Friday, September 13, 2019

Hey, "Beto" O'Moron - Come Take MY Guns (if you can)

Robert Francis "Beto" O'Rourke says "Hell, yes, we're going to take your guns." I've got news - and a history lesson - for him.

This country began not with just a "tea party", but because the British attempted to confiscate our guns in 1769, which is THE SINGULAR reason for the 2nd Amendment. That amendment has nothing to do with hunting - it's about being able to fight for and keep our Republic - even from our own government, if necessary. Hey, Beto - did you notice what happened to the British?

During hurricane Katrina, authorities attempted to confiscate guns from citizens. The authorities got slapped down hard. And in NJ, State Police attempted to confiscate a Army veterans' guns without a warrant - they, too, got slapped down.

Beto, you are nothing less than the dumbest clown in the Democrat clown car. Perhaps you should try engaging your brain before putting your mouth in gear. If your plan of confiscation were to ever take place, there would be a nationwide bloodbath that would make the mass shootings look like a Sunday picnic in comparison. Because We, the People, will NOT give up our guns OR our rights. No to you, not to anyone.


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