Sunday, April 26, 2020

Manufactured Crisis - the Facts Behind the Corona Virus Conspiracy

Was this entire "WuHan China Virus" crisis a created, planned event"?

In 2010 Bill Gates, an avowed globalist gave a speech (on video) where he stated he wanted to use vaccines and other means to reduce the world population by up to 15%. That is EUGENICS - killing off the "unfit". The "unfit" are whichever groups of people the globalist elites don't want in "their" world. It probably would not include you unless you have a skill they need, in which case you would be a "kept" person.

Gates also publicly proposes a vaccine that would include a nanotechnological "tracking" device, allowing everyone to be tracked - where they go, what they do, what they buy (finger touch to make purchases). Keep this in mind, as well, as such a device gives globalists complete and total control over "the masses".

The Gates Foundation, along with other globalists and supporters of eugenics like George Soros, fund a lab in WuHan China - the Wuhan Institute of Virology - the likely place this virus began

NOTE: Dr. Anthony Fauci, "coincidentally"  another globalist,  is connected to the Gates Foundation and W.H.O., which is also a globalist United Nations institution, and he funded the virology lab in Wuhan where the virus was created and released upon an unsuspecting world.

Meanwhile, the Gates foundation funded vaccines in Africa for various things, including tetanus and polio. The vaccines killed many people, and in one case was used to sterilize women.

October 18, 2019, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation co-sponsors "Event 201", held in New York City. Event 201 apparently was a 3.5-hour pandemic tabletop exercise that simulated a series of dramatic, scenario-based facilitated discussions, confronting difficult, true-to-life dilemmas associated with response to a hypothetical, but scientifically plausible, pandemic. Bear in mind - this event was held just ONE MONTH prior to the first known case of WuHan Virus that likely originated from the Gates funded WuHan lab.

This entire "crisis" has gone down seamlessly according to the "Event 201" simulation by the Gates Foundation. Right down to the present time, where...

  • Our rights are being stripped from us through the use of fear
  • potential cures, like hydroxychloroquine are being trashed by globalist elites
  • many states and even nations are now talking about "mandatory" vaccinations for a virus no more dangerous than the flu, according to recent studies
  • Development of new therapies such as those utilizing UV light are being road-blocked by globalists who prefer their "vaccine", of course - that is the entire purpose of this crisis

The short take:

Almost without exception globalists are supporters of eugenics - killing of undesireables, leaving Earth's resources to themselves. To this end they will force deadly "vaccines", create severe, long-term food shortages and inter dissenters in concentration camps under the auspices of "public safety.

These same globalists fund the Wuhan labs, W.H.O. and nearly all vaccine research worldwide.

These same globalists control the Mainstrean Media. Almost ALL of it! The media is used to foment the fear necessary to prime the masses for a mandatory vaccine

Think about it. This is not some "conspiracy theory". These are facts. The only thing I am doing is putting them in order, to make it more visible.


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