Friday, April 3, 2020

The Resurgence of Eugenics

eugenics -  a set of beliefs and practices that aim to improve the genetic quality of a human population, typically by excluding and/or eliminating people and groups judged to be inferior, and promoting those judged to be superior.

It is important to note the phrase "...judged to be...". As you might then guess, it all depends on who the judges are as to which groups will be deemed inferior, who is deemed superior.

Eugenics, itself, is a sick set of beliefs. For people to think others are expendable simply because they are different - race, religion, age, gender, health, poor, unborn - is just unGodly and wrong. Which accounts for the fact that all eugenicists are atheist. That is not to say all atheists are into eugenics.

It is also the primary reason that eugenicists want Christianity, if not eliminated, at least marginalized. Christians tend to vehemently object to eugenics, including abortion, genocide and assisted suicide.

Eugenics in one form or another has been around at least since the early Greek and Roman empires, but became a prevailing desire by elites in the 19th and 20th century. Just a few of the more famous and outspoken supporters of eugenics include Darwin, George Bernard Shaw, Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Alexander Graham Bell, Helen Keller, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Plato, Corn Flakes inventor John Kellogg, Greta Thunberg's grandfather Nobel Prize Winner Svante Arrhenius, and the most infamous - Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood and Adolf Hitler.

For those who believe that eugenics, itself, has been "eradicated", think again.

Today's eugenics supporters have decided it is best to remain behind the curtain - to not advertise. Instead, they are quietly working on IMPLEMENTATION, secretly. One example was the wholesale vaccinations in Kenya, Africa for tetanus which was laced with infertility chemicals. That little ditty was sponsored by the United Nations and - brace yourself - the World Health Organization (W.H.O.) and it looks like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. NOTE: the W.H.O. gets much of their funding from China, the country where all these (genetically modified?) viruses seem to be originating from. This was confirmed in a science paper that detailed the spiking of vaccines with infertility chemicals. See: Oller, J.W., Shaw, C.A., Tomljenovic, L., Karanja, S.K., Ngare, W., Clement, F.M. and Pillette, J.R. (2017), HCG Found in WHO Tetanus Vaccine in Kenya Raises Concern in the Developing World. Open Access Library Journal, 4: e3937.

In 2010, Bill Gates put on a seminar, on video, where he insinuates that eugenics may be useful in reducing carbon emissions. His speech was meant in part to push his strong support of vaccines, and he has stepped down from Microsoft to pursue vaccine creation - including vaccines that are "salted" with a nanotech chip to track everyone, presented in an enzyme with the name - wait for it - LUCIFERASE. It pretty much resembles the "mark of the beast" mentioned in Revelations, without which you cannot buy or sell anything, and are thereby eliminated. In short, Revelations claims the beginning of the end starts with widespread eugenics. If you cannot buy or sell, you cannot eat, cannot get medical attention, cannot even  get proper housing. For fear of being labeled a "conspiracy theorist" (again), I suspect the vaccines will be used to depopulate the planet, since that is a major goal of Gates and his globalist buddies.

NOTE: it is reported that Dr. Anthony Fauci has a large financial connection with the Bill Gates Foundation, and we know Gates to be a supporter of eugenics from his 2010 videotaped speech  -see

We already know that the WuHan Institute of Virology is partially funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. As for rumors that eugenicist George Soros is involved in the WuHan, China virology labs that are now reported to be the source of this Novel Corona Virus, check this out:

George Soros link to Wuhan biolab:

Check this link:

Look for 'WUXI PHARMATECH CAYMAN INC', owned SOLELY by George Soros

Now open this link: where it states work on a NOVEL corona virus, irreversible, and it is being done by:

Hubei BioPharmaceutical Industrial Technological Institute Inc, No. 666 High Tech Avenue, East Lake High Tech Development Zone, Wuhan Hubei 430075, China
Humanwell Healthcare (Group) Co., Ltd, No. 666 High Tech Avenue, East Lake High Tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei 430075, China
Domestic  Discovery  Service  Unit,  WuXi  AppTec,  288  Fute  Zhong  Road,  Waigaoqiao  Free  Trade  Zone, Shanghai 200131, China

Judging from these official documents, it appears Soros, a eugenicist,  is inextricably connected to the development of NOVEL corona virus via the labs in WuHan, China.

As a side note: it is my guess that Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr, Deborah Birx are also supporters of eugenics.

The mainstream media will call this a "conspiracy theory". But those documents are real. There is little "theory" about it.

Eugenics is alive and well in the world, and in America, and the richest, most powerful of the elite are behind it, secretly trying to create a globalist society of people THEY choose to share it with. And that will not likely include you or your family. And today, with the CDC recommending mandatory wearing of masks, it begins. Science says masks cannot stop a virus so be assured this is just step 2 in their eugenics plan (step 1 was creating and releasing a virus) Step 3 will be a death-inducing "vaccine" designed specifically to kill off all the "unfit" - up to 95% of the world population according to the claims the global elites are spewing. BEWARE THE VACCINE!

Make no mistake - this threat is real. And they WILL get away with it unless and until the people wake up, and stop it!

As for myself, I will be suspicious of any new "vaccines" in the future, unless they can be proven to be free of any nano technology.


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