Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Destruction of Democracy in America

The only way to destroy our democracy is to severely damage the institutions of democracy. Who has been systematically  doing that? Who is responsible for destroying the credibility of the FBI by abusing their power to take down a duly elected president? Who usurped the confirmation process by resisting at any cost any nominee that a president appoints, even to the point of setting up phony charges (as in Kavanaugh) and denying him the Constitutional Right of due process? And who is it that is upending the impeachment process by not following the rules, and denying due process to the President and his administration, holding secret meetings and hearings in private, without any Republicans even allowed to sit in?

Just exactly which institutions has Trump damaged? Only the biased media intent on ousting him from office, no matter what lies they have to propagate. And a corrupt media is damaging  to our democracy, and have been corrupted by democrats (or vice versa?) seeking power.

When democrats and their henchmen in the media tell us that it is Trump who is destroying the democracy, they are projecting themselves. They destroy, then tell the public, "Look at the damage Trump is doing!"

Trump's actions are not destroying our institutions - he is trying  to REPAIR them, to force them to once again serve the people, rather than themselves. In their quest for unlimited power, the left is willing to completely destroy anything and  anyone. Trump does not need power - he already has it. And the left wants to take it from him.

The left does not want a fair and balanced media. The left wants to be able to use the unfettered power of government - the FBI, CIA, IRS - to push their agenda at all costs, even if it harms the citizenry, or even destroys our democracy. They want only radicals to be appointed to positions of power - no Kavanaughs, no one who will keep the left from achieving their goals, even if it means violating the Constitution.

The Constitution provides for due process, the right to bear arms, religious freedom without government intervention, free speech and due process. It is only the left that is systematically diluting those rights, with the intent of eventually removing them altogether. And the reason is simple - those are precisely the rights and values that prevent the left from taking over and imposing their will over the citizens of this nation. It's all about control - complete control.

If their government runs health care - making your life and death decisions for you - they control you. If they get you addicted to welfare, or drugs, or anything at all, they control you through your addiction. If they remove Christianity from the public sphere, and destroy the effectiveness of law enforcement (which the left is now doing) they open the door to unparalleled sin - Sodom and Gomorrah - which only serves to add to their power. After all, if you are allowed to do whatever you want without consequence, you will keep those in power who have made that possible. And if any sane, moral and patriotic citizens object? No matter - the left will have taken their guns, so they cannot fight back.

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