Monday, March 9, 2020

Why Conservatives Get "Shadow Banned" on Social Media

Twitter says they do not shadow ban. That is bull! In fact, it is a blatant and provable lie. They claim innocence by calling it something else, even though it has the same effect.

Here's how it "works", according to Twitter:

You can suffer the effects of shadow banning not by Twitter, but because "numerous people complain" about one or more of your tweets. In other words, Twitter does not directly ban a person - they let others do it for them. The effect is the same, and they know it.

They also know something else - the only people likely to complain are liberals. It's no different from anywhere else in America - liberals at college campuses actively squelch the speech of anyone they disagree with. And they gang up - a mob - in order to do that. We see it when they shout down - or even ban - conservative speakers on campus. We see it when they physically attack conservatives on the street, or harass them in restaurants, churches - even in front of their homes.

Yes, Twitter knows that only liberal snowflakes complain and report people. And conservatives who make valid points that damage the liberal narrative are ganged up on, attacked, and "reported", resulting in the conservative being shadow banned.

Conservatives, by their nature, do not attack those they disagree with. They do not censor people. They are reserved - which is actually a conservative trait (which is why we are referred to as the "silent majority").

I say it's time conservatives fight back. Trump is showing us how. And if we do not fight back, liberals will not stop until they have torn up the Constitution and permanently deprived us of the right of free speech. They are attempting that now, with the "Politically Correct" speech they try to force on us, and with their "cancel culture", where they literally destroy anyone they oppose.

Yes, it is time we fight back. On social media, we can use the same tactics. And though we may not like having to  lower ourselves to their level, that is the only way we can stop them. When we see a post that is blatant misinformation, we should all gather and report it. We should, anyway, because misinformation has no place in any media.

As conservative patriots who love our country, we have an obligation to crush the liberal misinformation that is dividing our nation. And while we likely cannot have much affect on fake news sites like CNN and MSNBC, we CAN clean up social media, but only if we work at it, the way liberals do.

But to be effective, it is imperative that we go where the liberals congregate to spew their vitriol. If you see a "trending" thread that is obviously liberal, like "TrumpIsRacist", that's where we need to be, to fight back. As Jesus said, we must go among the sinners, because the righteous don't need us. Take the fight to them, or lose the fight.

Find a liberal tweet that is a blatant falsehood - libelous - and let all your followers know, and have them all visit the post and report it. And if enough of us do that, we can change the narrative. And we must!


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