Saturday, September 28, 2019

Proof that the 'Deep State' is Alive and Well?

I am unsure why so many others are not seeing this - connecting the dots. The following is just my opinion, based on the facts that do exist.

We already have proof that many of the higher-ups in the FBI and CIA were (are) viral anti-Trumpers intent on bringing down the President. McCabe, Comey, Strzok, Clapper, Brennan, Page etc.  With that backdrop, let's start connecting those dots...

Shortly after Trump's election, "someone" high up and privy to Presidential calls to world leaders (and therefore most likely someone in the intelligence community) leaked the contents of those calls in an effort to undermine President Trump. To prevent this from happening again, the administration began putting the transcripts of future calls onto a secure, codeword protected server.

Now the Deep State had to find another way to get those calls out, even though it undermines national security (yep - if those calls are made public, no world leaders will talk candidly, for fear of it ending up in the New York Times).

There was only one way to now get those calls out into the public sphere - use a "whistleblower", which would cause one of two scenarios - virtually force the contents of the call to be public, or force the administration to exert Executive Privilege and keep them under wraps, making it appear that they were hiding something. In ether of those instances, the Deep State wins.

But the Deep State had a problem - under the whistleblower rules which were written by the intelligence community, one requirement was that it be a "first-hand account", because hearsay is inadmissible in any court. So, suddenly,quietly  and without fanfare, they altered the rule, taking out that requirement. Now, even a second-hand rumor could fall under whisteblower protections.

The next step was to hire a team of attorneys to put together a very formal complaint, complete with footnotes, no less. The only thing that was not in the complaint were the actual details of the call, itself - they would fill in those blanks once they had a call that might give them ammunition to use against Trump.

Now, one of the agents they have in the Situation Room (or a White House traitor) that hears and monitors the calls can safely "leak" them by passing it on to their designated whisteblower instead of to the press. And since the identity of a whisteblower is protected, it would be nearly impossible to determine from whom he or she received that information. Really neat!

As a side note, this scenario also allows Democrats to claim "cover-up" because the transcriptions were stored on a secure server, even though it was stored there for a valid reason that had been put in place over a year before BECAUSE of those very leaks! But the truth does not matter to the left - they will do anything and perpetuate any lie (collusion?) in order to take back power. After all, wasn't it Adam Schiff who stated on camera, several times, that he had absolute positive proof that Trump was a "Russian asset"?

WHAT TO WATCH FOR NOW - since the Deep State will obviously stop at nothing to protect themselves and destroy Trump, it is not a stretch to believe that they just might apply threats and pressure against 2020 electors of the Electoral College, intimidating them to cast their vote for anyone but Trump.

It is interesting to note that the Democrats are issuing and endless number of subpoenas - for example, (3) Democrat committees are issuing them to SoS Pompeo. The obvious objective is to tie up so much of the the administrations time defending, and appearing at these bogus hearings. They figure if they can tie up everyone in the Trump circle long enough and often enough, the administration would be ham-strung and unable to be effective. They will say or do literally anything to stop Trump from being successful. In other words, they want America to stop winning!

Chuck Schumer said it himself - if Trump goes after the intelligence community, they have "six ways from Sunday" of getting even.

It appears the entire upper eschelon of the intelligence community that pre-dates Trump is corrupt and determined to effect a coup-d'etat, a political overthrow of the duly elected president. And that should scare the Hell out of EVERY American, Republican, Democrat or other.


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