Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

All the folks know the only real fix for the economy is to get Americans working again. And the Democrats in Congress, and even Obama, say they want to create 4 million jobs at a cost of $819,000,000,000 - or, roughly a cost of $210,000 per job. Pretty expensive jobs! Wish I had one of 'em.

But what Congress and the Prez are not telling you is that we can immediately put up to 25 million Americans to work virtually overnight, and at virtually no cost.

Since 1998, America has lost over 3 million jobs to overseas. We lost those jobs because America has become VERY unfriendly to business. We have one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, and unions that are too strong, and force business costs far too high. Is it any wonder that a business closes here, and re-opens in India, or China?

We can bring those 3 million jobs back quickly, simply by offering a more competitive environment for businesses. We have been shooting ourselves in the foot for too long, all in the name of NAFTA - for every job China gains, we lose one. Meanwhile, China is beating us to death with their low-cost imports. Just try to find an item in WalMart that does not say "Made In China". When you buy that crap, which is inferior quality, you are helping send more jobs overseas.

One other thing we can do - enforce our immigration laws. It is estimated there are 15-20 million illegals working in this country. For every illegal that has a job, one American does NOT have a job. If we start enforcing our laws and prohibit businesses from employing illegals, we automatically add 15-20 million jobs for out-of-work Americans. As a bonus, illegals who cannot find work will deport themselves, solving many other problems.

Sure, stuff will cost more. But Americans will be working, and supporting their families.

Perhaps someday we will get honest, sensible people in Congress who will do the right thing, and act on behalf of AMERICANS, instead of the WORLD. We are not responsible for the rest of the world. Nor can we afford to support the entire planet.

But for now, we are stuck with the inmates running the asylum.


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