Friday, February 6, 2009

Easy Prediction

As you may know, I have made 18 predictions in the last year, of which 17 came to pass and the last one is pending. But the following prediction is probably the easiest one I have ever made - and the surest.

In some form, a pork laden "stimulus" bill will be passed. It will NOT help the economy except for minor shock value. Within 18 months or less, the Democrat Congress will be back at the trough scaring us into believing that we must pass another trillion dollar package in order to stave off catastrophy.

You see, they want a complete socialist agenda, and they know this is their best bet for pushing it through, using the fear factor. And in two years, We, the People get to vote for some new Congressmen. So they need to do as much "socializing" of America as they possibly can. Why?

Because the stimulus bill WILL fail, and will likely make things worse. This will result in the electorate doing to the Democrats in 2010 what they did to the Republicans in 2006.

By the end of 2010, Republicans will hold a majority, if not in both houses, at least in the Senate. And by 2012, as long as the Republicans put forth a good, viable candidate, Obama will be a one-term president.

The problem: even with Republican control of Congress, it will be impossible to undo the damage done by this bill because many of the programs will have become complex programs that will be impossible to disassemble. Like socialized health care - once that becomes reality, it can never be taken back. It would be like gay marriage - once it is made legal, and a gay couple "marries", just how do you go about undoing the marriage later?

This prediction is based on the most secure premise - that of human nature. If the economy does not begin to swing by 2010, the Democrats are dead.


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