Monday, February 3, 2020

Nobel Peace Prize is Such A Farce - More Evidence

I used to believe, as do many, that a Nobel Prize of anything was a truly distinguishing achievement.

That was before I did some research and easily discoved things like Barak Obama receiving the Peace Prize upon getting elected - even though he had never done anything at all in the name of peace, and that all it took was to simply be a liberal globalist getting elected. In fact, President Obama droned more people than any other president, built cages for immigrant children and sold automatic weapons to the Mexican Cartels.

And today, Swedish (of course) lawmakers nominated Greta Thunberg for the Nobel Peace Prize, though nothing she has done contributes to world peace. On the contrary, she has been divisive. And I am sure that the fact her great grand-father was a Nobel Committee founder who awarded the Peace Prize to himself has nothing to do with this nomination. Nothing at all. Right?

In going back to the very founding of the Nobel Prize committee, this comes up, which shows Greta's real motives, and they are very contrary to humanitarian efforts. Seems she has taken up her great grandfather's cause:

"According to records, Greta Thunberg is a great grand-daughter to Svante Arrhenius who was involved in eugenics and was a member of the board of the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene (i.e. ethnic cleansing). In other words, he pushed a Nazi agenda. The website states the following about this:

"Arrhenius involved himself in the eugenics movement by joining the Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene, a group focused on researching and promoting the benefits of controlled reproduction in humans (Broberg & Roll-Hansen, 2005). This society was formed in 1909 in an attempt to popularize eugenics and encourage policy changes to promote eugenics (Bjorkman & Widmalm, 2010). The "population control" - eugenics - was directed at those who were not "pure" - the same standard set by the Nazi party. Arrhenius was not only a member of the society; he was on the board."

And it gets worse...

Greta's great-grandfather, this Svante Arrhenius became involved in the founding of the Nobel Institute and the associated Nobel Prizes. He used his influential position as a founder to arrange Nobel Prizes for his friends (Jacobus van't Hoff, Wilhelm Ostwald and Theodore Richards) and tried to prevent his enemies (Paul Ehrlich, Walther Nernst, Dmitri Mendeleev) from receiving them. HE also gave himself a Nobel Prize because he was involved in setting up the institute that awards the prizes. So science, then, was all about favoritism and not about scientific endeavor.

According to several well-researched stories, the global warming story is about establishing a world government and population reduction via ethnic cleansing. In fact, a manifesto from a former UN Secretary General shows that global warming was invented to frighten the world population and then push through an agenda of population reduction, that the population must be reduced to fight climate change. Eugenics, again.  That is the same agenda that can be traced to Greta's great-grandfather, who awarded himself a Nobel Prize.

And as recently s 2015 Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N.’s Framework Convention on Climate Change  stated, “This is the first time in the history of mankind that we are setting ourselves the task of intentionally, within a defined period of time, to change the economic development model (capitalism) that has been reigning for at least 150 years, since the Industrial Revolution.”. That would require destroying America as a Constitutional Republic, taking our wealth, and re-start their quest for population control (eugenics)

'Nuff said...

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