Tuesday, April 28, 2020

It Was NEVER About A Corona Virus

For months America and the world has been in the grip of a "pandemic", and although the media, government officials and medical "experts" are all working overtime to convince us this is close to an EE (extinction event), it is not. In fact, this entire "crisis" was never even about a virus, and those who have taken the time to do their research know that. I have posted much of the research in previous blog posts, so I will not be wasting too much time on that. The purpose of this post is to show how a variety of powerful groups and individuals have used this corona virus as a "front", to push their insidious agendas, each with their own purpose, but all toward the same end - total control. All the marbles!

There are multiple groups involved in this worldwide scam, and some have agendas that overlap, and many of the individual participants are involved in more than one. Here are the most obvious with a few examples as to who:

  • Supporters of eugenics see this virus, if kept going long enough, to be the answer to their prayers of being rid of the "unfit" (Globalists, Bill Gates, George Soros, Planned Parenthood)
  • Globalists/elites who are using this crisis to push their own agenda of a globalist society they control (Bill Gates, George Soros, Dr Anthony Fauci, Dr Birx, the Clinton's, the Bush's, The Obama's, celebrities)
  • Democrats who see this crisis as a vehicle to retake control of the Congress and White House (almost All Democrat politicians, celebrities, George Soros)
  • Other progressives and "socialist" liberals who view the crisis to be a useful tool to promote socialism (Bernie Sanders, Bernie supporters, George Soros, some celebrities and some Democrats)
  • Profiteers like big drug companies and those trying to make and push vaccines (Bill Gates, big pharma, Dr Fauci - again)

First, as to why I call this a scam. There is no such thing as a "virus" - not one has ever been isolated, and not even the CDC can provide a sample. This, whatever the cause, is only a FLU, all of which are fabricated in labs. The scam starts when those groups USE that, intentionally make it worse, all to push their agendas. They inflate the scam 100 fold with PCR tests, which do NOT test for Covid-19. In fact, a PCR test will read positive for ANY corona virus, including any flu, or even the common cold. Then they use the media to stoke up fear among the masses, making the people vulnerable and pliable, willing to give up liberty in exchange for safety. They blame almost all deaths on the virus, inflating the mortality rate times 100 to keep building on those fears. They push local/state governments into suspending  people's rights, illegally, and the people just allow them to do that, in the name of safety. And they do all that with an intent to fundamentally change the American form of government; to grab more power for themselves at the expense of the people they are supposed to serve - people like Bill Gates, Doctors Fauci & Birx, the CDC and W.H.O. And, of course - to line their pockets from the greatest mass distribution of wealth the world has ever seen - trillions will be stolen from the economy using fake "vaccines", and closing small businesses to funnel all spending to big businesses like Amazon and WalMart.

All those groups want the same thing, but for different reasons. Left unchecked, the result will be the same - the few globalist elites in complete charge and control over the entire world, with the rest of us serving them, or, if any people fail to serve them well, to be eliminated so as not to waste precious resources (per Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller & Bill Gates).

Future posts to this blog will dig deeper into the facts and probabilities as evidence surfaces and further research results in additional information. Stay tuned...


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