Saturday, February 21, 2009

Comedy Hour

I was discussing the stimulus bill with a liberal friend. And I must say, the discussion provided a vast well of humor.

For example, I explained that Pelosi, at the last moment, slipped in $30,000,000 to protect and preserve habitat for the Sea Marsh mouse of Pelosi's San Francisco. And he stated flatly there was no such thing in the bill. So, I showed it to him. He was momentarily aghast, but quickly composed himself.

I asked, "Just how does this stimulate the economy?"

"It will create jobs," said he.

"Jobs? What Jobs?"

"Well," said he, "they will have to hire people to print and post the signs around the habitat."

Now it was my turn to be flabbergasted!

"Print and post signs. A $2 an hour Mexican can do that in about an hour. So just how does that produce jobs?"

"I don't know, but it MUST produce jobs or they would not be doing it."


The point is, roughly half of the folks support this pork barrel bill. And I strongly suspect none of them actually read it. Our Congressmen never read it! So, how - and more importantly, WHY - would anyone support something they have not even read?

Pardon me for stating the obvious, but supporting or opposing anything without knowing anything about it is called IGNORANCE.

So, I then asked what he was going to do with his $13 a week "tax cut."

"Save it," said he.

"How?" I asked. "Have you forgotten? The state has increased all tolls, and has increased the tax on gasoline. Your daily commute to work will now cost you an extra $2 per day. There goes $10 right there."

He fell silent as he stared down into his coffee cup. After a moment, without even looking up, he quiety said, "We're screwed, aren't we?"

"No. In America, we get to change a lot of things every two years at the voting booth."


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