Friday, September 6, 2019

Dems Are Pushing the Wrong Issue on Guns

In 2017, 3.499 people were killed by rifles and "firearms other than handguns" - one every 2.5 hours

In 2017, 10,874 people died in drunk driving crashes – one every 48 minutes

Seems like we would be better served to ban booze instead of "assault-style guns. Oh! But wait - they TRIED that in '29, and there was a ten year murder and crime spree.

Truth be known, these assault-STYLE weapons are simply ordinary semi-auto hunting rifles made to LOOK like military full auto weapons. Even if you ban them, the same rifles capable of rapid-fire semi auto action would still be available in non-AR15 or AK47 styling. My Remington Woodsmaster can fire as quickly as any assault-style semi-auto. So to advocate the banning of the so-called "assault weapons" is a completely useless gesture and would do nothing to reduce mass shootings. And even if you ban ALL guns, anyone intent on mass killing would simply strap on a bomb, or get behind the wheel in a crowd. In short, banning the TOOL used by murderers will not stop murderers.

But I can tell you what would have a positive effect...

1) Parents more involved in their children's lives, and being observant for abnormal or erratic behavior

2) Banning social media for anyone under the age of 16 - give children a chance to make REAL friends in the REAL world, who might help act as a stabilizing rudder

3) Put God back into the public arena. No, the government may not push any religion, but they are not to interfere in any, either

4) Make abortion RARE, as it was supposed to be. Kids see the big push to allow any mother to kill any baby for any reason and those kids learn that there is no sanctity of life

5) Pressure Hollywood to make "family fare" films andto stop making "kill 'em all as fast as you can" flicks. Regardless of how many tiome biased "experts" say they do not have any negative affect, kids DO learn from everything in their environment.

It is up to we, the parents, to monitor that environment - including the schools - to insure the healthiest environment for growing our children.


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