Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Hillary in 2020? Don't Discount It

On March 26, 2019 I posted the following blog:

In that blog I stated, "Anyone who discounts the real possibility of a second Trump-Hillary match-up would be making a mistake." And I was nearly laughed out of the blogosphere. But suddenly, all the late-to-the-party pundits are now trying to reincarnate her campaign as they fear a landslide for Trump with the current field of Democrat contenders.

But can she win?

Well, she can raise the money. And she is still a powerful force, at least in the media. And she could reconstitute her campaign staff in a heartbeat. Most important, she likely learned something about how and why she lost last time and will not repeat those mistakes. So, yes, it is possible.

But is it likely she would win?

No. Too much baggage. She made too many mistakes out of arrogance. She has alienated half the country. The states she ignored last time may not be very forgiving. And the current field, along with the "squad" and a complicit media have taken the Democrat party far to the left, and it is unlikely Hillary can convince them she is their ticket. Those voters will likely stay home.

But most important, she is no match for Donald Trump. She cannot simply erase all the great things he has done - lowest unemployment rate in history; best economy in many decades; getting better trade deals; taking on China; prison reform - the list goes on.

Hillary, if you are listening, go spend time with your grandkids, or take a long walk in the woods...


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