself and House Democrats patriotic because they are pushing for impeachment, to hold the President "accountable". And I could buy that - IF there was something that Trump did wrong to be held accountable for.

Here is the point: the House Democrats pushing impeachment are not trying to impeach based on the actual content of Trumps call to Zelensky. No, they are trying to impeach based on a made up interpretation of the call, highlighted at a recent hearing by Schiff's "parody"! They interpret the call as a strong-arm attempt to "get dirt on Biden", but nowhere in the actual transcript is any of that evident. All Trump did was ask the Ukrainians to look into a possible scandal that, if true, would affect our national security and future elections. In other words, Trump simply asked them to find out if there was any "there there". Not illegal. Not unethical. But it is his job.

But what the Democrats are doing IS unethical. Pushing impeachment based on an interpretation of hearsay, and not on the actual facts is not only undemocratic but un-American as well. In doing so, they are giving aid and comfort to our enemies by doing their dirty work for them.

And "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" is the legal definition of treason. In my opinion that makes Pelosi, Schiff, AOC and the rest of the impeachment pushers nothing less than traitors.

As for Schiff - he should be kicked out of office for outright lying repeatedly to the American People. There is something inherently wrong when it is a felony for a citizen to lie to Congress, but there is no consequence when Congress lies to the citizens. Under the Constitution we are all supposed to be held to the same laws, equally. If that were true in reality, Schiff would be doing hard time in a federal prison, which is how it should be!

If he ever gets re-elected, then we should convene a committee to investigate what is in the water in his district, because they are nuts.


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