Friday, September 13, 2019

Yang Joins the "Buying Votes" Crowd

At the debate last evening, candidate Andrew Yang joined the chorus of Democrats who resort to buying votes rather than earning  them. He stated his campaign was going to have a lottery and give $1000 per month to 10 families.

Let's overlook whether or not such a lottery is even legal. What certainly is illegal is buying votes. And even more so if the money comes from campaign funds. And, of course, that will likely be overlooked by an increasingly rigged system.

So let us take a quick look at how all of the Democrat candidates are buying votes:

1) FREE college tuition, to buy votes from the youngest voters who know nothing about what it takes to run this country

2) Pay off student debt, to buy the votes of previous college students - millennials

3) Free medicare for all - buying the votes of people with health issues (everyone!)

4) Increase minimum wage to $15/hour (forces businesses to replace workers with AI, REDUCING their wages to ZERO)

5) Now Sen. Warren promises the elderly a $200/month increase in Social (in)Security

Is there anyone's vote the Democrats are not buying with promises of more money or free stuff? On the bright side, most people are not that gullible - but many are. A growing number of Americans are becoming increasingly ignorant of what is really going on, and even fail to understand how things work. Our schools, colleges and universities are turning out students that cannot rise above 27% proficiency in ANY subject. They no longer teach civics or U.S. History. They no longer teach the Constitution. Only 18% are even proficient in WRITING! They are too busy teaching about familes with two moms, or teaching how diversity is better than ability, and free speech is "for me, but not for thee", and encouraging safe spaces and protests.

We are losing our Republic to fools, ignoramuses, liars, cheats and criminals. Benjamin Franklin (someone that most students today have never heard of), when a woman asked him what kind of government we would have, said, "A Republic, madame - if you can keep it!"

We are not keeping it...


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