Saturday, February 15, 2020

Did President Trump Ever Claim To Be A King?

Trending today - "YOU ARE NOT A KING". The thread was created around a claim that President Trump claimed to be a king. The question is two-fold:

1) Did he make such a claim, and

2) If not, who started such a claim

We begin by determining the basis for any such claim. According to SNOPES and our own research, it began when President Trump "did directly quote the conspiracy theorist and radio host Wayne Allyn Root as saying that “The Jewish people in Israel love [Trump] like he’s the King of Israel” and “like he is the second coming of God.". In other words, Mr. Root, not Trump, made the "king" reference. Trump only quoted him directly, and did not make any claim to it, nor that he believed any of it.

I have been known to quote Obama and Bush - that does not mean I believe in every word they said. On the contrary.

Radical liberals, likely funded by one of the 123 organizations funded by George Soros picked it up. Knowing how ignorant Twitter trolls (i.e. brain-dead zombies) are, they simply put out the claim that Trump claimed to be King, and removed the context that it was a quote by someone else. And just as predicted, the rabid Trump haters on Twitter swallowed it hook, line and sinker, never bothering to even look for the truth. It did not take long at all for it to trend, as liberal trolls on Twitter have a gang mentality, which propelled the lie around the world.

And that was the intent. The PuppetMaster had his minions put out a lie, and his puppets fed it to the Twitter trolls. That's how it is done in the world of fascists. Saul Alinski wrote about it in "Rules for Radicals." Adolph Hitler wrote about it in "Mein Kampf".

The fact that YOU ARE NOT A KING is trending says much more about the Trump-haters on Twitter than it does about President Trump.


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