Monday, February 3, 2020

Impeachment Is Not About Trump - It's About the Senate

[Editor's Note: if you value our Constitutional Republic and wish to do your part in preserving it for future generations, it takes more than just saying, "Yeah, this post hits the mark!" It takes YOU, passing it on - Facebook, Twitter, emails - whatever you can do. This time the "Silent Majority" has to do more than just talk a good game. We need to come together and ACT. Thank you]

Will Republicans Win The Battle But Lose the War?

Republicans throughout the nation are pulling together to insure a Trump re-election in 2020. And from the current window, it looks increasingly like a shoe-in. It looks as though they will win the battle - but can easily lose the war!

Think about it - by focusing on the Presidential election, the eye is taken off the ball in play. If Trump wins the White house, but loses the Senate, he will be neutered. Without a Republican Senate, he will be unable to install any more Supreme Court Justices - or ANY judges at all. Trade deals will sink. Immigration reform will become "open borders". In fact, the entire Trump agenda will shrivel, and "Keep America Great" will become nothing more than a fading bumper sticker, and any hope of a "red wave" will consist only of the tears of conservatives having lost any hope of limited government.

The purpose of this post is to wake Republicans up. All Republicans in every state. Don't worry about Trump - he'll be re-elected because he has been keeping his promises to make America great again. But to KEEP it great will require getting out there and giving full, strong support to every Republican running for the Senate and the House in your district.

Make no mistake - Pelosi is NOT trying to take down Trump - she gave up on that because she sees what we all see - he will likely sweep. Instead, she is keenly focused on putting Republican Senators from swing districts into tight spots by forcing them to take positions that their districts may not favor. For example, Senators like Cory Gardner and Susan Collins, both from "blue" states, will be forced to vote on convicting or exonerating Trump on the impeachment charges.

We can count on Pelosi stooping as far as necessary to usurp Republicans in Senate and House races. She will use every dirty trick she can dream up. She will spin like a gyroscope, and lie like Baghdad Bob. Be prepared for it, and support your Republican candidates at every level of government.

And here is the WHY behind the desperation of Democrats  - they realize Ruth Bader Ginsberg is unlikely to remain a Justice for 5 more years, and if Trump is re-elected, and the Senate remains in the hands of Republicans, the liberal agenda is done - not just for 4 years, but for 40.

We do not need to Congress to be "red" forever, but we do need to turn it red for at least four more years if we are to give Trump what he needs to finish the job of making - and keeping - America great.

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