Friday, August 16, 2019

Rep. Tlaib - A Phony Trying To Score Points Against Israel

Rep. Tlaib set out with Ilhan Omar to create a "gotcha" moment for Israel. They knew that Israel law does not permit access to Israel by anyone who advocates for BDS (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions), so they said they wanted to visit Israel, knowing they would not be allowed to enter, thereby giving Tlaib and Omar their "gotcha" moment, claiming Israel is not really democratic, and, of course "racist". And it would have worked if Tlaib had not decided to push it further by writing them a letter beseeching them to please let her visit her 90 year old grandma one last time.

Tlaib fully expected to be denied, so she could show a copy of the "humanitarian" letter to the press along with Israel's rejection. But Israel did NOT reject her plea - they told Tlaib she could visit her grandma.

Tlaib immediately did a turnaround and said she doesn't want to go after all. "I have decided that visiting my grandmother under these oppressive conditions stands against everything I believe in — fighting against racism, oppression & injustice," Tlaib tweeted Friday. Apparently, seeing her 90 year old granny was not important after all. What was MORE important was scoring points against Israel, and it backfired. She was a phony, and got called out.

And just for the record, neither Palestinian nor Jew is a "race", so her accusation of racism is just as phony as she is. Racism is the far-left's go-to slur whenever they get caught with their hand in the cookie jar.


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