Friday, August 9, 2019

Do Democrats Really Believe Trump is Racist?

Many of the Democrat candidates for political office, many liberal elites and almost all mainstream media are quick to call Trump a racist and white supremacist. He's not, of course, and they all know it. So why do they insist on calling him that?

They do not believe Trump is racist. What they DO believe is that by labeling him that, and calling him that in a concerted non-stop  "choir", they just might convince enough voters so the Democrts might win elections without having to offer good policies. To Democrats, it's all about power, and nothing else. Like Joe Biden said, facts do not matter. What matters is your "personal truth", whether or not that "truth" is true.

For over two years the Democrats, liberals and mainstream media, in order to try and get rid of Trump, peppered us 24/7 with the "fact" that Trump was a Russian agent. We now know that was never true, and they KNEW it was never true. And now that the Mueller Report is out, they have suddenly dropped THAT lie for a new one - that it is a "fact" that Trump is a white supremacist racist, which also is not true, but is designed to get rid of Trump. That's what the left does - rather than stumping on their accomplishments and proposed policies, it is easier to just smear the opponent on a personal level, and there need not be any facts to support their smears. Just get enough people (with the help of the media) to say it often enough and it becomes the "truth" devoid of facts that Biden spoke of.

For those who look closely at DEEDS, and not rhetoric, it is pretty easy to see that the true racists are on the left. Take for example Montgomery County in Maryland (or any elitist liberal enclave). Very elitist; very democrat. They SAY they are all for helping the "little people", the downtrodden minorities. But when it was suggested they open their elite communities to the less fortunate by adding low-cost housing, they all said in one, loud voice, "Not in my neighborhood."

And that is the difference - Trump may talk as if he is racist, but his ACTIONS prove he is not. On the other hand, liberals TALK like they are not racist, but their ACTIONS prove they are. Talk is cheap - actions are what count.

If Jesus were among us today, and were ro run for office as a Republican, the left would label Him a racist, and as proof they would point out that there is no race diversity among His chosen disciples. (Not to mention that so many Democrats today have shown themselves to be anti-semitic, and Jesus was a Jew.)

Vote for whomever has the right ACTIONS in their history (record low unemployment; increased opportunities for minorities; strong foreign plocy to make America stronger), and not those who just TALK a good game and make empty promises (free college; Green new deal; free medical; free, free, free).


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