Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Democrats in Massive Cover-up Mode

Despite Democrats trying to claim that the impeachment push and their many "investigations" are not political and are for the purpose of protecting America from corruption, the opposite is actually true. All of the efforts of the Democrats in D.C., and most of the media is designed for one purpose only - to cover up their corrupting of our democracy.

Unelected Obama-era CIA, DOJ and the State Department personnel have created a vicious and powerful "Deep State" that is, in and of itself, a silent coup. The evidence has been substantiated by investigative reporters like John Solomon and Sara Carter. But most Americans will never know, because the mainstream media like the New York Times, CNN, Google, Yahoo and Twitter are also run by the radical left, and they refuse to tell the truth - and as we have seen over and over, they often resort to fake news - outright lies.

They have been manipulating America for years, using their vast power and resources to run things by keeping citizens uninformed and by using propaganda to convince the people that all is well - just "sit back, shut up and do what you are told."

But with Trump in the Oval Office and Barr as AG, and with the Durham report coming out soon, the Democrats, the media and the deep state are scared to death - it could all unravel. America might actually get a look behind the curtain, to see a little, hateful, power-mad wizard pulling all the strings. They cannot allow that to happen - decades of building their authoritarian society, since the liberal revolution of the '60's is about to be rendered into mash, if Trump and Republicans have their way.

Decades of taking over the media and our educational system was on the verge of giving the radical left complete control of the country, now in jeopardy as Trump attempts to drain the swamp.

The impeachment and untold investigations are a smokescreen, to cover up what they have been doing.

If anyone doubts this, just look at the insane positions they are suddenly taking, designed to destroy, not build. Support of terrorists like Antifa. Refusing to support (and even hand-cuffing) law enforcement. Support of violent protests. Pushing late term and even after birth abortions. Fighting for open borders and taxpayer funding for health care and education for illegal aliens. Sanctuary cities that allow non-citizen criminals to terrorize the population, unchecked. Banning everything, and ignoring Constitutional rights of free speech, religion, association, and even due process. Even their refusal to look into the REAL scandals, like the Biden-Ukraine debacle or the Hillary Clinton crimes of destroying emails for which there was a subpoena. Or the apparent "pay-for-play" scam known as the Clinton Foundation.

The Democrats in D.C., with the help of their handlers in the media and the useful idiots in our educational institutions have been openly destroying the very fabric of our Republic, all while telling the people that such changes are "social justice".

But now they are scared of being outed for the corrupt anti-democracy bunch that they are. In desperation they are turning up the heat, trying to create a smokescreen and to derail efforts to drain that swamp.

Republicans, led by Trump, are draining the swamp. And the swamp creatures are fighting back.


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